
Dramatis Personae


1. Childhood
Growing Up in Brotherhood and Unity: 1941–58

2. Meeting Mira
Teenage Sweethearts: 1958–62

3. Building In
First Steps up the Party Ladder: 1962–77

4. The Capitalist Years
Slobodan in America: 1978–82

5. Capturing Belgrade
Using the Network: 1982–4

6. All the President’s Men
Wooing Two Constitutencies: 1985–6

7. Epiphany
Unleashing Nationalism: 1986–April 1987

8. Et Tu, Slobodan
Ousting Stambolic: August–September 1987

9. There Are No Friends Anymore
The Reform Commission and the Yoghurt Revolution: 1988

10. Coronation in Kosovo
1989 and All That

11. War No. 1, Slovenia
Small War in Slovenia, Not Many Dead: 1989–91

12. War No. 2, Croatia
A Joint Criminal Enterprise: 1990–2

13. Street Protests
Ten Days That Shook Belgrade: March 1991

14. What a Carve Up
Preparing for War No. 3, Bosnia: 1991–2

15. War No. 3, Bosnia
The Bosnian Serb Republic: 1993

16. Milan Panic
The Two Republics of Federal Yugoslavia: 1992–3

17. Meanwhile, on the Home Front
Hijacking the Yugoslav Economy: 1992–3

18. Weathering Operation Storm
NATO Bombs the Bosnian Serbs: 1994–5

19. America to the Rescue
Sarajevo Relieved, Eventually: Summer 1995

20. The Only Man Who Matters
Dayton: November 1995

21. Enter Mira, Stage Left
Setting up JUL: 1995–7

22. War No. 4, Kosovo – Part 1
Finishing Unfinished Business: 1998

23. War No. 4, Kosovo – Part 2
NATO Bombs the Serbs: 1999

24. Toppling Milosevic from Budapest
One Day that Shook the World: 5 October 2000

25. Slobodan at The Hague
‘It’s Your Problem’: 2001–2


Picture Section


Appendix 1: Milosevic and Tudjman Court Yugoslavia’s Jews

Appendix 2: Terms of Surrender





A Note on the Author

By the Same Author

List of Illustrations