Going [al-halikhah] too is one of the terms referring to some particular motions of living beings. Thus: And Jacob went on his way.1 This usage is frequent. Sometimes this term is used figuratively to designate the extension of bodies more subtle than the bodies of living beings. Thus: And the waters went and decreased;2 And fire went down unto the earth.3 Subsequently this term was used figuratively to designate the spread and the manifestation of a certain thing even if the latter were in no way corporeal. Thus it says: The voice thereof shall go like a serpent.4 Similar is its dictum: The voice of the Lord God going about in the garden.5 It is the voice that was said to be going about. Every mention of going that occurs with reference to God, may He be exalted, conforms to this figurative use. I mean that with respect to what is incorporeal, it is used figuratively to denote either the spread of a thing6 or the withdrawal of providence, which, in the case of a living being, has its analogy in the latter’s turning away from a thing through going. And just as the withdrawal of providence is referred to as the hiding of the face—as in its dictum: As for Me, I will surely hide My face7—it also is referred to as going, which has the meaning [28b] to turn away from a thing. Thus Scripture says: I will go and return to My place.8 As for its dictum, And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and He went away,9 the two significations subsist together in the passage. I mean the signification of a withdrawal of providence referred to by means of the term “turning away,” and the signification of a spread, diffusion, and manifestation of a thing. I mean to say that it was the anger that went and extended toward the two.10 For this reason, [Miriam] became leprous, as white as snow.11 The term going is also applied figuratively to living a good life,12 without in any way moving a body. Thus it says: And thou shalt go in His ways;13 After the Lord your God shall ye go;14 Come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.15