Chapter 6



Twister waited, watching as the pair lay breathless on the cushions, cuddling and caressing together, oblivious to those around them. “Adolpha?” he said eventually. “Ulric?”

“Thank you,” Ulric replied. “Thank you for finding her, for letting me do this.”

“Where’s my Stella? Is she OK?”

“You can have her back now, Twister.” The words came from my mouth, but they were Adolpha’s. “You found my man, my soul mate. We will go and leave you in peace.”

Ulric and Adolpha, still in their borrowed flesh, kissed. But a few seconds later Twister sensed the change as his lover and his friend both returned to consciousness, to their own bodies. Moments later, it was me looking up at him, grinning.

“They’re gone. I’m here. And wow, what a session. I hope you were watching, bastard,” I grinned again. “That was amazing!”

“Woah, Stella,” Zero said eventually. “Crazy woman, that was incredible. What an experience! You up for some more rescue trance work?”

The relief in the group was palpable, resulting in laughter that took more than a little while to calm down. Twister was the one who managed to regain control first. “Behave, Zero. I think that’s quite enough excitement for one camp. Except, Stella, watching you was hot. Come here, sexy girl...”

Almost too soon it was time to return home and back to reality. Although, after the week we’d had, normality would bring a welcome change.

I grinned at the others as I closed my Blackberry and slipped back in the car. “Just got a message from Helen.”

“Helen? She’s conscious?” Twister said.

Helen was our freind whose illness had prompted our magical working in the first place.

“Yeah, she came out of the coma two days ago, and they’re amazed at her recovery! But get this...she said she remembers dreaming about two wolves. They were licking each other and nuzzling her. Then when they wandered off, she woke up.”