Back [ʾaor]is an equivocal term. It is a term denoting the back.1 Thus: Over the back of the tabernacle;2 The spear came out [45b] at his back.3 Sometimes it is used as an adverb of time in the sense of: after. Neither at the back of him4 arose there any like him;5 At the back of these things.6 This use is frequent. The term also occurs in the meaning of following and imitating the conduct of some individual with respect to the conduct of life. Thus: Ye shall walk at the back of the Lord7 your God;8 They shall walk at the back of the Lord,9 which means following in obedience to Him and imitating His acts and conducting life in accordance with His conduct. Thus: He walked at the back of a commandment.10 In this sense it is said: And thou shalt see My back,11 which means that thou shalt apprehend what follows Me, has come to be like Me, and follows necessarily from My will—that is, all the things created by Me, as I shall explain in a chapter12 of this Treatise.13