Breakfast over, I wandered down the field to find Melody. Still confused, I needed to find out more about what had happened to me. It felt like I’d had a good night. The bruises on my ass smarted a little as the fabric of my wrap brushed over the raised skin on my left cheek. I was a little stiff, presumably from being strapped into such a strenuous position. Muscles ached, but I knew that would ease as the day wore on.
Melody and I decided to take a walk down to the magic tree. It was so-called because of its ancient age (over 300 years) and the fact that it seemed to shake out anyone who tried to climb it. Also, it grew where a freshwater spring emerged from the land in a low spot, surrounded by shrubs and trees, nicely shrouded from the rest of the site. Over the years, this tree had seen a lot of human activity, including plenty of sex magic. We sat under the tree, sipping coffee.
“After we’d opened the circle and invited in the elements, that’s when you suddenly went off on one,” Melody explained. “Your voice seemed to change and you became…well, demanding and rampant.”
I thought about it for a couple of minutes. “I remember the opening. I remember feeling mighty strange. It was as though I’d been pushed out of the way, I think. I could see and feel what was going on, but I didn’t feel like I was in charge. And now, I have these huge blanks of what actually happened.”
Melody began recounting the events as they happened. “Twister was thrilled to see you being so loose. You told him to get brutal.”
I grinned. “Really? And I’ve survived?” I’d always wondered how far he’d go if I really gave him free rein. When we’d played in the past I’d always held back a little, fearing he might go a bit too far. It seems he has more self-control than I’d previously given him credit for.
Melody handed me the spliff she’d been rolling. I leaned back against the tree, took a couple of deep puffs and closed my eyes. Sex magic had been our goal for last night, but I hadn’t quite anticipated what transpired.
Then I remembered. Shivers flew down my spine. I remembered wanting Twister. I felt that need, that desire. But when it happened, I wasn’t properly experiencing it. Someone else was. Someone had taken over, and they…she was more hardcore than I’d ever dared to be. I was lucky it hadn’t gone too far! As I’d said to Mel, I really felt as though I’d been shoved out of the way, sidelined.
“Mel,” I said quietly. “I think she’s going to come back.”
Melody straightened up. “What do you mean?”
“I think I was possessed last night. I don’t think it was me talking. The boys were right. I was possessed!”
Mel shook her head. “Surely we didn’t do anything to invite that?”
“I don’t know. But it happened.”
“I don’t know. Or why. Though, from the bits I can remember, she damned well enjoyed having my body tortured.”
Mel grimaced. “That doesn’t sound good,” she said finally.
“I know, but it didn’t do any harm. I trust you lot to keep me safe, as I always have. This is a bit weird, though.”
Just then, the others traipsed through the trees, rustling leaves betraying their approach. “Us, keep you safe?” Zero piped up, grinning. “From what?”
“This…invader, possessor, whatever it was. Whatever she was,” I corrected, closing my eyes as I took another puff on the excellent smoke Mel had provided.
Scorpion snorted. His laugh always sounded like that. He had a way of sounding sarcastic when he was being really serious.
“Shit,” I said. “She’s going to come back. She liked it all too much.”
Twister’s brow wrinkled into concern. “What do you mean?”
“Scorpion. He just triggered a memory from last night. Mel was fisting me. Felt myself getting high on it at the time. Kind of more high on the head thing than actually feeling much. We’ll have to do that again when I’m fully present,” I said, nodding to Mel. I remembered her fingers probing, her hand sliding inside, the fullness, the feeling of being stretched to the limit. I’d been there, but not there. I’d felt her urgency and my own. Her need to cum and my own. I shook my head. It had begun to spin.
As I spoke I knew. I could sense her presence with me. Eager to experience all the sex she could get, hovering around me waiting for another opportunity. Suddenly, I felt uneasy in a way I hadn’t before. “Shit,” I said again. “I think we might have a real problem. At least, I might have a real problem.
“When she was there, despite me feeling pushed to one side, despite her getting to use my body, I could sense somehow what she was thinking, feeling. I think she was, when she was here in real life, a sex magician. Like she’d been involved with Crowley’s experiments. Or at least a follower of Crowley’s practices.”
I wasn’t sure how this made me feel. Aleister Crowley’s antics were still controversial. What I did know was that he’d been a powerful magician in his time.
Twister’s face had now contorted into a grimace. “That’s not good,” he said finally. “Stella, we have to sort this out. Possession’s all very well when you’ve invited it. But this isn’t right.”
“But how? I can sense her hanging around. She’d like to be doing that while you have me hanging around!”
I was torn now. The experience had been intriguing, a turn-on, gave me ideas for the next time we played. But it also left me feeling very uneasy. How could I chill out and enjoy playtimes if she was waiting to take me over?
“We have to get her back. What’s she called?”
Until Melody had asked, I hadn’t known….or at least it hadn’t registered. “She named herself Adolpha.”
Zero thought for a moment. “I’ve heard that name before. I think it means She-Wolf or something like that.”
Scorpion snorted again. “Great,” he said. “That sounds like dedication to a cause.”
“Stella, how do you feel about doing another session? We’ve got to find out what she wants and how to deal with this.”
I thought about it, still sensing her close by, waiting, wanting. My body. I shuddered. “Yes, I think we have to,” I said eventually. “Now I know she’s trying to take over, I’ll wear my protective crystal. That way I can stay more present and hopefully remember more at the end of it.”