[ Leg Stretch ] 45
Standing Quadriceps Stretch


• Stand holding on to the back of a chair or the wall for balance.

• Bend your left leg at the knee, and grasp your ankle or the top of your foot with your left hand.* Caution—If you have any knee problems, grasp your foot with your opposite hand. This will prevent the knee from splaying out to the side.

• Make sure your body and hips are straight, thighs together. Don’t bend forward at the waist.

• Gently pull your left heel toward your buttocks.

• Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Release.

• Repeat with the other leg.

• Do twice on each side.


•Stretches the quadriceps muscles

•Improves flexibility in the hips


•This is a great stretch for any activity involving the legs, such as running, dancing, bicycling, or aerobics.

*This stretch may also be done lying on your stomach.