The Conquest of Khaybar

After the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiya, a kind of tranquility had fallen over the Quraysh. However, the Jews, who had played a big role in igniting the Battle of the Trench by provoking the Quraysh and other Arabian tribes against the Muslims, were not anywhere near at ease. This group, living in Khaybar, was one of the leading powers in the area. Uniting with other Jewish groups in the surrounding area, they were planning on a raid into Medina. They still hadn’t been able to get over the failure of their plans during the Battle of the Trench, and the desire for revenge was pushing them forward. Khaybar was virtually a cauldron of mischief and provocation, and it was boiling to its rim.

The Messenger of Allah had been carefully watching over the developments, and he decided to advance onto Khaybar. The siege in front of the fortresses of Khaybar went on for days with no conclusion. The rain of arrows falling down from the fortress walls started in the early morning hours and continued until nighttime. As the opportunity arose, the believers would fight against the groups that came out of the fortress and the battle would continue until one beat the other.

Finally, one day, the Messenger of Allah turned to his Companions, said, “Tomorrow I will hand over the banner to a man who loves Allah, and Allah loves him,” and gave the glad tidings of the conquest of Khaybar.

Nothing was more important for the Companions than to be “the one who loves Allah and the one whom Allah loves.” That night, every believer wished that they would be the one to whom the banner would be given. The good news of the conquest that would come the following day had also refreshed and relieved their hearts.

The next morning, after the Morning Prayer, the person to receive the banner from Allah’s Messenger was none other than the first of the firsts, Ali.

Handing over the white banner, the Messenger of Allah said to him, “Take this banner and go forward! Keep fighting and do not turn back until the moment that Allah grants you the conquest.”

“And for what should I fight the people,” asked Ali. Our Prophet replied, “Until they testify that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. Advance until you are in their land and wait for some time; invite them to Islam and let them know of their obligations regarding the rights of Allah and His Messenger. I swear to Allah, for a man to become Muslim through your help is much more blessed than being the owner of valleys filled of red camels!”

The only thing that the Prophet of Compassion wished for these people who had been pouring arrows over them for days was to help them become worthy servants of the Almighty Allah.

Taking the banner of the Messenger of Allah, Ali headed straight for the Khaybar fortresses. The Respected Companions were walking alongside with him. Then he positioned the banner right in front of the fortress. Having been following the happenings from inside the fortress, the Jews were started to grow anxious.

“Who are you,” they called out.

“I am the son of Abu Talib, Ali,” replied Ali.

This time caused them to panic even more. Hearing the name “Ali,” one person started shouting, “O Jewish community! I swear on the book that was revealed to Moses, your end has finally come and you will be defeated!”

It could be understood from this that the writings in their holy book, too, confirmed that it would be Ali who would conquer their fortresses.

As the fortresses were besieged one by one, the people of Khaybar finally understood that they had come to an end, and they submitted. After a period of two months in besiege and a battle afterwards, the problem in Khaybar was finally solved. The Messenger of Allah returned to Medina with his Companions.