The Boycott Ends

Within the three years that the boycott was standing many miracles such as the splitting of the Moon took place, and many who witnessed these miracles chose the way of Islam. Mansur had written down the text of the boycott document. His hands dried up after that. The last miracle to take place within this period was a woodworm eating up the boycott document which had been hanging on the wall inside the Ka’ba. The woodworm had left nothing of the document except the sentence that read, “Bismika Allahumma (I start with your Name O my Lord).” When Allah the Almighty informed our Prophet about the miracle he related it to his uncle, Abu Talib.

Abu Talib asked in surprise, “O my brother’s son! Is that really so?” Our Prophet replied, “Yes, uncle! I swear to Allah that this is the truth.”

Upon hearing this, Abu Talib went straight to the Ka’ba to talk to the non-believers.

“O people of Quraysh! My nephew tells me that a woodworm has eaten up the document which you have prepared. The only part left of it is the part in which Allah’s Name is mentioned. Go on, bring the document to me! If my nephew has spoken the truth, we will never turn him over to you! And you will give up on this boycott once and for all! If what he tells me is not true, then I will turn him over to you,” he said to them.

After hearing such definite statements from Abu Talib, they said, “Alright, we accept,” and sent one from amongst them to bring over the document.

The situation was quite fascinating. Indeed, everything else besides Allah’s Name had been eaten away by the woodworm. The non-believers no longer had any words to say.

Gaining courage through this, Abu Talib scolded the others, saying, “I guess it’s clear now who has been doing injustice, isn’t that right?”

Not even one of them was able to answer Abu Talib. They condemned and blamed each other. “We’ve committed sheer tyranny towards our brothers,” was all they could say, and they had no other choice than to lift the boycott. Three long years of trouble and suffering were finally over. The believers were grateful to their Lord for saving them from such grave hardships. There was an air of celebration throughout Mecca. Everyone had been reunited with their homes, spouses, friends and relatives.

After the boycott had been lifted, a group of Christians from Abyssinia came to Mecca. They had come to learn more about the religion of Islam, which they heard from the Muslims that had emigrated to their country. This Christian group met with our Prophet near the Ka’ba. They listened to the verses from the Qur’an with great respect. They were very much pleased with the answers our Prophet gave to every question that was directed to him. When the Messenger of Allah invited them to accept Islam as their faith, they all became Muslim and were crying tears of joy. They paid no attention to the non-believers who were watching them and insulting them as they accepted their new faith.

Their only response to them was, “We will not behave in the same ignorant way as you have towards us, and we will never turn back from this true religion that has been granted to us.”