Chapter Nineteen

When Annie felt Bristol’s warm lips against her cheek, she almost melted. If the phone wasn’t in Bristol’s hand, Annie would have turned her head and kissed Bristol on the mouth. But Annie wasn’t sure making a move was the best thing. Plus, this was Bristol Baines, international superstar, and Annie didn’t want to fuck things up. No, if Bristol was interested, she would have to make the first move.

“Was that okay?” Bristol asked.

Annie pretended she didn’t know what Bristol meant, even though her cheek still throbbed from where Bristol’s lips had brushed it. “It was fine.”

Bristol handed her the phone. “Scroll through and let me know which ones you’re okay with me posting.”

Annie felt weak with Bristol so close to her. She stifled a shiver when Bristol’s long hair brushed her arm. “I think they all look great.” She took a deep breath, knowing she was about to cross a line between them. “We look good together.” Her voice was low, and when she turned to face Bristol, Bristol was staring at her mouth.

“I’ll post them all. Give them something to talk about. Come on. Let’s get you to bed,” Bristol said. They both blushed at her innuendo.

“Probably a good idea,” Annie said. It wasn’t that she wasn’t confident around women. She just never knew when to make the first move. Tonight wasn’t the night she would try her luck. And five thirty in the morning didn’t seem like the best idea either.

“You can leave your guitar here in the closet. Nobody will mess with her.” Bristol hid a yawn behind her hand. “You can use the tiny bathroom here, or you can use my bathroom.”

“I’ll use this one here. Thank you for inviting me. It’s been a very fun day. And night. And, well, morning,” Annie said.

Bristol pulled her into a soft hug. “Sleep well.” Annie felt Bristol’s lips on her cheek again and held back a soft moan. Bristol pulled back. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“You sleep well, too,” Annie said. She waited until Bristol closed the door to the back of the bus and leaned against the bunk. What was wrong with her? Obviously, there was something between them, so why wasn’t she acting on it? She softly banged her head on the mattress before digging out a T-shirt and pajama shorts for bed. Why was she so scared? If she made a move and Bristol shot her down, she would only have to feel horribly awkward for like ten days.

She grabbed her toiletries and opened the door to a bathroom that rivaled the size of one on an airplane. It took her a good five minutes to get ready, and by the time she picked a bunk, the sliver of light that peeked out from Bristol’s door had gone dark. Fuck. Way to go, Annie. She pulled the cool sheet over herself and pouted. What should she have done?

She wanted to call her sister for advice, but she knew Sarah was busy getting the day started. Plus, she didn’t want to wake Bristol. She started a breathing exercise to help her relax, and right before sleep took her, she heard Bristol’s door open and saw soft light spill out into the aisle. Through the bottom of the privacy curtain, she saw Bristol stop in front of the bunks.

She rolled onto her side and slid the curtain back. “Are you okay?”

Bristol jumped and put her hand on her heart. Annie would have laughed at the startled look on Bristol’s face, but the second her eyes landed on what Bristol was wearing to bed, she swallowed hard.

“Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you were good. You surprised me. I thought you’d be on the lower bunk,” Bristol said.

“This way I’m actually taller than you. I’m good though. Thank you for checking on me.” Why was Bristol here? Ideas—nice, flirty ideas—popped into her head.

“I felt like we weren’t finished with things,” Bristol said.

Annie leaned forward. “Oh?” She watched Bristol take a step closer.

“It was such a good night, and I ended it too abruptly.”

It was as if a lightning bolt struck her right in her heart. Bristol wanted to kiss her. She was standing in front of Annie wearing a tank top and a pair of boy shorts, looking vulnerable and nervous as fuck. Annie threw caution aside and crooked her finger at Bristol. She brushed her lips softly across hers. “Does this help?”

Bristol nodded and stood on her tippy-toes to get closer. “This helps a lot.”

Their lips met again, passionately this time, after they’d established consent with the first feathery kiss. Annie broke their connection to slide out of the bunk and stand in front of Bristol. She wasn’t going to let this opportunity get away. She hooked her finger in the waistband of Bristol’s shorts and pulled her flush against her. The moment their eyes met, their mouths connected. Bristol’s lips were full and pressed hungrily against Annie’s. Annie felt both weak and strong as Bristol’s velvety tongue stroked hers. She moaned with desperation and hunger. When was the last time she’d been kissed so thoroughly? Her knees felt weak, but the fire that ignited and spread throughout her kept her upright and greedy for more. She wrapped her arms around Bristol to keep her close.

“You’re shaking,” Annie whispered. “Are you cold?”

“I’m definitely not cold,” Bristol said.

Annie ran her hand down Bristol’s arm and entwined their fingers. “I like holding your hand because I know what you can do with these fingers.” After realizing her innuendo, she covered her mouth with her hand and put her forehead against Bristol’s. “You know what I mean.”

Bristol smiled and swiftly kissed her. Annie knew it wouldn’t go beyond what was happening right now. She didn’t want that with Bristol. She wanted it this to mean more than a one-night stand or a quick fling on a tour bus.

“I know what you mean,” Bristol said.

Annie couldn’t help but smile. She’d known they had chemistry, and the last three minutes proved it. “You need to get some sleep so, as much as this pains me, go behind that door and lock it.”

Bristol giggled and kissed Annie on the neck. Annie moaned as Bristol’s lips and tongue made their way from her neck, up to her jaw, and over to her lips. After another minute of kissing, they broke apart.

“Okay. I’m going.” Bristol dropped Annie’s hand and took a step back. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.”

Annie wanted to pull Bristol back into her arms for another kiss, but it was getting late, or early, and that would have been selfish. Bristol had a concert tonight, and Annie didn’t want to be the reason she didn’t perform at a hundred percent. “What took you so long?”

“I’m really bad at reading people,” Bristol said.

Because Bristol looked so vulnerable standing in front of Annie, Annie pulled her into her arms and held her. “You read me right. Now go get some sleep before you don’t.”

When Bristol closed the door to her bedroom, Annie sank onto the bottom bunk. She didn’t have the strength to climb up. What had just happened? She touched her lips and found them tender and still tingling from Bristol’s mouth. Holy fuck. She’d just kissed Bristol Baines. No way was she going to sleep now. Her energy level was off the charts, and she had no way to blow it off. She got on her phone to see if Bristol had posted the photos. She had, and so many people were delighted but also supportive. The queer internet was already speculating. There were only a few jealous remarks, and Annie scrolled past them. Nothing could have spoiled her mood. Not even snippy comments on their photos. If they only knew what had just happened here.

* * *

Annie heard footsteps and shrank into the bunk when she recognized Lizzy’s voice. She checked the time on the phone and was shocked to find that it was almost eleven. Lizzy knocked softly on Bristol’s door.

“Bristol? Are you awake? Are you alone?”

Annie didn’t like what Lizzy was implying. She pulled back the curtain. “Well, I’m not in there, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Lizzy looked at her in surprise and completely avoided what Annie had said. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

Annie shrugged her off. “It’s time to get up.”

“Late night?”

It was Annie’s turn to ignore Lizzy’s question. It was weird how hot and cold Lizzy was with her. One minute she acted like she liked her and the next looked at her with such disdain. “How much longer until we get to the arena? It seems like we’re getting close.” Annie could feel the bus idle in traffic.

“We’re about five minutes from pulling into the Chase Center. We have rooms at the Rembrandt. I’ll have Vaughn email you the room information and key so you can freshen up. I know you’re not on tonight, but you’ll have access to everything like before.”

Annie swore Lizzy’s demeanor softened. Maybe she appreciated that she didn’t find her in Bristol’s bed this morning. “Great. I’ll change and get out of everyone’s way. I’m sure you have a lot of business to tend to today.” She really had no idea but wanted out of the small space she shared with Lizzy. After grabbing her bag, she slipped back into the freakishly small bathroom and got ready for the day. She threw her hair up in a bun because she didn’t have the patience to try anything else. She gathered her things and stealthily made her way to the front of the bus. Bristol, Dom, Lizzy, and her assistants stopped and stared. Annie smiled at the attention.

“Good morning, everyone.”

“Good morning, Annie,” Bristol said.

Annie held her breath when she saw Bristol. She looked amazing. Her hair, still damp from her shower, was braided back and hanging over one shoulder. She was sandwiched between Lizzy and Dom going over whatever was on the iPad.

“Good morning, Bristol.” Knowing she was totally interrupting, she sat far away from them. “As soon as we stop, I’ll jump off.”

“It’s no rush. If you want to stay, you can.”

Annie smiled. “I’ve never been to San Francisco, so I might just look around. Do you need me for anything?” she asked. She blushed when she caught Bristol’s wink.

“You have a good time. San Francisco is a fun place,” Bristol said.

The bus chugged to a stop, and Annie looked out the window. Chase Arena was huge, but she was more excited to see the sights of San Francisco that she’d seen on television and in movies. “I’ll take lots of photos and send them to you. Do you mind if I leave my guitar here?”

“That’s fine. I’ll tell Lou and Dave to give you full access if you return and we’re all inside.”

“Thank you,” Annie said. She exchanged her overnight bag for her backpack, grabbed her sunglasses, and set out to enjoy the hills and hotspots of San Francisco. She FaceTimed Sarah when she reached Bay Front Park. “Look at where I am.” She flipped the view so Sarah could see the ocean.

“That’s so beautiful. I’m jealous.”

Annie noticed the dark circles under her sister’s eyes. “How’s life? You seem stressed. Is Peyton good?”

“She’s great. It’s just work. So many staff members are taking vacations, and it’s hard to fill the schedule.”

“Play the lottery. Then you can win millions and never have to work again.”

“I don’t need the lottery when I have you,” Sarah said. They made faces at one another. “Did you find a manager? Did you call Dani?”

“Not yet. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Top Shelf promised me everything I want, but they seem to be in it for themselves. Does that make sense?”

“No, because I don’t understand any of this. Don’t sign anything.”

Annie shook her head. “I’m not. I told Sterling Mayfield that I promise to hear what Top Shelf had to offer first after the tour and after I find a manager.”

“Let’s talk about the photos with Sterling,” Sarah said.

“Oh, that’s not the real story.”

“I mean, it sure looked like she was very comfortable with you. What’s the real story?”

Annie thought for a moment. What if Sterling had planted people ready to take photos of what had happened that night? Anger flooded her senses the more she thought about it. “I wonder if she planned those photos just to piss Bristol off?”

“Why would Bristol care?”

Annie smiled when Sarah mentioned Bristol. She looked around to ensure privacy and put the phone closer to her face. “Bristol and I hooked up.”

Sarah pulled back. “Shut up! Are you kidding me?” She put her hand over her mouth and looked around. “What? Like hooked up, hooked up?”

“We kissed last night, and it was amazing. Like full-body-against-body kiss. Even though we have some off-the-charts chemistry, I wasn’t going to let it go further because I don’t want to fuck things up.”

“What does that mean?”

“I panicked, truthfully.”

“Oh, stop! Forget about all that. Is she a good kisser? Who kissed who first? I feel like she kissed you because she comes across as such a strong woman who’s kind of a control freak. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“I kissed her, and you are totally wrong. It was lovely. She was lovely.”

“That’s it? That’s the story?” Sarah sounded disappointed.

“That’s a super-huge story!”

“I’m teasing. It really is. I’m so excited for you. Tell me what happened.”

Annie looked around again to make sure nobody could hear her before she told her sister about her and Bristol’s sexual tension. Sarah sighed when Annie described how Bristol returned to the bunks and said they had unfinished business between them. She squealed when Annie told her she kissed Bristol first.

“That’s so romantic. She seems so nice. I hope there’s something there. Bristol couldn’t do any better than you.”

“I’m still in awe.” She noticed her sister’s attention was getting pulled in different directions. “Go. I’ll send photos and keep you posted about what happens on the rest of the tour. Tell Peyton I love her. Maybe I can FaceTime tonight?”

“Sounds great. Love you. Be safe.”

“Love you, too, sis.” Annie disconnected the call and smiled. She was on the top of the world. She took a stroll along the footpath until hunger pangs nudged her to find food. She grabbed a Lyft to a casual seafood restaurant with a high rating on Yelp! and ordered a hot crab sandwich and fries.

The waitress slid her plate in front of her and refreshed her iced tea. “Are you Annie Foster?”

More people were starting to recognize her, which warmed Annie’s heart. “I am.”

“I have tickets to tonight’s show. I didn’t know you were performing.”

“I’m not. Bristol has a local musician scheduled for tonight and tomorrow.”

She adjusted her now-empty tray against her hip. “I wish it was you. Oh, do you mind if I get a picture with you?”

Annie swallowed the fry she’d snagged off her plate and wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Of course not.” Her waitress squatted beside her and took a photo that she immediately posted on Instagram. “Can I tag you?”

“That’s fine.”

Annie watched her scurry away and show other waitresses loitering behind the counter her phone. It was still such a high that people recognized her on the street. A month ago, nobody knew who she was. Now she was taking photos with strangers. She dug into her food with gusto and scrolled through neighborhood news back home.

How’s your day off?

Her heart skipped several beats when an unknown number popped up on her phone. Immediately, she knew it was Bristol. She debated being flirty but settled on being honest.

It’s beautiful by the water. Wish you were here. Sure you can’t sneak away? She added a sad face for effect.

I wish. I’m just about ready to Zoom with a local midday news show.

What station? I’ll tune in.

Annie slipped in her AirPods and waited for Bristol’s answer. She waved over her waitress and asked for the check.

The Bay’s Day’s News.

That was a horrible name for a show, Annie thought. Are you on the tour bus? Annie took a drink of tea right as Bristol sent her a photo. She choked at the unexpected surprise and grabbed her napkin to stop from dribbling all over the table.

“Do you need anything else?” The waitress put Annie’s check on the table and waited until Annie gave her a thumbs-up, signaling that she was okay.

“No, thank you.” Annie smiled and handed the waitress her credit card. She waited until the waitress ran off to close out her ticket to look at the photo of Bristol closely. With her hair loose around her shoulders and her kind eyes, she was breathtaking. Annie remembered those full lips pressed against hers and on the soft, sensitive spot on her neck. Annie touched the screen and smiled.

Did it come through?

Stop texting me. I’m too busy staring at a beautiful woman on my phone, and your messages are messing up my concentration. She dropped a wink emoji after her text and bit her bottom lip to keep from squealing. Who was she anymore?

Gotta go. We’ll chat later.

Annie tipped and signed the receipt. She wanted to get back outside and send Bristol photos of the view and maybe slide in one of herself. It didn’t make sense to send her photos of the ocean since Bristol lived near it, so she snapped a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge and a cute puppy with a caption that read puppies amirite? And finally one of her with her hair loose and curly around her shoulders. You can always postpone the concert and hang out in the park with me. I can buy us wigs and hats. Nobody will recognize us.

Annie sat on a shaded bench and pulled up the website to watch the interview. She missed the introduction but saw the five-minute Zoom chat between her and Michonne Michaels, anchorwoman for The Bay’s Day’s News. She flirted hard with Bristol, who politely smiled and answered her questions professionally. A tinge of jealousy tugged at Annie’s heart. Michonne was beautiful and classy. The gorgeous suit she was wearing was nicer than anything Annie had in her closet. It dawned on her that if she started a relationship with Bristol, or if Bristol would even want one, it would be hard to see people falling all over themselves just to be near Bristol. She probably received tons of fan mail and gifts every day. Annie’s heart slipped a little bit when she thought about how hard it would be to date somebody as famous as Bristol. Not that one tiny make-out session meant they were an item, but Annie had to think about what that really meant. She was the jealous type, but not one to storm off or slam doors. She believed in communication, but it was a two-way street.

Her phone buzzed with a new message from Bristol. You have the prettiest eyes in the world.

And just like that, Annie forgot all the doubts that had flooded her brain a moment ago. Oh, yeah? Thank you. She knew her eyes were her best feature, so she wasn’t going to play the game of oh, no, they’re just ordinary, you’re being too nice. It had taken her six attempts to get the perfect selfie, and it was all about her eyes. I just watched your interview. I don’t know how you can sleep for only four hours and look so good.

Bristol sent five laughing emojis with tears. I have an entourage of makeup artists who are paid a fortune to make me look like I’m well rested and alive.

That’s not true. I just saw you without any makeup on, and you looked incredible. But I do think you need more sleep. Promise me that when the tour is over, you’ll stay in bed for like a week, only waking up to eat and drink and shower.

When the phone rang, it startled her, and Annie almost dropped it. It was Bristol. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Bristol said.

“That was a good interview.” Annie wanted to go on about everything she noticed, from her sexy smile to the tiny heart necklace that rested just below the soft spot between her collarbones, but Bristol had to be tired of hearing nothing but compliments everywhere she went.

“Michonne does a great job at making guests feel at ease.”

“She was flirting with you.” Annie couldn’t help but point out the obvious.

“She was, but I’m not interested in her.”


“Nope. Not her.”

“Even though she’s lives in California and is just a plane ride away?”

“Not even a little bit.”

“Oh. That’s good to hear,” Annie said. She decided she was horrible at flirting and decided to abandon it. “What are you doing the rest of your day? More interviews?” She hated herself for changing the subject, but she was nervous and felt the need to fill the silence.

“The usual. I’ll practice with the dancers to make sure I don’t forget the routine.”

“You’re flawless onstage,” Annie said.

“Only because I practice so much.” Bristol laughed softly. “I mess up a lot.”

Annie pressed her lips together tightly as she thought about how hard Bristol was on herself. “You’re great. Don’t let them get you down. Less than ten performances left.” Her voice softened. “You can do that, right?”

“I can and I will. But enough about work. What are you going to do now that you have two nights off?”

“I don’t know really. It’s kind of fun seeing things that I’ve only ever seen on television. San Francisco has so many things to do, but I’ll definitely be at the concerts.”

“I’m excited to see you again. Did Lizzy send you the mobile key for your room?”

“Vaughn did. Thank you. I’m excited to take a hot shower and put on clean clothes.” Annie checked her watch. There was still time to shop for an outfit for tonight. By now, she’d recycled her clothes and had yet to see the same thing on Bristol. Not that it was a competition, but she wanted to look better for Bristol. The clothes she had were simple and comfortable, but not sexy. She needed sexy.

“I’m sure you know, but after the concert, we’re having a little get-together at the hotel. Please say you’ll be there. I’d love to see you again.”

Whatever emotion was jackhammering at her heart, Annie took a deep breath and let it in. “I’ll be there.”