7. Spread the Word

The United States Postal Service handles billions of pieces of mail each year. Mail is a good way to send messages. Want your family to help spread the word of God’s love? Why not take advantage of the way that huge numbers of mail are seen by many eyes each day?

Find meaningful and encouraging Scripture verses. Have your children write the verses on the back flap of the envelope of bills, packages, letters, and other correspondence. Be sure the verses are written in small print and are not covering the addresses. (That’s why the backside works best.) My grandma first started this trend in our family. Since she lives in another state, we receive a lot of mail from her. On each item she mails to us—whether it is a letter or a package—she always includes a Bible verse.

Need some ideas for verses? Write down several on a master list. Keep it handy for future reference. Here are some good ones to get you started:

•  Ps. 25:4

•  Ps. 136:1

•  Ps. 139:4

•  Prov. 4:23

•  Matt. 17:20

•  John 3:16

•  Phil. 4:8

•  Heb. 11:3

A number of other verses can be used for this activity. Encourage your children to add them to the list above.

Take this idea further by having your children write “God loves you” or “Jesus loves you” on each letter or package they mail to their friends and relatives. Put these phrases on the inside of the letter or package, as opposed to the outside. Our oldest daughter began this habit, and now there isn’t a letter or a thank-you note that leaves this house without her trademark words telling of Christ’s love!

When we recently put together a box of items for some foster children, the items placed at the top of the box were the letters from our daughters declaring God’s love for them. Such projects encourage children to be bold in their faith.

Up for Discussion

Which verses did you choose for this project? How does writing scripture on envelopes and packages spread the gospel? Why is sharing the gospel important? How many people do you think will see the verses? How might this help someone who is curious about God?

Read Rom. 1:16. Why should we not be ashamed of the gospel? How has this activity confirmed the fact that your family is not ashamed? Have you ever been embarrassed to be a Christian? What prayer can you pray asking God to help you spread His Word?

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

—Rom. 1:16