g Contents
The Portuguese spoken in Brazil differs in various ways from the Portuguese spoken in Portugal. In general, Brazilian pronunciation tends to omit far fewer sounds, especially the sounds at the end of words, and rarely runs two words together, both of which are common practice in Portugal. One feature of Brazilian Portuguese, particularly in the Rio de Janeiro area, is that an “r” sound can be spoken like an “h.” So carro (car) may sound like “ka-hoo.” Another difference lies in the ways of saying “you.” The Portuguese form of placing the definite article in front of a person’s name (o João, a Cristina), as a way of saying “you,” does not exist in Brazil, where você and vocês are the most common words for “you.” The Portuguese tu is not used much in Brazil. A huge number of other vocabulary differences exist, many at the level of everyday speech: train is trem in Brazil, comboio in Portugal; breakfast is café da manhã in Brazil, pequeno almoço in Portugal; bathroom is banheiro in Brazil, casa de banho in Portugal; goalkeeper is goleiro in Brazil, guarda-redes in Portugal; to drive is dirigir in Brazil, conduzir in Portugal. The sound indicated by “ī” in the phrase book is like the “i” in English word “hi.” “J” sounds like the “s” in the word “pleasure.”
Help! | Socorro! | sookorroo |
Stop! | Pare! | pahree |
Call a doctor! | Chame um médico! | shamih oong mehjikoo |
Call an ambulance! | Chame uma ambulância! | shamih ooma amboolans-ya |
Where is the hospital? | Onde é o hospital? | ohnd-yeh oo oshpital |
Police! | Polícia! | poolees-ya |
Fire! | Fogo! | fohgoo |
I’ve been robbed | Fui assaltado | fwee asaltadoo |
Need to know Phrasebook
Yes | Sim | seeng |
No | Não | nowng |
Hello | Olá | ohla |
How are you? | Como vai? | kohmoo vī |
How is it going? | Tudo bem/tudo bom? | toodoo bayng/toodo bong |
Goodbye | Tchau | tshow |
See you later | Até logo | ateh logoo |
Excuse me | Com licença | kong lisaynsa |
I’m sorry | Desculpe | dishkoolp |
Thank you | Obrigado (if a man is speaking)/obrigada (if awoman is speaking) | obrigadoo/obrigada |
Good morning | Bom dia | bong jeea |
Good afternoon | Boa tarde | boh-a tarj |
Good evening/night | Boa noite | boh-a noh-itsh |
Pleased to meet you | Muito prazer | mweengtoo prazayr |
I’m fine | Estou bem/tudo bem | shtoh bayng/toodoo bayng |
Today | Hoje | ohJ |
Yesterday | Ontem ohntayng | |
Tomorrow | Amanhã | aman-yang |
What? | O que? | oo kay |
When? | Quando? | kwandoo |
How? | Como? | kohmoo |
Why? | Por que? | poorkay |
Need to know Phrasebook
On the left/right | À esquerda/direita | a-shkayrda/jirayta |
I don’t understand | Não entendo | nowng ayntayndoo |
Please speak slowly | Fale devagar por favor | falee jivagar poor favohr |
What’s your name? | Qual é seu nome? | kwal eh say-oo nohm |
My name is... | Meu nome é... | may-oo nohm eh |
Go away! | Vá embora! | va aymbora |
That’s fine | Está bem | shtah bayng |
Where is…? | Onde está/fica…? | ohnj shtah/feeka |
When does the bus leave/arrive? | A que horas sai/chega o ônibus? | a kih orash sī/shayga oo ohniboosh |
Is this the way to the…? | Este é o caminho para…? | aysht-yeh oo kameen-yoo pra |
Need to know Phrasebook
big | grande | granj |
small | pequeno | pikaynoo |
hot | quente | kayntsh |
cold | frio | free-oo |
bad | mau | mow |
good | bom | bong |
enough | suficiente | soofis-yayntsh |
open | aberto | abehrtoo |
closed | fechado | fishadoo |
dangerous | perigoso | pirigohzoo |
safe | seguro | sigooroo |
full | cheio | shay-oo |
empty | vazio | vazee-oo |
straight on | reto | rehtoo |
under | debaixo | dibīshoo |
over | em cima | ayng seema |
in front of | em frente de | ayng frayntsh ji |
behind | atrás de | atraJ jih |
first floor | primeiro andar | primayroo andar |
ground floor | térreo | tehrryoo |
lift | elevador | elevadohr |
toilet men’s women’s |
banheiro dos homens das mulheres |
ban-yayroo dooz ohmaynsh dash mool-yehrish |
quick | rápido | rapidoo |
soon | cedo | saydoo |
late | tarde | tarj |
now | agora | agora |
more | mais | mīsh |
less | menos | maynoosh |
a little | um pouco | oong pohkoo |
a lot | muito | mweengtoo |
too much | demais | dimīsh |
entrance | entrada | ayntrada |
exit | saída | sa-eeda |
passport | passaporte | pasaportsh |
Need to know Phrasebook
bank | banco | bankoo |
bureau de change | (casa de) câmbio | (kaza jih) kamb-yoo |
exchange rate | taxa de câmbio | tasha jih kamb-yoo |
post office | correio | koorray-oo |
postcard | cartão postal | kartowng pooshtal |
postbox | caixa de correio | kīsha jih koorray-oo |
ATM | caixa automática | kīsha owtoomatshika |
stamp | selo | sayloo |
cash | dinheiro | jeen-yayroo |
withdraw money | tirar dinheiro | tshirar jeen-yayroo |
Need to know Phrasebook
How much is it? | Quanto é? | kwantweh |
I would like… | Eu quero… | ay-oo kehroo |
clothes | roupa | rohpa |
This one | Esta | ehshta |
That one | Essa | ehsa |
market | mercado | merkadoo |
supermarket | Supermercado | soopermerkadoo |
Do you accept credit cards? | Aceitam cartão de crédito? | asaytowng kartowng jih krehditoo |
expensive | caro | karoo |
baker’s | padaria | padaree-a |
butcher’s | açougue | asohgee |
chemist’s | farmácia | farmas-ya |
Need to know Phrasebook
museum | museu | moozay-oo |
art gallery | galeria de arte | galiree-a jih artsh |
national park | parque nacional | parkee nas-yoonal |
beach | praia | prī-a |
park | parque | parkee |
river | rio | ree-oo |
church | igreja | igray-Ja |
cathedral | catedral | katidrow |
district | bairro | bīrroo |
garden | jardim | Jardeeng |
tourist office | informações turísticas | infoormasoyngsh tooreeshtsheekash |
guide | guia | gee-a |
guided tour | excursão com guia | shkoorsowng kong gee-a |
ticket | bilhete/ingresso | bil-yaytsh/ingrehsoo |
map | mapa | mapa |
Need to know Phrasebook
bus | ônibus | ohniboosh |
boat | barco | barkoo |
train | trem | trayng |
airport | aeroporto | a-ayroopohrtoo |
airplane | avião | av-yowng |
flight | vôo | voh-oo |
bus station | rodoviáriaroodohvyar-ya | |
bus stop | ponto de ônibus | pohntoo j-yohniboosh |
train station | estação de trem | stasowng jih trayng |
ticket | passagem | pasaJayng |
taxi | táxi | taxee |
subway | metrô | metroh |
Need to know Phrasebook
I feel bad/ill | Sinto-me mal/doente | seentoomih mow/dwayntsh |
I need to rest | Preciso descansar | priseezoo jishkansar |
diarrhoea | diarréia | j-yarreh-ya |
pharmacy | farmácia | farmas-ya |
headache | dor de cabeça | dohr jih kabaysa |
medicine | remédio | rimehd-yoo |
sanitary towels/tampons | absorventes/tampões | absoorvayntsh/tampoyngsh |
mosquito | repelente de | ripelayntsh dih |
repellent | mosquito | mooshkeetoo |
doctor | médico | mehjikoo |
condom | camisinha | kamizeen-ya |
Need to know Phrasebook
hotel | hotel | ohteh-oo |
boutique hotel | pousada | pohzada |
guesthouse | pensão | paynsowng |
hostel | albergue | owbehrgee |
Do you have a room? | Tem um quarto? | tayng oong kwartoo |
I have a reservation | Tenho uma reserva | tayn-yooooma risehrva |
single/double (room) | (quarto de) solteiro/casal | (kwartoo jih) sooltayroo/kazow |
shower | chuveiro | shoovayroo |
sheet | lençol | laynsoh |
bed | cama | kama |
pillow | travesseiro | travisayroo |
towel | toalha | twal-ya |
toilet paper | papel higiênico | papeh-oo iJ-yehnikoo |
Need to know Phrasebook
I want to reserve… | Quero reservar… | kehroo rizirvar |
Do you have…? | Tem…? | tayng |
The bill, please | A conta, por favor | a kohnta, poor favohr |
menu | cardápio/menu | kardap-yoo/maynoo |
wine list | lista de vinhos | leeshta de veen-yoosh |
glass | copo | kopoo |
bottle | garrafa | garrafa |
fork | garfo | garfoo |
knife | faca | faka |
spoon | colher | kool-yehr |
restaurant | restaurante | rishtowrantsh |
breakfast | café da manhã | kafeh da man-yang |
lunch | almoço | owmohsoo |
dinner/supper | jantar | Jantar |
(mineral) water | água (mineral) | agwa (minerow) |
vegetarian | vegetariano | vigitar-yanoo |
Is service included? | O serviço está incluído? | oo sirveesoo shtah inklweedoo |
Need to know Phrasebook
açúcar | asookar | sugar |
alho | al-yoo | garlic |
arroz | arrohsh | rice |
azeite | azaytsh | olive oil |
batatas fritas | batatash freetash | chips |
bebida | bibeeda | drink |
bem passado | bayng pasadoo | well done |
bife | beefee | steak |
café | kafeh | coffee |
carne | karnee | beef |
cerveja | sirvayJa | beer |
chá | sha | tea |
churrasco | shoorrashkoo | barbecue |
feijão (preto) | fayJowng (praytoo) | (black) beans |
feijoada | fayJwada | bean and meat stew |
farofa | farofa | dish based on manioc/cassava meal |
frango | frangoo | chicken |
fruta | froota | fruit |
grelhado | gril-yadoo | grilled |
lanche | lanshee | snack |
leite | laytsh | milk |
manteiga | mantayga | butter |
muqueca de peixe | mookehka jih payshee | fish stew with coconut milk |
ovo cozido | ohvoo koozeedoo | hard-boiled egg |
pão | powng | bread |
pão de queijo | powng jih kay-Joo | cheese cookie |
pastel de carne | pashteh-oo jih karnee | puff-pastry patty filled with mince |
pastel de queijo | pashteh-oo jih kay-Joo | puff-pastry patty filled with cheese |
peixe | payshee | fish |
pimenta | pimaynta | pepper |
mal passado | mow pasadoo | rare |
ao ponto | ow pohntoo | medium |
quindim | keenjeeng | coconut and egg sweet |
refrigerante | rifrigirantsh | soft drink |
sal | sow | salt |
sorvete | sohrvaytsh | ice cream |
suco | sookoo | fruit juice |
vinho | veen-yoo | wine |
Need to know Phrasebook
minute | minuto | minootoo |
hour | hora | ora |
half an hour | meia hora | may-a ora |
next week | na próxima semana | na prosima simana |
last month | no mês passado | noo maysh pasadoo |
Monday | segunda-feira | sigoonda fayra |
Tuesday | terça-feira | tayrsa fayra |
Wednesday | quarta-feira | kwarta fayra |
Thursday | quinta-feira | keenta fayra |
Friday | sexta-feira | sayshta fayra |
Saturday | sábado | sabadoo |
Sunday | domingo | doomeengoo |
January | janeiro | Janayroo |
February | fevereiro | feverayroo |
March | março | marsoo |
April | abril | abree-oo |
May | maio | mī-oo |
June | junho | Joon-yoo |
July | julho | Jool-yoo |
August | agosto | agohshtoo |
September | setembro | sitaymbroo |
October | outubro | ohtoobroo |
November | novembro | noovaymbroo |
December | dezembro | dizaymbroo |
Need to know Phrasebook
1 | um/uma | oong/ooma |
2 | dois/duas | doh-ish/doo-ash |
3 | três | traysh |
4 | quatro | kwatroo |
5 | cinco | seenkoo |
6 | seis | saysh |
7 | sete | seht |
8 | oito | oh-itoo |
9 | nove | novee |
10 | dez | dehsh |
11 | onze | ohnzee |
12 | doze | dohzee |
13 | treze | trayzee |
14 | catorze | katohrzee |
15 | quinze | keenzee |
16 | dezesseis | dizesaysh |
17 | dezessete | dizesehtee |
18 | dezoito | dizoh-itoo |
19 | dezenove | dizenovee |
20 | vinte | veentee |
21 | vinte e um | veentih-oong |
30 | trinta | treenta |
40 | quarenta | kwaraynta |
50 | cinqüenta | sinkwaynta |
60 | sessenta | sesaynta |
70 | setenta | setaynta |
80 | oitenta | oh-itaynta |
90 | noventa | nohvaynta |
100 | cem, cento | sayng/sayntoo |
1000 | mil | mee-oo |