27. Offer to Assist with Clutter Control
Often in these times of busyness the last thing on one’s mind is clutter control. Though it’s an undesirable task, it’s necessary, and your family can brighten someone’s day by helping him or her control clutter.
Make it a family event. Offer to help someone clean out his or her garage. Perhaps your family could aid someone in controlling and eliminating the clutter in his or her home office or living room. Following are some suggestions for each member of your family. Nominate a member for each of the following:
• Help file paperwork.
• Help with dusting, vacuuming, and other cleanup duties.
• Carry boxes and bags to the garbage can. Or carry them to the car for delivery to a worthy cause.
• Be the “clutter patrol.” Along with the person you are helping, decide which items are no longer needed.
Because eliminating items can be such a mundane task, assisting someone in creating a clutter-free home can ensure that the task is finished with efficiency.
Up for Discussion
Who did your family decide to help? Why? Which part of their home did you clean up? What did you learn from this activity? Why can it be overwhelming at times to filter out unwanted items? How might helping someone else with their clutter help your family with theirs?
Read Prov. 23:4-5. Why do you think we are warned against becoming rich? How can collecting things create a problem for us? Why is a focus on material items dangerous? Where should our focus be? Think about the only true thing that ultimately matters—the gift of eternal life.
Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
—Prov. 23:4-5