The Portuguese spoken in Brazil differs in various ways from the Portuguese spoken in Portugal. In general, Brazilian pronunciation tends to omit far fewer sounds, especially the sounds at the end of words, and rarely runs two words together, both of which are common practice in Portugal. One feature of Brazilian Portuguese, particularly in the Rio de Janeiro area, is that an “r” sound can be spoken like an “h.” So carro (car) may sound like “ka-hoo.” Another difference lies in the ways of saying “you.” The Portuguese form of placing the definite article in front of a person’s name (o João, a Cristina), as a way of saying “you,” does not exist in Brazil, where você and vocês are the most common words for “you.” The Portuguese tu is not used much in Brazil. A huge number of other vocabulary differences exist, many at the level of everyday speech: train is trem in Brazil, comboio in Portugal; breakfast is café da manhã in Brazil, pequeno almoço in Portugal; bathroom is banheiro in Brazil, casa de banho in Portugal; goalkeeper is goleiro in Brazil, guarda-redes in Portugal; to drive is dirigir in Brazil, conduzir in Portugal. The sound indicated by “ī” in the phrase book is like the “i” in English word “hi.” “J” sounds like the “s” in the word “pleasure.”

In an Emergency

Help! Socorro! sookorroo
Stop! Pare! pahree
Call a doctor! Chame um médico! shamih oong mehjikoo
Call an ambulance! Chame uma ambulância! shamih ooma amboolans-ya
Where is the hospital? Onde é o hospital? ohnd-yeh oo oshpital
Police! Polícia! poolees-ya
Fire! Fogo! fohgoo
I’ve been robbed Fui assaltado fwee asaltadoo

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Communication Essentials

Yes Sim seeng
No Não nowng
Hello Olá ohla
How are you? Como vai? kohmoo vī
How is it going? Tudo bem/tudo bom? toodoo bayng/toodo bong
Goodbye Tchau tshow
See you later Até logo ateh logoo
Excuse me Com licença kong lisaynsa
I’m sorry Desculpe dishkoolp
Thank you Obrigado (if a man is speaking)/obrigada (if awoman is speaking) obrigadoo/obrigada
Good morning Bom dia bong jeea
Good afternoon Boa tarde boh-a tarj
Good evening/night Boa noite boh-a noh-itsh
Pleased to meet you Muito prazer mweengtoo prazayr
I’m fine Estou bem/tudo bem shtoh bayng/toodoo bayng
Today Hoje ohJ
Yesterday Ontem ohntayng
Tomorrow Amanhã aman-yang
What? O que? oo kay
When? Quando? kwandoo
How? Como? kohmoo
Why? Por que? poorkay

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Useful Phrases

On the left/right À esquerda/direita a-shkayrda/jirayta
I don’t understand Não entendo nowng ayntayndoo
Please speak slowly Fale devagar por favor falee jivagar poor favohr
What’s your name? Qual é seu nome? kwal eh say-oo nohm
My name is... Meu nome é... may-oo nohm eh
Go away! Vá embora! va aymbora
That’s fine Está bem shtah bayng
Where is…? Onde está/fica…? ohnj shtah/feeka
When does the bus leave/arrive? A que horas sai/chega o ônibus? a kih orash sī/shayga oo ohniboosh
Is this the way to the…? Este é o caminho para…? aysht-yeh oo kameen-yoo pra

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Useful Words

big grande granj
small pequeno pikaynoo
hot quente kayntsh
cold frio free-oo
bad mau mow
good bom bong
enough suficiente soofis-yayntsh
open aberto abehrtoo
closed fechado fishadoo
dangerous perigoso pirigohzoo
safe seguro sigooroo
full cheio shay-oo
empty vazio vazee-oo
straight on reto rehtoo
under debaixo dibīshoo
over em cima ayng seema
in front of em frente de ayng frayntsh ji
behind atrás de atraJ jih
first floor primeiro andar primayroo andar
ground floor térreo tehrryoo
lift elevador elevadohr
dos homens
das mulheres
dooz ohmaynsh
dash mool-yehrish
quick rápido rapidoo
soon cedo saydoo
late tarde tarj
now agora agora
more mais mīsh
less menos maynoosh
a little um pouco oong pohkoo
a lot muito mweengtoo
too much demais dimīsh
entrance entrada ayntrada
exit saída sa-eeda
passport passaporte pasaportsh

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Post Offices AND Banks

bank banco bankoo
bureau de change (casa de) câmbio (kaza jih) kamb-yoo
exchange rate taxa de câmbio tasha jih kamb-yoo
post office correio koorray-oo
postcard cartão postal kartowng pooshtal
postbox caixa de correio kīsha jih koorray-oo
ATM caixa automática kīsha owtoomatshika
stamp selo sayloo
cash dinheiro jeen-yayroo
withdraw money tirar dinheiro tshirar jeen-yayroo

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How much is it? Quanto é? kwantweh
I would like… Eu quero… ay-oo kehroo
clothes roupa rohpa
This one Esta ehshta
That one Essa ehsa
market mercado merkadoo
supermarket Supermercado soopermerkadoo
Do you accept credit cards? Aceitam cartão de crédito? asaytowng kartowng jih krehditoo
expensive caro karoo
baker’s padaria padaree-a
butcher’s açougue asohgee
chemist’s farmácia farmas-ya

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museum museu moozay-oo
art gallery galeria de arte galiree-a jih artsh
national park parque nacional parkee nas-yoonal
beach praia prī-a
park parque parkee
river rio ree-oo
church igreja igray-Ja
cathedral catedral katidrow
district bairro bīrroo
garden jardim Jardeeng
tourist office informações turísticas infoormasoyngsh tooreeshtsheekash
guide guia gee-a
guided tour excursão com guia shkoorsowng kong gee-a
ticket bilhete/ingresso bil-yaytsh/ingrehsoo
map mapa mapa

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bus ônibus ohniboosh
boat barco barkoo
train trem trayng
airport aeroporto a-ayroopohrtoo
airplane avião av-yowng
flight vôo voh-oo
bus station rodoviáriaroodohvyar-ya
bus stop ponto de ônibus pohntoo j-yohniboosh
train station estação de trem stasowng jih trayng
ticket passagem pasaJayng
taxi táxi taxee
subway metrô metroh

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I feel bad/ill Sinto-me mal/doente seentoomih mow/dwayntsh
I need to rest Preciso descansar priseezoo jishkansar
diarrhoea diarréia j-yarreh-ya
pharmacy farmácia farmas-ya
headache dor de cabeça dohr jih kabaysa
medicine remédio rimehd-yoo
sanitary towels/tampons absorventes/tampões absoorvayntsh/tampoyngsh
mosquito repelente de ripelayntsh dih
repellent mosquito mooshkeetoo
doctor médico mehjikoo
condom camisinha kamizeen-ya

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Staying in a Hotel

hotel hotel ohteh-oo
boutique hotel pousada pohzada
guesthouse pensão paynsowng
hostel albergue owbehrgee
Do you have a room? Tem um quarto? tayng oong kwartoo
I have a reservation Tenho uma reserva tayn-yooooma risehrva
single/double (room) (quarto de) solteiro/casal (kwartoo jih) sooltayroo/kazow
shower chuveiro shoovayroo
sheet lençol laynsoh
bed cama kama
pillow travesseiro travisayroo
towel toalha twal-ya
toilet paper papel higiênico papeh-oo iJ-yehnikoo

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Eating Out

I want to reserve… Quero reservar… kehroo rizirvar
Do you have…? Tem…? tayng
The bill, please A conta, por favor a kohnta, poor favohr
menu cardápio/menu kardap-yoo/maynoo
wine list lista de vinhos leeshta de veen-yoosh
glass copo kopoo
bottle garrafa garrafa
fork garfo garfoo
knife faca faka
spoon colher kool-yehr
restaurant restaurante rishtowrantsh
breakfast café da manhã kafeh da man-yang
lunch almoço owmohsoo
dinner/supper jantar Jantar
(mineral) water água (mineral) agwa (minerow)
vegetarian vegetariano vigitar-yanoo
Is service included? O serviço está incluído? oo sirveesoo shtah inklweedoo

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Menu Decoder

açúcar asookar sugar
alho al-yoo garlic
arroz arrohsh rice
azeite azaytsh olive oil
batatas fritas batatash freetash chips
bebida bibeeda drink
bem passado bayng pasadoo well done
bife beefee steak
café kafeh coffee
carne karnee beef
cerveja sirvayJa beer
chá sha tea
churrasco shoorrashkoo barbecue
feijão (preto) fayJowng (praytoo) (black) beans
feijoada fayJwada bean and meat stew
farofa farofa dish based on manioc/cassava meal
frango frangoo chicken
fruta froota fruit
grelhado gril-yadoo grilled
lanche lanshee snack
leite laytsh milk
manteiga mantayga butter
muqueca de peixe mookehka jih payshee fish stew with coconut milk
ovo cozido ohvoo koozeedoo hard-boiled egg
pão powng bread
pão de queijo powng jih kay-Joo cheese cookie
pastel de carne pashteh-oo jih karnee puff-pastry patty filled with mince
pastel de queijo pashteh-oo jih kay-Joo puff-pastry patty filled with cheese
peixe payshee fish
pimenta pimaynta pepper
mal passado mow pasadoo rare
ao ponto ow pohntoo medium
quindim keenjeeng coconut and egg sweet
refrigerante rifrigirantsh soft drink
sal sow salt
sorvete sohrvaytsh ice cream
suco sookoo fruit juice
vinho veen-yoo wine

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minute minuto minootoo
hour hora ora
half an hour meia hora may-a ora
next week na próxima semana na prosima simana
last month no mês passado noo maysh pasadoo
Monday segunda-feira sigoonda fayra
Tuesday terça-feira tayrsa fayra
Wednesday quarta-feira kwarta fayra
Thursday quinta-feira keenta fayra
Friday sexta-feira sayshta fayra
Saturday sábado sabadoo
Sunday domingo doomeengoo
January janeiro Janayroo
February fevereiro feverayroo
March março marsoo
April abril abree-oo
May maio mī-oo
June junho Joon-yoo
July julho Jool-yoo
August agosto agohshtoo
September setembro sitaymbroo
October outubro ohtoobroo
November novembro noovaymbroo
December dezembro dizaymbroo

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1 um/uma oong/ooma
2 dois/duas doh-ish/doo-ash
3 três traysh
4 quatro kwatroo
5 cinco seenkoo
6 seis saysh
7 sete seht
8 oito oh-itoo
9 nove novee
10 dez dehsh
11 onze ohnzee
12 doze dohzee
13 treze trayzee
14 catorze katohrzee
15 quinze keenzee
16 dezesseis dizesaysh
17 dezessete dizesehtee
18 dezoito dizoh-itoo
19 dezenove dizenovee
20 vinte veentee
21 vinte e um veentih-oong
30 trinta treenta
40 quarenta kwaraynta
50 cinqüenta sinkwaynta
60 sessenta sesaynta
70 setenta setaynta
80 oitenta oh-itaynta
90 noventa nohvaynta
100 cem, cento sayng/sayntoo
1000 mil mee-oo