53. Have a Jammie Day

The Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines pajamas as “1: loose lightweight trousers formerly much worn in the Near East 2: a loose usu. two-piece lightweight suit designed esp. for sleeping or lounging.”22

There’s just something about new pajamas that makes one feel special. Comfortable new pajamas (many of which come in a one-size-fit-all category) are perfect for the following:

•  The new or expectant mom

•  The person recovering from an illness

•  Someone living in a colder part of the country.

•  The homebound person.

Don’t forget a fuzzy pair of socks with the jammies. For an added touch, throw in a box of hot chocolate!

Up for Discussion

Why would jammies be a nice gift for someone who’s ill or is a new mother? Who else do you know that could benefit from this project?

In John 13 Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. Ponder how this is just one act Jesus performed that showed how He loved those He cared about. If Jesus can wash the feet of others, which are often dirty, smelly, and ugly, shouldn’t we be able to do things of a much lesser magnitude?

Read John 13:13-17. What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (v. 15)? Did He mean only to wash other peoples’ feet, or was there more to His command?

What other benefits did the jammies in the above activity have other than to clothe someone? Can you think of other suggestions in this book that serve a dual purpose?

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet.

—John 13:14