
No story comes together easily. This one was harder than most. I couldn’t have done it without the brainstorming help of Susan Crawford, Regina Jennings, and my brilliant and insightful husband, Eddie, who knows much more about the workings of the criminal underworld than I’d ever imagined.

Once again to my my critique partners, Normandie Fischer, Kara Hunt, Jericha Kingston, Candice Sue Patterson, Sharon Srock, Pegg Thomas, and Terri Weldon—you make me look good. I couldn’t do this without you.

Misty Beller, your marketing advice is invaluable, as is your friendship.

Thank you, Ray Rhamey, for your excellent editing.

Sara Jo Odom—whom I’m lucky enough to call Mom—thank you for all your support—and your proofreading skills as well.

Eddie, Nick, Lexi, and Jacob, your encouragement means more than I can express. It’s an odd person who makes up fictional characters for a living and a special family that will encourage the dream.

Finally and most importantly, thank you, Lord, for the story idea and the ability to bring it together. I owe this book, everything I do, and everything I am to You.