Divine Aid

The persistent waiting of the non-believers continued on. After seeing the Archangel Gabriel appear beside them, our Prophet turned to his Companions and repeated three times, “Pay attention. Rejoice with the glad tidings from Allah the Almighty.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, a great storm broke out in the area where the non-believer army had settled. Tents broke loose and flew away from where they had been tied down. Nothing was visible beyond an arm’s length. The sky had darkened. The polytheists, who had already been shivering, got even colder with the storm, and now they were completely wretched. They were trying to tie the ropes and hammer in the poles of the tents that had been torn apart, but each time, a new storm broke out and they couldn’t find the opportunity.

The gust of wind that Allah the Almighty had sent down in their aid filled the non-believers’ eyes with sand and left them in unbearable pain! After this last incident, the only thing left for the polytheist army to do was to go back to where they came from. By morning, there was not even a single enemy soldier left by the trench.

Turning to his Companions our beloved Prophet said, “From now on, they will not be the ones to come at us during a battle. We will be the decisive force in the battlefields!”

Then he ordered for everyone to return to Medina. Thus, this battle, which was named the Battle of the Trench afterwards and which had taken a period of nearly one month, had finally ended.