Writing a book is like running an ultramarathon. There are challenging climbs, moments where simply taking a step forward feels like the most difficult task in the world. Other times, progress is effortless, and the ease seems like it will last forever. An ultramarathoner needs a crew to get through the difficult stretches, to help locate the sweet spots, merely to keep moving. I needed one for this book, too. Without a diligent and talented support crew, Eat and Run would not have crossed the finish line.
This book would not exist if my good buddy and classmate in the school of hard knocks, Dusty Olson, hadn’t convinced me to run my first 50-miler back in 1994. He was the first, and closest, of the small and eclectic group of athletes, free thinkers, and health seekers to inspire me. Although there are too many to mention, I am indebted to them all. They teach me that anything is possible.
Shannon Weil first prodded me to write a book ten years ago. As co-founding race director of the Western States 100, she has a knack for igniting the spark of potential. Then came along Audrey Young, close friend and passionate writer, who didn’t let me get away with saying I was too busy to put together a book proposal. I doubt this book would have come to fruition if it wasn’t for her generous time and effort.
My agent, Larry Weissman, and his wife, Sascha, saw something more in my story and helped me bring that first proposal to new heights. Susan Canavan and her amazing team at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt have acted as chief support crew, knowing when to lend encouraging advice and when to crack the whip.
Steve Friedman has been my pacer and humble cowriter. A long-time fan of his work, I knew that if I ever did write a book, I would want Steve and his creative keyboard at my side. Besides putting up with my ultra persistence and scattered ideas, Steve helped narrate my life in a way I never would have been able to do, this despite his never running a single step in an ultramarathon. I suspect he now harbors secret ambitions of turning vegan and running a 100-miler. If he does, I’ll be there to pace him.
Sarah Deming, his lovely and diligent assistant, tirelessly researched details of ultrarunning and nutrition that I didn’t even know existed. Her interviewing skills pulled gems I had long forgotten from friends and mentors. A boxer turned runner (she ran her first half marathon after working on the book), I would never want to pick a fight with her. She is indomitable and relentless. And I hear she packs a punch.
Steve, Sarah, and I owe much to friends, family, and experts who graciously gave their precious time in countless interviews. Because of you this book has one more story or one more hint as to what makes me tick. Specifically, I would like to thank Kevin Pates at the Duluth News Tribune for being principal historian of my early running career, Neal Barnard, M.D., and Susan Levin, M.S., R.D., at Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine for their scientific knowledge of a plant-based diet, Timothy Noakes, M.D., D.Sc., Zachary Landman, M.D., and David C. Nieman, Ph.D., who I revere for their ceaseless quest to explain the science behind ultra-endurance. Writing sage Christopher McDougall gave invaluable input and advice on the manuscript and reassured me that there was always an end in sight.
The visuals provided by my generous and artistic friends behind the lens make my story come to life. I am thankful for all who have captured my life in photos that speak for themselves.
There are so many people who influenced my life. While I may not mention you by name, you know who you are. You led me to the rugged, less-traveled trails.
Words do not describe the appreciation I have for Jenny, my trusty partner in life and best friend. She agreed with me about getting Steve to collaborate on the book, and when it looked like the partnership might not occur, she made sure it did. When Jenny wants something to happen, it usually does. I cannot thank her enough for being by my side on many of my all-nighters. She gave this book countless hours of editing and her creative eye. She also brought to it—and me—an understanding of why I chase the dreams I chase, even though they may not seem to make sense. The journey is always more fun and fulfilling with her stride by stride.
Often we need to retrace our steps back to the beginning. I would not be able to run if not for my parents. Dad, while we may not have always seen eye to eye, you provided a simple yet profound wisdom that has made me who I am. “Do things,” you told me. Not sometimes. Always. Mom, while you lost the ability to perform basic tasks that many of us take for granted, you never stopped smiling and finding the morsels of joy in life. If I can maintain that same attitude I will have succeeded. My running idols may have logged more miles and climbed bigger mountains, but you are my main inspiration. I will never stop running for you.
Lastly, I owe a huge debt to the best fans in the world—from the many race volunteers, to the young runners who write letters, to the dedicated followers who send pre-race messages and post-race high fives. I continually receive motivation and support from your stories. You all remind me why I run, why we all run.