A ‘strike’ in ten-pin bowling means knocking over all ten pins with one shot. Repeat this spectacular feat over and over and your score will go up and up – the points you get in the frame following each strike are doubled. Use these top tips to achieve super-striker status among your friends.


Choose the heaviest ball you can lift with the thumb and second and third fingers of one hand. More weight gives more power to your shot. Make sure the holes are big enough – you don’t want to get a finger stuck and go flying after your ball!


To find the right starting point, take four paces away from the ‘foul line’, then turn to face the pins. If you are right-handed, line up your left foot with the large dot marking the centre of the lane (line up your right foot if you are left-handed).

For a pin-point perfect strike, right-handers should target the ‘pocket’, or gap, between pin one and pin three. Left-handers should aim for the pocket between pin one and pin two. Line your shot up with the shoulder of your throwing arm, as the ball will come from that side of your body, not the centre.


1. On the first step (with your right foot if you are right-handed, your left foot if you are left-handed) lift the ball up in front of you, lining it up with your target. Use the arrows marked part way down the lane to help guide you.

2. Swing the ball back on your second step – be careful not to accidentally let go at this point. As you take your third and fourth steps keep your eyes on your target and use the ball’s momentum and your own forwards movement to swing your arm forwards.

3. Release the ball just as you are about to bring your hand back up. The weight of the ball pulling on your hand will help you know when to let go. A long, strong follow-through is vital to keep the ball on line, so bring your hand up in line with your target.

Watch those pins crash to the ground!

Unbeatable tip. Take care not to let your foot go over the foul line, as your strike will not count. The lanes are also kept nice and smooth with regular oiling, so chances are you might take a tumble, as well.