Chapter Thirteen

After five minutes alone with Sterling and her friends, Annie knew she’d made a terrible mistake. When Sterling first sat down, Annie thought Bristol was just mad her ex had showed up. After talking for five minutes, she knew it was because Sterling had bad vibes.

Her selfish dream of making it big had outweighed her desire to be with someone wonderful like Bristol. They were getting along so well, too. Annie was sure Bristol was going to kiss her. She could tell by how close Bristol sat and how they held hands, because just friends didn’t do that, did they? She was reeling at the realization that her one-sided crush wasn’t so one-sided. Bristol was into her, and Annie had just fucked that up by making the wrong choice at the worst time.

“Top Shelf is the company you want to sign with. I mean, you could be as big as Bristol Baines,” Sterling said. She leaned closer to Annie. “Bigger than Bristol. You already have such a strong internet presence. I’ve seen your YouTube channel explode over the last month.”

Annie smiled at the compliment. She had worked hard over the last few years, with no breaks except for this one. And she knew she owed it to herself to hear all offers. That’s why she was on tour. Exposure and opportunity. Bristol’s message came through loud and clear about getting a manager before making any rash decisions. “Thank you. I’ve worked hard to get where I am.”

“And I’m here to make sure you get what you deserve. All the fortune and fame you want.”

Annie didn’t like the way Sterling pushed, but she knew that was part of her job. She was there to make sure Annie got signed, and as much as Annie wanted to walk the fuck away from this table, she knew it was rude, and she was in no position to burn bridges. While Sterling cooed over Annie’s presence onstage, she tuned her out and thought about Bristol. Her stomach was in knots wondering if Bristol was upset or if she understood Annie had to play the game.

“I appreciate the confidence you have in me. I would love a tour of the place. Why don’t you text me tomorrow? Like Bristol said, we should pull in about noon.” She stretched and yawned. “In the meantime, I should probably get packed up and maybe catch a nap before we head out. Touring is draining.”

“It’s not that bad,” Sterling said. She finished her second glass of champagne and put the glass firmly on the table. “We’ll work with you on a tour and make sure it’s not a concert every night. Bristol likes to push herself. This wasn’t supposed to be an eighteen-month-long tour. It was only supposed to be a year, but she pushed it out.”

Annie quirked her head. It didn’t sound like something Bristol would do, but she knew all about biting off more than she could chew. “Thanks again. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She nodded at Sterling’s drunk friends. “It was nice to meet you both as well.”

Sterling waved her phone at Annie. “I have your number now, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

Annie waved and gave a deep sigh of relief when she walked down the VIP stairs. She was greeted by one of Bruce’s security guys. His hair wasn’t buzzed like the rest of Bristol’s security detail. He looked like a dude out in the club, except for the Spaulding Security polo stretched over his muscles. “I’m Cam, and I’m here to make sure you get back to your hotel room safely. Are you headed there now?”

Annie was seriously thinking of heading straight for Bristol’s room but wasn’t sure what to say. How much time had passed? Bristol had left her thirty minutes ago. “Yes. Thank you, Cam.” Showing up this late was in poor taste. She would just explain herself to Bristol when they got to the venue tomorrow.

“If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to reach out,” Cam said as he delivered her to her door.

“Thank you.” The suite was quiet, so she shot off a text to Charley.

Hey. I’m up in the room. We’re leaving in about an hour. How’s it going on your end? She wasn’t worried about Charley’s well-being but was afraid she would miss saying good-bye to her. Charley’s flight wasn’t until tonight, so she had the room until at least eleven.

On my way now. Be there in a few.

Annie didn’t want to miss saying good-bye to Charley. She needed her strength and her advice. Vegas had started off with a bang, and then something unsettling had happened when Sterling Mayfield showed up. With a sigh, she scraped up her toiletries, shoved her clothes into her suitcase, and threw everything onto the bed. She decided to send a text to Bristol to let her know she was back at the room in case Bristol thought otherwise.

Thanks for having Cam wait for me. He walked me back to the room. I’m here safe and sound.

She held the phone and waited for three little dots to tell her Bristol at least saw the message and was responding. After five minutes of staring at the screen, she gave up.

Charley burst into the room with her hands raised and both fists fat with stacks of cash. “Guess who got a hand payout?”

“Woohoo! How much did you win?” Annie asked. She smiled when Charley gave her a tight hug.

“Four thousand and change. Are you all packed?”

Annie nodded and pointed at her suitcases. “That’s a nice little treat to take home. What time will your flight get in?”

“Around seven tonight.” Charley scouted the room for anything Annie might have left behind. “Hopefully, I don’t blow all of this.”

“Even if you do, it’s been a super-fun trip and totally worth it.” Annie extended the handle on her luggage and grabbed her messenger bag. “I have to go. I’m sure everyone is downstairs already.” Annie checked the time. She still had a few minutes. “Checkout time is eleven, but you can store your bag downstairs.”

“Hell. I’ll just cart it with me. Maybe I’ll check out a few other casinos. Try my luck elsewhere.”

She hugged Charley. “Thanks so much for coming. I had the best time with you.” She wanted to tell her about her night and the exchange she had with Bristol and Sterling, but it was too fresh, and she was still processing.

“Keep me posted on anything exciting.”

“Let me know when you’re home safe.” Annie waved off Charley’s help and grabbed her bags. “I’ll let you know when we get to LA.” She dreaded the bus ride and hoped for some peace and quiet. She noticed Bristol’s bus wasn’t in the lot and checked her phone again to see if Bristol sent her a message. Her only notification was breaking news on CNN.

When Annie boarded the bus, Vaughn handed her a blanket. “Try to get some sleep. It’ll take a while to reach the arena.”

“Thanks, but I doubt I’ll be able to sleep.”

Vaughn smiled warmly at her. “Long night?”

“Long couple of days.” Annie lowered her voice. “I’m still processing everything, but I was approached by two different record labels in Vegas, and I don’t know what to do or how to feel about it.” She didn’t know why she’d told him when she hadn’t even told Charley all the details. Maybe he felt safer because he was removed.

“That’s amazing,” Vaughn whispered. “Who?”

Annie hesitated. Vaughn had been nothing but kind to her, but he was still Lizzy’s assistant.

“No. Never mind.” He covered his ears playfully. “Don’t tell me. If you want to chat, you let me know, okay?”

Annie smiled. “Thanks, Vaughn, for everything. You’ve been very sweet and nice to me on this tour.”

He winked and moved toward the front of the bus to give her privacy.

After the last six hours of swirling emotions kicking at her chest, Annie didn’t think she would be able to calm down enough to relax but stretched out on three seats and fell sleep before the bus even moved from the curb. She woke up five hours later as the bus jerked in Los Angeles traffic.

She picked up her phone and sighed. Still nothing from Bristol. Determined not to give up, she typed, Los Angeles makes Denver look small. She wanted to keep the message friendly and light. She wanted to follow up with another text but mentally scolded herself. She didn’t want to be a pain in the ass. She genuinely liked Bristol and not because she was the most successful pop star in the world, but because she was warm and kind.

When the bus stopped next to the arena, everyone filed out and headed inside. Not really knowing what to do, Annie followed the crowd in. They all had a purpose except for Annie. She walked around, getting to know the layout of the arena, found her dressing room, and headed down to the main floor after seeing people delivering food. She was hungry and couldn’t remember when she ate her last meal.

“Lunch is here,” Clarissa, one of Lizzy’s assistants, announced to the many workers on the stage. Annie wasn’t in the mood to eat with anyone, so she politely grabbed a sandwich and sat in the stadium seats. People were moving about doing their jobs efficiently. After a year and a half on the road, the crew knew exactly how to work fast together. When her phone vibrated several minutes later with a message, her heart catapulted into her throat, only to lodge there when she read who it was from. It wasn’t Bristol.

If you still want a tour, I’ll send a car to collect you in thirty minutes. That’ll give you time to tour the studios and still get back in plenty of time to rehearse.—Sterling

Annie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She had to make a decision that was best for her. Since Bristol was either ignoring her message or busy with something else, she had to decide. Sounds good. Where should I wait?

I’ll drop you a pin. See you soon! I’m excited.

If Annie was being truthful, she was excited, too. She wasn’t going to sign anything until she had a manager, or at least her lawyer, to look over any contract. That gave her an idea. She composed a quick email to Dani and asked if the firm knew any reputable entertainment managers in the Denver area. She popped the last bite of her sandwich into her mouth and made her way to the location on her phone. She showed her pass to the security guards stationed out front as a limo pulled up smoothly next to her. Sterling poked her head out when the driver opened the door.

“Perfect timing. Get in.”

Annie slipped in and sat opposite Sterling, who looked fresh and sober even though she and her friends had polished off at least one bottle of champagne and a few rounds of shots last night before Annie excused herself. “How was the rest of your night?”

“Wonderful. Vegas is great. I try to get there as often as I can. Was that your first time?”

“Yes. I loved the venue. Gambling was fun, but I sucked at it.”

“It’s not for everybody. Did you like the VIP room? Vegas really takes care of Top Shelf Records. Something to think about,” Sterling said. She offered Annie a water from the compact refrigerator. Annie found her to be charming and sweet, a complete change from last night. She relaxed and gave Sterling her attention.

“We’re one of the largest record companies in the United States and have signed some of the biggest stars, but you already know that. We give our clients everything they could ever want. Signing you would be the biggest thing we’ve done all year. You would be supported with Top Shelf’s time and money. We have the best studios to record in, with some of the best producers.”

Annie held up her hand. “I know all about Top Shelf. You’ve been on my radar for a long time, ever since I picked up a guitar when I was twelve. You don’t need to impress me. I’m already impressed.”

Sterling leaned forward and touched Annie’s knee. “Then tell me what we need to do to sign you?”

Annie felt the jolt in her touch. Not because she was attracted to Sterling, although she was pretty, but because the person who could do the most for her career was offering her everything she’d ever wanted. “Honestly, I want to get through this tour and then do what I can to find a manager before I commit to anything.”

“I completely understand.” Sterling looked out the window and smiled. “Good news. We’re here.”

“That was fast,” Annie said. She waited until the driver opened the door for them. Annie felt slightly frumpy in her summer dress and flat sandals standing next to Sterling, who was dressed in designer clothing and heels. She followed Sterling into the building.

“We have the entire building, so let’s start in the studios. I don’t know who’s recording today, but we’re going to find out.”

Annie couldn’t help the shiver of excitement at the possibility of seeing one of her favorite artists cutting a new album. Sterling tapped lightly on the first door, even though the light above it was red, indicating that somebody was in the studio and they weren’t to be disturbed. A grumpy technical engineer opened the door. When he saw Sterling, he instantly dropped the scowl.

“Who’s in there?” Sterling asked.

“Kingston Brock,” he said as his gaze moved from Sterling to Annie.

Annie took a small step behind Sterling. Sterling turned to her. “Do you like Kingston?”

She didn’t but also didn’t want to be rude. “I’m not familiar with their music.”

Sterling asked to see the schedule. The engineer quietly closed the door and returned with a tablet that he handed to Sterling.

“Okay. We have four artists recording today who you might know. And a few new ones.”

Annie wanted to see the list immediately but waited for Sterling to name off the artists. When she heard Willow McAdams was there, she had to tamp down a squeal. “I know Willow McAdams’s music.” She hoped her voice was chill. Willow had scored several number-one hits in the last year.

“Let’s go say hello,” Sterling said.

Annie followed her down the hall and around several corners until they stood in front of studio fourteen. Sterling knocked softly and stood back. The door flew open, and a giant man towered over them. Again, Annie shrank back, but Sterling took a step forward.

“Dez, we’re here to see Willow.” Immediately, he took a step back and ushered them inside.

“Sorry about the interruption, Willow.” Sterling waved through the glass at Willow, who returned the wave.

“It’s no problem. What’s going on?”

“Just doing a quick tour. I have Annie Foster with me, and she wanted to see the studios.”

Willow waved Annie inside. “You’re touring with Bristol right now, aren’t you? Is the tour over?”

It took all of Annie’s mental effort not to jump up and down with excitement. She was meeting Willow McAdams, and Willow knew who she was! “Not yet. We’re doing a couple of shows before we head up the West Coast. We’ll be done by Labor Day.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Willow said.

“It’s great to meet you, too. What are you working on?” It was hard to have a conversation with everyone watching you.

“My third studio album, called Tricks and Treats.”

“So, I’m hearing it first here,” Annie said.

Willow nodded. “Did you sign with Top Shelf?”

Annie shook her head. “Not yet. I just pulled into town for a concert, and Sterling asked me to come in for a quick tour.” She couldn’t help but smile. She was floating at everyone’s confidence in her, but was she ready for such a long-term commitment? Peyton seemed to be doing well from the treatments, but seeing her on FaceTime video chats wasn’t the same thing as holding her on her lap and smothering her with kisses and hearing her sweet laugh in person. It was also nice to give Sarah and Chase a night off from the pressures of having a sick child. And then there was Raven. What did musicians do with their pets when they traveled for months at a time? Raven would never forgive her. It wasn’t as if she could take her along. She was a high-anxiety cat who hated to leave the apartment. Going to the vet required tranquilizers and prayers. Touring with Raven wasn’t an option. “How do you cope with pets and family on the road?”

Willow set down her guitar and gave Annie her full attention. “It’s not easy. I’m very close with my sisters and my parents. It’s within my means to fly them places if they can get away from their lives.” She gave Annie an encouraging smile. “I’ve decided that I’m the artist who can only do short tours. Top Shelf is very supportive of my schedule and what I want to do. How Bristol Baines is doing an eighteen-month tour is beyond my comprehension. She’s a beast.”

“She’s amazing,” Annie said without hesitation. She sat up straighter when she heard the click of the microphone right before Sterling interrupted them.

“Sorry, Annie, but we have to go. Willow has a lot to do in a short amount of time.”

Willow gave her a quick hug. “Good luck. I hope to see your name around here soon.”

Annie finished the studio tour on a high. Sterling was completely chill. Gone was the high-pressure salesperson trying to get her to sign on the dotted line. She chalked it up to alcohol and tension between Bristol and Sterling. They had a past, and it didn’t end well, according to what she’d read online. She didn’t want to gossip, but maybe she should ask Vaughn about it.

“Not a bad setup, right? I don’t mean to cut it short, but I know you have to get back and do a practice run onstage before tonight’s concert,” Sterling said.

Annie was surprised that it was almost four and still no text from Bristol. “For sure. Top Shelf is an amazing company.”

Sterling didn’t join her in the limo, citing work, but promised the limo would get her back to the arena in a flash. “Can we have a verbal agreement that you won’t sign with another label until you get a manager and sit down with Top Shelf first?”

Annie didn’t want to burn her bridges yet, and honestly had it not been for Bristol whispering in her ear last night, she would have eagerly signed with them today. She shook Sterling’s hand. “Once I’m done with the tour, I’ll get a manager, and we’ll reach out to you first.”

Sterling dropped the sexiest smile that did nothing for Annie. She wasn’t interested in her that way. “I will hold you to it. See you later tonight.”

Annie was surprised. “Oh. You’ll be at the show?”

“I wouldn’t miss it. Maybe if you’re up for it, we can go out after the show. I might not be Bristol Baines, but I can still get us into the best clubs in the city,” Sterling said.

Her smile was so sincere that Annie had a hard time saying no. “I’m leaning toward yes, but let’s see how I feel after the show. I’m still exhausted from Vegas.”

Sterling held her hands up and backed away from the limo. “Go. I’ll see you later. We can plan something if you’re feeling up to it. Break a leg, and rock the crap out of that arena.”

Annie laughed when the driver closed the door. Where was this charmer last night? Sterling Mayfield had turned out to be more than Annie gave her credit for. She ended up being nice and professional while still having a personal touch that made Annie feel like more than a number for Top Shelf Records.