The Messengers of Islam

With the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiya, a new period had begun for the Muslims. Speaking about Islam was going to be much easier in this peaceful environment. The most important purpose for a Muslim was to introduce the Almighty Allah to those who don’t know Him. However, during the period of fighting and battle, there had not been much opportunity to speak of Islam to greater masses. By means of this new covenant, the safe and secure environment would open the doors to opportunities for people to see the beauties of Islam. The invitation of the Messenger of Allah to the true religion was not particular to only a certain people or a certain land. It was for all of humanity, and the invitation needed to be carried to everyone.

It was the seventh year after Emigration, in the month of Muharram. One day, our Prophet gathered his Companions and said the following, “The Almighty Allah sent me through His Divine Mercy to all of humanity. I ask of you to assist me in announcing the word of Islam to the world! Do not oppose me as his apostles had done to Prophet Jesus, the son of Maryam.”

When the Companions asked, “O Messenger of Allah, how had his apostles opposed Prophet Jesus,” our Prophet continued, “Just as I want to appoint you with duties in inviting people to Islam, he too had called his apostles to duty. However, his messengers whom he sent to places that were near went willingly whereas the apostles he wished to send further away opposed him and did not want to go. Upon this, Prophet Jesus, upon him be peace, presented the situation to Allah the Almighty and made his complaint. In the morning of that very night, each of the apostles, who had not wanted to go to the faraway lands, came to Prophet Jesus, able to speak the language of the people they were to go to. Jesus, upon him be peace, said to them, ‘This is a duty that Allah Himself has certainly appointed you to. Go on now, let all of you go to the places you need to.’ Regretful about their previous objections, they set out on the road right away.”

Listening very carefully to the Messenger of Allah, the Companions understood very well what he was trying to say to them. As soon as Allah’s Messenger finished his words, they responded with one voice, “O Messenger of Allah! We will certainly do anything to help you in this matter. Send us to wherever you wish, we are ready to go!”

Our Prophet was delighted by these words that he heard from his Companions. That day, after the Noon Prayer, he determined the six messengers from his Companions that he would send to other lands with the invitation to Islam. Amr ibn Umayya would go to the Abyssinian king (the Negus) Ashama ibn al-Abjar; Dihya ibn Khalifa al-Kalbi would go to the Byzantine emperor Heraclius; Abdullah ibn Hudhafah as-Sahmi would go to the Persian (Sassanian) king (Khosrau II) Khusraw Parviz; Hatib ibn Abi Balta’ah would go to the Egyptian vicegerent (the Muqawqis) Juraij ibn Matta; Shuja ibn Wahab would go to the king of Damascus, Harith ibn Abi Shamir al-Ghassan; and Sulayt ibn Amr al-Amiri would go to the chief of Yamama, Hawdha ibn Ali. All of the chosen messengers knew the languages of the lands they would be going to.

After the messengers were appointed, our noble Prophet dictated the letters of invitation to Islam, which would be sent to the rulers of each country. The letters were being prepared. When the Companions drew attention to the fact that the rulers would not read letters that had not been sealed, the Messenger of Allah ordered for a seal to be prepared as well. The seal was carved into a silver ring, and on it was written these words, each one on one line:




After the six letters of invitation were sealed and ready, the Messenger of Allah himself handed the letters to the messengers. Upon receiving the letters, the messengers set out on their journey on that very same day in order to deliver the letters to their rightful destinations.

In this way, the Last Prophet that Allah sent to humanity had announced the religion of Islam to all the rulers and kings of that period, through his messengers. The messengers of Islam faced every possible danger in honor of this cause, and they fulfilled their duties to the best of their ability.

Of the rulers that the messengers reached, some of them accepted this invitation to the truthful religion. Others refused to accept our Prophet as the Last Prophet, though they knew the truth in their hearts. Some did not want to give up their reign. Others tore apart the letter from the Messenger of Allah and threw it on the floor with insolence. And others kissed it, showed it utmost respect and wrapped it in valuable cloths and kept it in precious boxes.

The ones who benefited the most were those who accepted our beloved Prophet’s invitation and followed him. And those who not only refused this invitation but behaved disrespectfully and insolently towards the messengers harmed themselves the most.