Abbott, Colonel J. C.
Acworth, Georgia
Adairsville, Georgia, Johnston’s rear guard at
Adams, Colonel
Adams, General John, killed
Adams, General Wirt
Adams & Co., bank of
Ainsworth, Captain
Alden, Admiral James
Alexander, Colonel J. I.
Alexandria, Louisiana, college at et seq.; A. J. Smith sent to
Alexandria, Virginia, Sherman’s army at
Allatoona, Georgia; battle atet seq.; order on defense of
Allatoona Pass
Allen, Captain James
Allen, General Robert
Allen, Major
Ames, Colonel A.
Anderson, Colonel
Anderson, Larz
Anderson, General Robert; at Sumter ; his retirement; his dispatch on surrender of Sumter
Andersonville, Georgia, prison at
Anthony, Colonel D. C.
Appler, Colonel
Arkansas, Dept. of, transferred
Arkansas Post, or Fort Hindman; taken
Arms smuggled into Confederacy
Armstrong, General
Armies: the rebel, in Virginia; the Northern volunteer; General Sherman’s, strength of, in the Carolina campaignet seq.; at the grand reviewet seq.; strength of the Union, at close of the war; of the Tennessee, Cumberland, etc. (See Tennessee, Cumberland, etc.)
Army: the ideal; an, on the march; feeding an; administrationet seq.
Army societies, reunion of
Arnold, Captain
Arnold, Mr., Mayor of Savannah
Arsenal at Columbia destroyed
Arthur, President, order of
Articles of war and army regulations, draft of
Artillery: in march to the sea; organization of; value of, compared with that of cavalry and infantry
Ashboro’, North Carolina
Ashlock, Pilot; marriage and death of
Aspinwall, W. H.
Athens, Alabama
Atkins, Colonel A. D.
Atkins, General S. D.
Atlanta, Georgia: first sight of; battles of (see Atlanta, battles of); fire opened on; fires in; rejoicings in, at the supposed retreat; abandoned, and entered by General Slocum ; removal of inhabitants fromet seq.; concentration at, for the march to the sea; abandoned by Sherman; fired; last look at
Atlanta, battles ofet seq.; reports of; losses at; second battle
Atlanta campaign, theet seq.; supplies, troops, etc., for et seq.; modification in plan of ; beginning of; General Halleck’s opinion of losses inet seq.
Aubrey, F. X.: celebrated ride of ; his death
Audenried, Colonel J. C.
Augusta, Georgia: bridge at; rai.lroad
Augur, Brigadier-General C. C.
Averill, General W. W.
Averysboro’, North Carolina, battle of; losses at
Ayres, George B.
Ayres, General R. B.
Ayres’s Battery, at Bull Run

Babcock, Colonel
Bacon, Henry D.
Bacon, Colonel John M.
Badeau, General Adam: statement by ; “History of Gen. Grant,”
Bailey, Captain
Baird, General A
Baker, Edward D.
Baldwin, Lieutenant
Banks, General N. P. ; besieges Port Hudson ; object of his Red River Expedition; letter to visit to; his expedition ; its numbers; spoken of by General Grant
Banquets and feasts
Barnard, Major John G.
Barnes, Captain
Barnes, Private
Barnum, General H. A.
Barrett’s Battery
Barrow, Cadet
Barry, General W. F
Bates, General D.
Battles: difficulty of correctly reporting,XXIII–XXIV; not fought by the book
Baulinas Bay
Baylor, Colonel T. G
Bazaine, Marshal
Beard, Mr.
Beaufort, North Carolina
Beauregard, General G. P. T. ; at Shiloh, his loss; at Corinth his retreat; replaced by Bragg ; joins Hood; appeals to the people of Georgia
Beckwith, General Amos
Beebe, Captain Y. V.
Beecher, Rev. H. W., oration by
Behr, Captain
Belknap, W. W.: recommended for promotion; made Secretary of War; antagonizes Shermanet seq.; impeached
Bellefonte, Alabama
Belt, Cadet
Benicia, California: naming of struggle of, for supremacy headquarters at
Benjamin, Senator
Bennett, Colonel
Bennett’s house, negotiations at
Benton, Thomas H.
Benton Barracks, camp of instruction at
Bentonsville, North Carolina, battle ofet seq.; losses at
Biddle, Com. James
Big Black River: the, troops crossing ; movements onet seq.
Big Shanty, Georgia
Bird, Mr.
Birdsong’s Ferry, Mississippi
Birge, General H. W.
Black Bayou, expedition to
Blackburn’s Ford, Virginia, action at
Blackville, South Carolina, concentration at
Blair, General Frank P.; repulsed; in the Vicksburg attack ; joins General Sherman’s army
Blair, Captain James
Blair, Montgomery
Bliss, Major
Blockade-runner captured at Savannah
Blow, Henry T.
Blunt, Captain
Bocock, Congressman
Boggs, L. W.
Bolton, Mississippi
Bounty system, evils of
Bowen, Captain
Bowie, Mr., plantation of
Bowling Green, Kentucky: fortified by the Confederates ; evacuated
Bowman, Major
Bowman, S. M.
Boyce, Judge Henry
Boyd, Professor D. F.
Brackett, Captain
Bradley, Colonel L. P.
Bragg, General Braxton ; letter to; his hatred for Davis; at Shiloh ; his ability; offensive movement by defeated at Chattanooga pursued; foretells the civil war
Brannan, General J. M.
Brannan, Samuel
Breckinridge, Gen.: at Shiloh interview of Sherman and Johnston ; Sherman’s advice to
Breech-loading arms, probable influence of
Breese, Captain
Bridgeport, Alabama
Bridges protected by strong block-houses
Brigade, the, defined
Broderick, Sergeant
Bronaugh, Cadet
Bronson, Judge
Brown, B. Gratz
Brown, Governor Joseph E., of Georgia; denounced by Jefferson Davis; abandons Milledgeville
Brown, Hackaliah
Browne, A. G.
Buchanan, James, his theory about coercion
Buckhead Church, Georgia, Kilpatrick’s march to
Buckland, Colonel R. P
Buckner, General; surrenders Fort Donelson
Buell, General D. C. ; sent to the Department of Kentucky ; his loss at Shiloh; ordered toward Chattanooga ; compelled to fall back ; removed acquitted by court of inquiry ; letter from
Bull Bay
Bullitt, Cuthbert, Union man in New Orleans
Bull Run, Virginia, battle of General Sherman’s official report of; reasons of failure at ; recollections of
Burke, Martin
Burnside, General Ambrose E. ; in danger at Knoxville ; his quarters there; pursues Longstreet
Burnsville, Alabama
Burnt Hickory, Georgia
Burton, Lieutenant-Colonel
Bushbeck, Colonel
Bussey, Cyrus
Butler, General B. F.; as a war-prophet
Butler, General (rebel)
Buzzard’s Roost, Georgia
Byers, Adjutant S. H. M.; poem by

Cadwalader, George C.
Cairo, Illinois
Calhoun, Georgia, threatened
Calhoun, John C.
Calhoun, J. M.
California: chapters on; General Sherman goes to; in the Mexican War; dispute as to the government of; quiet in ; seasons and hunting in; discovery of gold in ; quicksilver-mines of; travel in; first steamer seen in ; growth of; convention to frame a Constitution for; suffering of immigrants to; General Sherman returns to ; business unsettled in . (See also San Francisco, Gold-fever.)
Callendar, Captain
Cameron, Colonel
Cameron, J. D.
Cameron, Hon. Simon: visit of, to Louisville; statement of General Wood concerning
Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, Hon. Lewet seq.
Camp “Far West,”
Canal, survey for a
Canby, Adjutant-General E. R. S.
Cane Creek, Ala., engagement at
Cape Fear River, the
Cape Horn
Capron, Colonel
Carlin, General W. P.
Carlisle, Captain
Carolinas, campaign of the: organization and strength of Sherman’s army inet seq.; begun; reults ofet seq.
Carpets captured at Cheraw
Carquinez Straits
Carr, General E. A.
Carson, Kit
Carter, General S. P.
Case, Colonel H.
Casement, Colonel J. S.
Casey, James; his quarrel with James King; shoots King ; hanged
Casserly, E.
Cassville, Georgia: Johnston at ; retreatset seq.
Catawba River, the
Cavalry: failure of, to take a railroad ; cannot destroy railroads ; organization of, described ; value of, compared with that of infantry and artillery
Cavalry division, strength of
Census tables, used
Central America, the, loss of
Chalmers, General
Chambers, Judge
Champion Hills, battle of
Chapman, William, anecdote of
Charleston, South Carolina: description of, as in 1846, secession doctrine in; General Halleck’s letters on; reason for not marching directly to; “salt” unnecessary ; evacuated by Hardee; capture; desolation
Chase, Hon. S. P.
Chattahoochee River: Johnston on et seq.; Sherman on ; he utilizes rebel works on
Chattanooga, Tennessee: movement toward; its importance ; Grant in; preparations for the battle ; its plan; the battle et seq.; General Sherman’s report of; losses at; thanks of Congress for
Chattooga Valley, the
Cheatham, General B. F.
Cheraw, S. C.
Chewalla, Gen. Sherman atet seq.
Chickamauga, battle of
Chickamauga Creek
Chickasaw Bayou, Mississippi; battle at
Childs, Mrs. General
Christmas gift, Savannah presented to Lincoln as a
Churchill, Colonel
Churchill, General
Cincinnati, Ohio, visit to
Citizens, complaints and interference of
Clare, Colonel
Clark, Dr. Powhatan
Clark, General W. T.
Clarke, Colonel N. S.
Clay, Henry: his “omnibus bill,” ; his oratory and Webster’s
Cleburne, General, killed
Coacoochee, chief of the Seminoles: ; his treachery; taken
Cobb, Howell, plantation of
Cockerell, Colonel J. R.
Coffee, A. J
Cogswell, General William
Cohen, Solomon
Coldwater, the
Coleman, Major
Coleman, W. T.
Colliersville, Tennessee, engagement at
Coloma, Cal., Sutter’s mill at
Columbia, South Carolina: an objective point; destruction of, hinted at; first view of; shelled; fire in .
Columbus, Kentucky, occupied by the rebels
Company, the, defined
Confederate Army, paroled and unex changed prisoners fighting in
Confedera Government: at its greatest strength; abandons Richmond
Confiscation of property of rebels . (See Property.)
Congaree, the Little
Congress: meeting of, in 1861, thanks Sherman and his men
Connecticut, cession of territory of
Consuls, foreign, interfering in regard to cotton
Controller of Georgia, tax-list of
Convent, superioress of a, applies for protection
Cooke, Henry D.
Cooke, General P. St. George
Coon, Colonel S. P.
Cooper, Colonel J. A.
Coosawhatchie, the
Cora, hanged by the Vigilantes
Corcoran, Colonel Michael ; captured
Corcovado, Mount
Corinth, Mississippi; its importance; movement on; evacuated by the Confederates; condition of the army at; battle of; its effect
Corps, the, organization of
Corse, Brigadier-General J. M. ; sent to General Banks; at Allatoona; wounded; his reportet seq; thanked
Corwin, Hon. Thomas
Cosby, General
Cosumnes River, the
Cotton; letter of General Sherman on; trade in, free ; captured; burned
Couch, General D. N.
Courage, defined
Courts, military
Coutts, Captain
Covington, Georgia
Cox, General J. D.
Crawford, G. W., Secretary of War
Crittenden, General (Confederate)
Crittenden, General T. L.
Crocker, General M. M.
Crockett, Mr.
Crook, General George
Croxton, Colonel J. T.
Cruft, General Charles, oration by
Cullum, Gen. G. W.
Culp’s house, Ga., engagement at
Cumberland, Army of the; jealousy of; strength of, at various times; losses in Cumberland, Department of the, tri-monthly return ofet seq.
Curtin, Governor
Curtis, General S. R.: in Missouri; victory of, at Pea Ridge; in Southwest Missouri

Daggett, Colonel R.
Dahlgren, Admiral J. A. ; proposes assault on Fort Moultrie; letters by
Dahlgren, Ulrich, allusion to
Dallas, Georgia: movement on ; described; battle at
Dalton, Georgia: Johnston at; movement against; surrender demanded
Dana, Charles A.
Dandelion, boarded by Sherman
Davis, Jefferson ; plantation of; speeches by; his disappointment ; his escape; rumors about his specie-trainet seq.; his controversy with General Scott
Davis, General Jefferson C.
Davis, Joseph
Davis, Captain N. H.
Day, Colonel N. W.
Dayton, Colonel L. M.
Dayton, William L.
Dean, Eliza
Decatur, Alabama
Decatur, Georgiaet seq.
De Courcey, Brigadier-General
Deer Creek, expedition to
De Gress, Captain
Denman, Hampton
Denver, Brigadier-General J. W.
Derby, Dr.
Derby, Lieutenant
De Russy, Fort
Desecrated vegetables and consecrated milk
Deserters: capture of; justified
Deshler, Brigadier-General
Dickey, Colonel
Dick Robinson, camp
Discipline, how best maintained
Division, the, defined
Doan, Lieutenant-Colonel
Dodge, General G. M. ; wounded
Dodge, Colonel R. L,
Donaldson, General J. L.
Donelson, Fort, captureet seq.
Donohue, Mr.
Douglass, D. F.
Draper, Dr. J. W., his history of the war
Draper, Simeon
Dresser, Captain
Duncan, Blanton
Duncan, Captain: captured by Confederates; his escape
Duncan, General S.
Dunn, Lieutenant
Du Pont, Captain
Durant, Dr.
Dustin, Colonel Daniel

Eagan, Captain
Easton, General L. C.
Eastport, Tennessee Eatonton, Georgia
Eatonton Factory
Ebenezer Creek, Georgia, explanation of reported massacre at
Echota, Georgia
Edisto, crossing of the
Election of 1860, the
Eleventh Corps, consolidated with Twelfth
Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Engineer Corps, uses of
England, threats of war by
English traders
Etowah River, the, mounds on
Europe, Gen. Sherman’s visit to
Evarts, Hon. W. M.
Ewing, General Charles
Ewing, Ellen B., married to General Sherman
Ewing, General Hugh
Ewing, P. B.
Ewing, Hon. Thomas; adopts W. T. Sherman; Secretary of the Interior; in the Senate; letter of General Hal-leek to; letter from, concerning E. M. Stanton
Ezra Chapel, Georgia, battle ofet seq.; Logan’s report on

Fairchild, Lucius
Fall, John C.
Farmington, fighting near
Farragut, Admiral D. G.; at the mouth of the Mississippi; New Orleans taken by
Fayetteville, North Carolina; occupied
Feather River, the
Feeding of an army, the
Fifteenth Corps: badge of; excellence of; hint as to the character of
Fillmore, Millard; expectations regarding his administration; his policy
Financial crisis, of 1857,
Fire-Land District, the
Fisher, Fort, North Carolina: expedition against; its failure predicted ; taken
Fisk, Clinton B.
Fitzgerald, Mr.
Flad, Colonel
Fletcher, Colonel Thomas C.
Florida, removal of Indians from
Florida War, theet seq.
Floyd, D. R.; escape of, from Fort Donelson
Folsom, Captain
Food, best, for soldiers
Foote, Admiral
Foragers capture the South Carolina Railroad
Foraging, in the march to the sea ; how carried on
Forbes, Mr., British consul
Force, Brigadier-General M. F.
Forces, organization of ; of the regular army
Foreigners, property rights of
Forrest, General N. B. ; his responsibility for the Fort Pillow massacre; defeats Sturgis, and is defeated by Smith
Fort Fisher, Fort Moultrie, etc. (see under names of forts)
Foster, General J. G. ; occupies Charleston
Foster, Mr., within the Union lines
Fourteenth Corps, character of
Fox, Parson
Franklin, W. B., made brigadier
Franklin, Tennessee, battle of
Freedmen: used in intrenching; General Sherman’s course with, approved; perplexities as to
Fremont, General J. C.; claim of, to the control in California ; elected Senator ; his alleged pomp and state; possible reason of the supposed frauds in his department ; plan to give a command to
French, the, their withdrawal from Mexico
French, Gen. S. G.: attacks Allatoona ; summons to the garrison
French Camp, first name of Stockton, California
Frost, General D. M
Fry, Colonel J. B., letter in regard to General Buell
Fuller, General J. W.

Gaines’s Landing, Arkansas
Gardner, Lieutenant
Garland, Colonel
Garnett, Dr.
Garrard, General Kenner; his part in the Atlanta campaign; sent to Covington; criticized for caution
Garrison, C. K.
Geary, General]. W.
General, proper position of the commanding
General of the Army, letters on the powers of ; powers of, defined
Georgia: its importance to the Confederacy; disaffection inet seq.; appeal of Congressmen; damage to, by the march to the sea; people of, anxious to have South Carolina punished
Georgia, Army of: its strength, April; its organization ; farewell order to
Gettysburg, battle of
Gibbs, Captain
Gill, Colonel
Gillespie, Major
Gilmer, Colonel Jeremy F.
Gillmore, Gen. Q. A.; order of
Gold: discovery of, at Sutter’s Mill ; official report of the discovery
Gold-fever, the
Gold-mines, the
Goldsboro’, North Carolina; an objective point; occupied by Sherman; junction of armies at
Goldsborough, Captain
Gomez family, the
Goodwin, Miss Josephine
Gordon, Mr.
Gordon, Georgia
Gorman, General W. A.
Graham, General G. Mason
Graham, Colonel Harvey
Graham, ex-Senator
Graham, Major L. P.
Grand Junction, Tennessee, General Sherman ordered to
Granger, Colonel George F., commanding brigade in Army of the Ohio
Granger, General Gordon ; Howard assigned to his corps
Granger, General R. S., at Decatur
Grant, Lieutenant Frederick, accompanies General Sherman to Europe
Grant, General Ulysses S.: at Paducah ; his plans, and the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson; his consequent fame; General Halleck’s orders to; restored to command on the Tennessee; ; his silence ; losses at Shiloh; substantially left out of command; General Sherman’s advice to ; assigned to West Tennessee; prepares to attack Price; at Jackson ; his displeasure with General Rosecrans; letter to ; his planset seq.; his stores captured; disapproves of the movement on the Arkansas; letters from ; clamor against; his opinion as to Vicksburg ; his success there ; placed in command of the Departments of the Ohio, Cumberland, and Tennessee; his impression as to the final campaign of the war; his letter as to the appointment as lieutenant-general; acknowledgments to Generals Sherman and McPherson; called East; presentation of a sword to; his plans for generals without commands ; letters of, giving plans ; other letters ; dispatches from ; eulogy on General Wilson; dispatches from ; letters on General Sherman’s movements ; other letters; mentions peace commissioners; letter on Sheridan’s intended movement ; confident of closing the war with one more battle; in pursuit of Lee; announces Lee’s surrender; at Raleigh ; orders resumption of hostilities; letters on Sherman’s action ; offer of, to reconcile Sherman and Stanton declined ; his staff; refuses to go to Mexico; letter from; elected President; inaugurated ; letter on powers of General of the Army
Grant, Mrs. U. S.
Graysville, Georgia
Green, Charles
Greene, General G. S.
Greene, Captain O. D.
Gregory, Captain]. F.
Grenada, Mississippi
Gresham, Gen. W. Q., wounded
Grierson, General B. H.
Griffin, Dr.
Griswold Station, Ga., fight near
Gross, Colonel William
Grover, General
Guards, pickets and videttes
Guaymas, Mexico, capture of
Guerrillas, destruction of bridges by
Guthrie, Hon. James ; co-operates with Sherman
Gwin, Senator
Gwin, Captain, his death

Haggerty, Lieutenant-Colonel, his death
Haight, Henry
Haines’s Bluff, Mississippi, fort at ; feint on; abandoned by the rebels
Halleck, General H. W. ; letters from; credited with the plan of the Forts Henry and Donelson campaign; his plans; reorganizes the army; order from ; his ability; mistake of his halt at Corinth; his removal to the East; order from; on reconstruction ; letters from ; dispatch from; letters ; invitation by
Halstead, Murat
Hamilton, General C. S.
Hamilton, Lieutenant John
Hamilton, General Schuyler
Hammond, Captain J. H.
Hammond, Major R. P.
Hampton, General Wade
Hancock, General W. S.
Hand-to-hand fighting, rare
Hanging Rock
Hardee, General W. J.; at Jonesboro’; retreats; at Savannah; evacuates Savannah; evacuates Charleston; crosses the Pedee; the Cape Fear; retreats from Averysboro’
Hardee, Mr., of Savannah
Hardie, James A.
Hard Times plantation
Harker, General C. G., killed
Harlan, Mr.
Harney, General W. S.
Harpeth River, Tennessee
Harris, Colonel
Harrison, General W. H., victory of, Hartnell, W. E. P.
Hartshorne, Dr.
Haskell, Mr.
Haskins, Major, his surrender of the arsenal at Baton Rouge
Hatchie River, the
Haul-Over, the
Hawley, Colonel William
Hazen, Brigadier-General W. B.; ordered to storm Fort McAllister ; congratulated
Hazzard, Colonel
Head of the column, the place of safety and glorious effort
Headquarters, general, its equipment in the field
Heath, Lieutenant-Colonel
Heintzelman, Colonel; made brigadier
Helena, Arkansas
Hell Hole
Henderson, J. B
Henderson, Colonel T. J.
Henry, Fort, captured
Henry House, the
Hiawassee River, the
Hicks, Colonel S. G.
Hightower, Georgia
Hildebrand, Colonel
Hill, paymaster
Hill, Senator B. H., appeal of, to the people of Georgia
Hill, Mr., of Georgia, within the Union lineset seq. Hilton Head, South CarolinaHindman, Fort. (See Arkansas Post.)
Hitchcock, General E. A.Hitchcock, Major Henry
Hoar family, the
Hobart, General H. C,
Holliday, T. D., killed
Holly Springs, Mississippi: movement toward; rebel forces at ; taken
Holman, Colonel J. H.
Hood, General J. B.: disagrees with Johnston; explains the retreat from Cassville; supersedes Johnston; his character ; the battle of Peach Tree Creek; at Atlantaet seq.; losses in his army; proposes exchange of prisoners; crosses the Chattahoochee; marches toward Dalton; demands surrender of Resaca ; pursuedet seq.; at Decatur; at Florence ; beaten at Franklin ; reaches Nashville
Hooker, General Joseph ; in command of Eleventh and Twelfth Corps ; begins the action at New Hope; peculiarities ofet seq.; asks to be relieved; criticized
Houghtaling, Major Charles
Hovey, General A. P.
Howard, General O. O. ; transferred ; to succeed McPherson; at the battle of Ezra Chapel; praises Logan ; transferred
Howard, Volney E.
Howe, Orion P.
Hoyt, Charles (cousin)
Hoyt, Charles (uncle)
Hoyt, James M.
Hoyt, Mary, married
Hunt, Major
Hunter, General David
Hunter, John
Hunter, Colonel M. C.
Hunter, R. M. T.
Hunting, in California
Hurlbut, Colonel F. J.
Hurlbut, General S. A
Hyams, Attorney-General

Illinois, Regiments of: 4th ; 6th; 29th ; 40th; 43d ; 55th; 113th; 116th; 127th. (See Forces, Organization of.)
Indiana, Regiments of: 37th ; 66th; 83d. (See Forces, Organization of.)
Indian Bureau
Indian Peace Commissionet seq.
Indians: war withet seq.; mistake of removing them from Florida ; treachery of; murder of Lieutenant Warner by; opposed to Pacific Railroads; work of the Peace Commission amonget seq.; visit to tribes of
Infantry: organization of, discussed ; value of, compared with that of cavalry and artillery
Insanity, the charge of
Intrenching, usefulness of
Iowa, Regiments of: 6th. (See Forces, Organization of.)
Irvin, William, Cadet
Island No. 10, Tennessee
Iuka, Mississippi; seized by Price ; General Ord sent to; engagement at;

Jackson, Andrew; famous declaration of
Jackson, Claiborne
Jackson, General N. J.
Jackson, General W. H.
Jackson, Mississippi; battle at; besieged and evacuated ; losses at
Jackson, Camp, surrender of; General Grant at
Jackson, Fort, Louisiana; passed by Farragut
James, Lieutenant
Jarreau, B.
Jenney, Captain, map by
John Brown’s body, marching chorus on advance from Atlanta
Johnson, Andrew; differs with his party; calls Sherman to Washington; wants Grant to go to Mexico; letter from; demands Stanton’s resignation; makes a new department; leaves Sherman at St. Louis; his impeachment
Johnson, Captain George
Johnson, Reverdy
Johnson, Mrs. Reverdy
Johnson, Brigadier-General R. W. ; sent to Nashville
Johnson, William N., Governor of California
Johnston, General A. S. ; his troops ; his death
Johnston, General Joseph E. ; his ability; on the Big Blacket seq.; his retreat ; his strong position at Dalton; his reputed strength ; speculation concerning ; his position at Buzzard’s Roost; abandons Dalton for Resaca; evacuates Resaca ; explains his retreat from Cassvilleet seq.; disagrees with Hood; his strength, May et seq.; his losses; his errors in regard to losses; his account of Polk’s death; position on Kenesaw; abandons it and Marietta; his losses; falls back; superseded by Hood; denounced by Davis; story told by; in command in the Carolinas; estimate of his forces; falls on Sherman’s left at Bentonsville; retreats to Raleigh; asks suspension of hostilities; argues for general surrender; his horror at the murder of Lincoln; interview with Sherman; Sherman’s terms to; surrenders on Lee’s terms; supplemental terms with Schofield
Jones, Captain D. R.
Jones, Colonel P. H.
Jones, Roger, Adjutant-General
Jones, Colonel T.
Jones, Commodore T. Ap C.
Jones, Colonel W. S.
Jonesboro’, battle at
Jordan, General T. J.
Juarez, B. P., President of Mexico et seq.
Judd, Rev. Mr.

Kane, Captain
Kansas in 1852
Kearney, General Stephen W. –
Kelton, Colonel J. C., letter to
Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia; Confederate and Union positions at; movement against et seq.; battle of; losses; turned
Kentucky; its adherence to the Union; army operations inet seq.; official report of the forces in; dispatches as to the situation in ; disloyalty in; estimate of rebel troops in–
Kerwin, Colonel
Keyes, General E. D.
Kibbe, General
Kilburn, Colonel C. L.
Kilpatrick, General Judson; circles Atlanta ; narrow escape of
King, Mr., of Marietta
King of William, James; shot; his death
King, Tom
King, T. Butler
King William
King’s Bridge, rebuilt
Kingston, Georgia, Johnston abandons ;
Kirby, Major
Kittoe, Surgeon E. D.
Knights of the Golden Circle, the
Knoxville, Tennessee: Burnside besieged at; the siege raised; General Sherman sent to; his report; its fortifications
Kossak, Captain
Kyle, Lieutenant-Colonel

Lancaster, Ohio; academy of
Langley, Lieutenant-Colonel
Larkin, T. O.
Larned, Paymaster
Lauman, Brig.-Gen. J. G.
Law-and-Order Party, the
Leavenworth, Fort, Kansas
Lecomte, Judge
Le Duc, W. G
Lee, General R. E.: reports of victories by; instructions regarding ; speculations as to his plans ; his surrender
Lee, General S. D.
Leggett, General M. D.
Leggett’s Hill, assault of
Lewis, Montgomery
Lewis, S. S., the steamer, wreck of
L’Hommedieu, Dr.
Lick, James
Lick Creek, Tennessee
Lightburn, General
Lincoln, President: his nomination ; effect of his election at the South; visit of General Sherman to; his call for volunteers; his first message ; his address to soldiers after Bull Run; interview with; asks modification of an order; letter concerning Osterhaus and Hovey; in doubt; congratulations from ; dispatches from; his opinion of the march to the sea;interview withet seq,; ready for reconstruction ; hint of, as to Jefferson Davis; his appearanceet seq.; approves the terms to Leeet seq.; discusses terms for Johnstonet seq.; his desire in regard to rebel soldiers; his assassination ; its effect on the negotiations with Johnstonet seq.; instructions from–
Lincoln, Robert T., Secretary of War ; letter by
Liquor, smuggled
Littell, Colonel J. S
Loeser, Lieutenant
Logan, General J. A.; narrow escape of; why not chosen to succeed McPherson; sent to supersede Thomas; in command of right wing
Long, Colonel
Longstreet, General James: re-enforces Bragg; sent against Burnside; pursued
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
Loomis, Colonel J. M
Loring, Lieutenant-Colonel
Los Angeles
Losses: at Shiloh; at Vicksburg–18; at Chattanooga; at Resaca ; in Sherman’s army, May; June; in Johnston’s, June; at Atlanta ; in Sherman’s and Hood’s, July; in Atlanta campaignet seq.; at Allatoona ; at Franklin; in the march to the sea; at Averysboro’; at Bentonsville . (See, also, under names of battles.)
Lost Mountain, Georgia, Confederate position at; abandoned
Loudon, Tennessee, evacuated by the rebels
Louisiana, residence inet seq.; et seq.
Louisiana Seminary of Learning and Military Academy: General Sherman superintendentet seq.; his resignationet seq.; its subsequent history
Louisville, excitement in
Lovejoy’s Station, movement to
Lucas, James H.
Lucas, James H. & Co., banking-house of
Lucas, Turner & Co., bank of
Luce, Captain S. B.
Lumpkin’s Station
Lynch Law, in San Francisco. (See Vigilance Committee.)
Lyon, General N.

McAllister, Fort, storming of
McArthur, Colonel
Macbeth, Captain
McClellan, General George B. ; appointed commander-in-chief ; succeeded by General Halleck; plan to give a command to; political attitude of
McClernand, General J. A. ; placed in command on the Mississippi ; his exultation at the capture of Arkansas Post; his report of; his claim to have taken Vicksburg and removal
McCook, A. M’D ; plan to give a command to; receives it
McCook, Daniel; wounded
McCook, General E. M.; expedition by
McCoy, Colonel J. C. .
McCrary, Lieutenant
McCulloch, General, at Pea Ridge
McDowell, General Irvin; his report of Bull Run
McDowell, General J. A.
McKinstry, Mr.
McLane, Louis
MacMahon, Marshal, quoted
McMillan, Captain
Macon, Georgia; cavalry flight near; Wilson occupies
Macon Railroad, the; move ment against
McPherson, General James B. ; General Grant’s acknowledgments to ; sent to Chattanooga; commands Department of the Tennessee; goes to Huntsville; General Sherman’s estimate of; his part in the Atlanta campaign ; at Dallas ; attacked; complains of Hooker; his last interview with Shermanet seq.; his death and burialet seq.;
McQuesten, Lieutenant
McQuinston, Colonel J. C.
Maddox, Lieutenant
Madison, Georgia
Mahan, Professor Asa
Majorities, difference between numerical and physical–24
Mangrove Islands, the
Manning, T. C.
Mansfield, J. K.
March, order of, for an army
Marches, of Sherman’s armies
March to the Sea, the; agreed to at Washington ; final correspondence with Grant onet seq.; Lincoln’s opinion of; when first thought of; begins; the army organized for; orders for conduct of et seq.; daily progress; true meaning of; Union losses in ; moral effect of
Marcy, Captain W. G.
Marcy, Hon. W. L., order from
Marietta, Georgia
Marshall, Mr.: alleged partner of Sutter; discovery of gold by
Mason, Colonel R. B.; his character ; his death
Mason, Captain
Matthias, General
Mazatlan, capture of
Maximilian, fate of
Meade, General G. G..
Meaks, General
Mehringer, Colonel J.
Meiggs, H.
Meigs, Quartermaster-General
Memphis, Tennessee: evacuated by the rebel army; condition of ; answer to application of citizens of; letter to the “Appeal,” letter to the mayor; letter to the “Bulletin,”
Merchant, Major
Mercury, mines of; distillation of
Meridian, Mississippi, occupied by the Federals
Meridian campaign, object of the
Mexican War, the preparations for ; first battles; end
Mexico: the French in; during the last days of the Empire et seq.; military mission to, its supposed object
Michler, Major
Middleburg, Mississippi, engagement at
Mill Creek, dammed
Milledgeville, Georgia; occupied; certain buildings in, destroyed
Millen, Georgia; occupied; buildings destroyed in
Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana
Mines, dispute concerning
Mining-Laws, of Mexico
Minnesota, regiments of . (See, also, Forces, organization of.)
Minor, Lieutenant
Missionary Ridge; the attack on
Mississippi, army of the; its operationset seq.
Mississippi River, the: fleet at the mouth of; fleet on ; canals for diverting the water ; Federal control ; importance
Missouri: chapter on; army operations inet seq.
Missouri, regiments of: 6th ; 8th ; 13th. (See, also, Forces, organization of.)
Mitchell, Brigadier-General
Mitchell, Sarah, married to Samuel Sherman
Mobile: visit to; feint of going to
Moccasin Point
Monterey et seq. Montgomery, Capt., loss of his sons
Moore, Surgeon John
Moore, Governor T. O., of Louisiana ; correspondence with General Shermanet seq.; his property
Moore, Colonel O. H.Morgan, Brigadier-General, G. W.Morgan, JohnMorgan, General J. D.
Morgan, Fort
Morgantown, destroyed
Mormon Island
Mormons, in the Mexican War; their intention to settle in California
Morris Island
Morton, Governor O. P.
Moultrie, Fort; described
Mower, General J. A. ; breaks the rebel line at Bentonsville
Muench’s Battery
Muldraugh’s Hill, Kentucky
Murphy, Don Timoteo
Murphy, Colonel
Murray, Colonel E. H.
Murray, Dr. R.
Mutiny, spirit of, in the army
Myers, Colonel A. C.

Naglee, Henry M.
Napoleon, last words of
Nash, Mr.
Nashville, Tennessee; importance of; preparations for defending; battle of ; results of the campaign
Nassau, New Providence
“National Intelligencer,” the, its attack on Grant
Negley, Brigadier-General J. S. ; plan to give command to
Negroes, faithfulness of; how utilized in march to the sea; their joy at sight of Sherman’s army ; reported slaughter of, at Ebenezer Creek; Sherman on giving the vote to; representative, meet Stanton; their opinion as to Lincoln’s policyet seq.; their opinion of Sherman ; as to State enlistement agents ; enlistment of, discussed kidnapping, by agents; order regulating enlistments; settlement of, on Sea Islands
Negro suffrage
Negro troops; reviewed by Sherman
Nelson, Brigadier-General
Newbern, North Carolina
New Hope Church, Georgia: battle at et seq.; evacuated by Johnston
New Madrid, Tennessee
New Orleans: visit to; after secession; preparations for the capture of; taken ; visit to; inauguration of a civil government at
Newspaper correspondents
Newspapers: war of; attacks of; letter to the Memphis “Appeal,” ; to the “Bulletin,” ; Southern, denounce Johnston; “New York Tribune” reveals Sherman’s true objective; War Department bulletin in “New York Times,”
Newton, General John, ordered to Chattanooga
New York, regiments of: 13th ; 29th; 69th ; incident with an officer of; 79th . (See, also, Forces, organization of.)
Nicaragua River and Lake
Nichols, Major G. Ward
Nisbet, B. seq.
Nolin, Kentucky, camp at
Nolin Creek, Kentucky
Norton, Judge
Noyes, General E. P., wounded

Oconee River, the
Ogden, Major
O’Fallon, Colonel John
Ogeechee Church, position at, abandoned by McLaws’s division
Ogeechee River, the
Ohio, reserved land in
Ohio and Mississippi Railroad
Ohio, regiments of: 2d, 5th ; 21st; 30th; 33d, 38th; 46th; 53d, 54th ; 57th; 70th ; 71st; 72d, 77th. (See Forces, organization of.) Ohio, Army of the: its strength ; losses in et seq.; strength of, during the Atlanta campaign in April; organization of
Ohio, Department of the, tri-monthly return of the
Oliver, General J. M.
Olley’s Creek, Schofield crosses
Omnibus Bill, the
Oostenaula River, bridged
Orangeburg, South Carolina, occupied and fire at
Orchard Knob
Ord, General E. O. C.; fails to connect at Iuka; pursues Van Dorn ; succeeds McClernand
Ord, Mrs. E. O. C.
Orders, methods of transmission of
Osterhaus, Brigadier-General P. J.
Owen, Captain
Owens, Captain
Oxford, Mississippi

Pacific Railroads: the building of t seq.; Poe’s report on
Paducah, Kentucky, occupied by Grant
Page, Bacon & Co., bank of ; failure of
Paine, General C. J
Palmer, General John M.: claims to rank Schofield; resigns command of Fourteenth Corps
Palo Alto, Texas, battle of
Panama, crossing the Isthmus of
Panic: in San Francisco–10; in New York
Pardee, General N., Jr.
Park, John, letter to
Parke, General J. G.
Parker, Judge
Parrott, John
Patterson, General; his army
Peach-Tree Creek, Georgia; battle oft seq.
Pea Ridge, Arkansas
Peck, Lieutenant-Colonel
Pedee River, Sherman’s army crosses the
Pemberton, General J. C. ; falls back ; his force there
Pensacola, Florida
Perry’s victory
Petersburg, Virginia; evacuated
Peyton, Bailey
Phelps, Captain
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pickering, Fort, Tennessee
Pico, Don Andreas
Picolata, Florida, Sherman ordered to
Pierce, Fort
Pike, Corporal
Pillage, orders forbidding
Pillow, General G. J.; escapes from Donelson
Pillow, Fort, Tennessee; evacuated ; massacre at
Pinckney, Castle, Charleston
Pine Mountain, Georgia: Confederate position on; abandoned
Piper, Lieutenant
Pittsburg Pennsylvania, recruiting station at
Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee; battle ofet seq.
Pitzman, Captain, wounded
Pocotaligo, South Carolina
Pocotaligo, Fort
Poe, General O. M ; his report on Pacific Railroads
Politics, in San Francisco
Polk, General Leonidas ; at Shiloh ; criticizes position at Cassville ; killed
Pontoon train: on march to the sea ; composition of a
Pope, General John
Porter, Colonel Andrew; made brigadier
Porter, Admiral D. D; runs the Vicksburg batteries; appearance of his fleet ; asks for a division to capture Fort Fisheret seq.; at interview of Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman; account of
Porter, General Fitz-John
Port Gibson, Mississippi, battle of
Port Hudson; surrendered
Port Royal, South Carolina
Post-traders: right of appointment of ; change of law regarding
Potomac, Army of the
Potts, General B. F.
Poyas, James
Prentiss, General B. M.
Price, General Sterling ; defeated at Pea Ridge; seizes Iuka; escapes
Prime, Captain
Prisoners: Confederate, in the Atlanta campaign; exchanges proposed ; made; condition of those escaped from Andersonville; rebel, set to dig torpedoes; escaped Union, at Columbia; number surrendered by Johnston
Property: destroyed by soldiers ; private, how treated in the march to the sea
Pryor, Mr.
Pumpkin-Vine Creek, Georgia
Purdy, Tennessee, importance of

Quaker policy, the, origin ofet seq.
Quartermaster’s Department, employés of, organized
Quicksilver, mines of. (See Mercury.)
Quinby, General L. F.

Railroads: Northern cars astray in the South; south of Atlanta, broken up; Selma and Talladega; destroyed and repairedet seq.; mode of destroying; Macon and Savannah; Gulf, Charleston, and Savannah; destruction of; South Carolina; value of, in waret seq.
Raith, Colonel
Raleigh, North Carolina; movement toward; occupied
Ransom, General T. E. G.; his death and character
Raum, Colonel G. B.
Rawlins, General John A.: letters to et seq.; 318–19; made Secretary of War; illness of
Raymond, Mississippi, fighting at
Reagan, Hon. John H.
Rebels, property of, in war-time
Reconstruction, correspondence on ; Lincoln ready for
Recruitment and promotion
Red Clay, Georgia
Redfield, Colonel, killed
Red River expedition, the
Reese, W.J.
Regular army, the; organization of, discussed; a school for officers; peace establishment of
Reilly, James
Reilly, General J. W., prompt attack by
Renick, R. M.
Resaca de la Palma, Texas
Resaca, Georgia; Sherman moves on; battle ofet seq.; evacuated by Johnston; bridge at, rebuilt; Hood demands surrender of
Retirement, bill for the, of army officers
Review, grand, at Washingtonet seq.
Reynolds, Major, J. A.
Reynolds, Captain J. F.
Reynolds, Colonel T., his imported leg
Rhett, Colonel A., captured
Rice, Lieutenant-Colonel
Rice, General E. W.
Richardson , Captain
Richardson, Brigadier-General
Richmond, Virginia: the cry “On to,” ; evacuated; Sherman’s army atet seq.
Ricker, Major
Rickett, Major
Ricord, Judge John
Rifle-trenches, described
Riley, Colonel B.
Riley, Colonel J. W.
Ringgold, Georgia, Hooker at
Rio Janeiro
Riot, a, in San Francisco
Roanoke River, the
Robinson, Alfred
Robinson, General J. S.
Rochester, Captain Montgomery
Rocky Face, Georgia, described
Roler, Dr.
Rolling Fork, Mississippi
Rosecrans, General W. S.; at Corinth; in Chattanooga; re-e enforcements ordered for; relieved; object of his movement
Ross, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H.
Roswell, Georgia, combat at
Rough and Ready, Georgia
Roundabout Bayou
Rousseau, Brigadier-General L. H.; his raid through Alabama
Rowett, Colonel, wounded; thanked
Rucker, Major
Ruger, General Thomas H.
Russell’s House, Mississippi, engagement at

Sacramento, California, located and surveyed; site of
St. Ange, Prof. E. B.
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Louis, Missouri: visit to; residence inet seq.; et seq.; et seq.; outbreak in; preparations for war in
St. Philip, Fort, Louisiana; passed by Farragut
Salinas River, the
Salkiehatchie River, the; line of, carried
Salt smuggled into the Confederacy
Sanborn, John B.
Sanders, Fort, Knoxville
Sandersville, Ga., occupied
San Francisco; value of lots in, in 1847, importance of its name ; scarcity of servants in; rents; and Benicia; accidental fixing of the site of; offer of banking business in et seq.; prosperity of; depreciation of real estate in; city scrip of ; failure of banks in; the Vigilantes in; business affected by them; depreciation of real estate in
Sanger, Major D.
Sanitary Commission, the
San José, California
San Juan Bautista, mission of
San Pascual, battle at
Santa Clara, California
Santa Cruz Mountains, views from
Savannah, Georgia: expedition to et seq.; final objective in the march to the sea; invested ; defenses of, and position of investing army; country about; condition of; surrender demanded; evacuated ; description of; dispatch to Lincoln concerning ; regulations for governing et seq.; its population; tranquillity of
Savannah River, the
Savannah, Tennessee
Sawyer, Major R. M.
Saxton, General Rufus; inspector of settlements and plantations
Scannell, Sheriff
Scenes and incidents of the war: with an officer of the 69th N.Y.; a turkey dinner; presentation of a sword to General Grant; “Thomas’s Circus,” ; effect of a shell; a locomotive after water ; death of General Polk et seq.; hidden in an abattis ; the surprised planter; an imported leg; McPherson’s deathet seq.; Thomas’s personal traits; watching signals from Allatoona; a duplicate tunnel; railroad-mending ; the protesting planter; tapping the wire; starting on the march; negro enthusiasm; the colored patriarchs; “Forage liberally, ” ; bummers by the wayside ; loding corn; on Cobb’s plantation; a mock legislature ; firing a well; a torpedo-explosion; a fancy shot; view of the storming of Fort McAllister; signaling the fleet; “This nigger will have no sleep,” ; night near Fort McAllisteret seq.; “Fort Fisher done took,” ; soldiers’ huts ; a desolate mansion; the silent soldiers; “Hurry the general, ” ; foragers disturbed ; first view of Columbia ; occupation of Columbia; bummers and Sherman’s souvenir ; horse vs. general; night in Bethel church; the steamboat-whistle at Fayetteville; Seward saluted; Grant adopts a hobby ; army hospitalities
Schenck, General R. C.
Schimmelpfennig, General Alexander
Schoepf, General Albin
Schofield, General John M.; in command of the Department of the Ohio; consultation with ; goes to Knoxville; Sherman’s estimate of; his part in the Atlanta campaign et seq.; ordered to move against Ma-con Railroad ; falls back toward Nashville ; wins battle of Franklin ; joins Sherman ; makes supplemental terms with Johnston; letter of, on policy in North Carolina ; appointed Secretary of War
Scott, General R. K.
Scott, William
Scott, General Winfield: his management in 1833, his impatience with interfering civilians ; letter of, to Corcoran ; foretells the civil war; Washington fatal to; his controversy with Davis
Scurvy, antidotes for the
Sea Islands, set apart for negroes
Seawell, Major
Seawell, Perry & Co.
Secession: threats of; Southern belief that the Northwestern States would join in; ordinances of, passed; of Louisiana; correspondence in consequence of; perplexity of Union officers in reference to; opinion that it would be peaceably accomplished ; prospects of, in the spring of 1861, of the border States
Secretary of War, functions of
Sedalia, Missouri
Sedgwick, Captain John
Selfridge, Colonel J. L.
Seminoles: war with theet seq.; removal of the
Semple, Dr., founder of the “Alta California,”
Seton, Mr.
Settlements and plantations, inspector of
Seward, Wm. H.
Shepherd, Alexander R.
Sheridan, Major M. V.
Sheridan, General P. H. ; made major-general ; made lieutenant-general; Grant’s grounds for the promotion ; assumes command
Sherman, Charles R.: father of General W. T.; appointed judge; his death
Sherman, Charles T.
Sherman, Daniel
Sherman, Elizabeth
Sherman, Fanny (Moulton)
Sherman family, the
Sherman, Colonel Frank, captured
Sherman, James
Sherman, Hon. John
Sherman, Lizzie
Sherman, Minnie
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, Judge Taylor
Sherman, Tom
Sherman, General Thomas W.
Sherman, General W. T.: scope and purpose of his “Memoirs,” xxi et seq.; his ancestryet seq.; boyhood et seq.; adopted by Hon. T. Ewing; at West Pointet seq.; in Floridaet seq.; in South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama et seq.; value of his knowledge of those States; accident to; recruits for the Mexican War; sent to California; mission to Sonomaet seq.; visits the gold-mines and reports to the Governmentet seq.; at Montereyet seq.; desires to leave the service; adjutant; removes to San Franciscoet seq.; surveying byet seq.; purchases of, in Sacramento; goes to New York; in Washington; his marriage; sent to St. Louis; to New Orleans; trip to California ; shipwrecked; resigns his commission to go into business ; removes to San Francisco; major-general of militia; resigns; removes to New York; retires from the business; practices law in Leavenworth; becomes superintendent of a military college ; correspondence on secessionet seq.; his resignation et seq.; removes to St. Louis; declines offices offeredhis letter to the Secretary of War; appointed colonel; ordered to Washington; removes from St. Louis; begins service in the civil war; reasons for not writing a history of the war ; assigned to Washington ; to the command of a brigade; march of his command ; official report on Bull Run; made brigadier ; assigned to the Department of the Ohio (afterward Cumberland); appointed to succeed General Anderson; his “insane” request for troops ; official report of forces in Kentucky; dispatches, General Wood’s statement ; transferred to Missouri ; at Sedalia; charge of insanity; recalled from Sedalia; placed in charge of camp of instruction ; ordered to Paducah; at Fort Henry; goes up the Tennessee; his plan; at Shiloh; reports of the battle, et seq.; promoted to be major-general; under Thomas; his advice to General Grant; ordered to Chewalla; at Grand Junction; under the command of Grant; ordered to take command of the District of West Tennessee; at Memphis ; his letters; organization of his division ; marches toward the Tallahatchie; to take Vicksburg; instructions by; superseded by McClernand; his plan for taking Fort Hindmanet seq.; attempt on Deer Creek; his letter to Grant–03; makes a feint on Haines’s Bluff; brigadier in the regular army; letter to General Hal-leek on reconstruction; letter on Willie’s death; goes to the aid of Rosecrans; sent to Burnside’s aid; command of the Department of the Tennessee devolves upon; ordered to Bridgeport; to Chattanooga ; to Knoxville — report by ; his report of Chattanooga ; receives the thanks of Congress; returns from Knoxville; to go down the Mississippi; surprised at Decatur; at Meridan; did not intend to go to Mobile ; correspondence with Grant ; in command of the Department of the Mississippi ; takes command of Division of the Mississippi; important general order of; considers the problem of transportation for Atlanta campaign ; letter to General Banks ; to Rawlins; changes the plan; details of plan et seq.; headquarters removed to Chattanooga; letterset seq.; moves on Resaca; at Cassville; conversations with Johnston and Hoodet seq.; moves to turn Allatoonaet seq.; reports and dispatcheset seq.; moves to turn Kenesaw and Marietta; narrow escape of; first glimpse of Atlanta ; dispatches and reports ; on the battle of Atlanta ; apology to Lincoln ; letter to General Palmer ; made major-general; dispatches and letters et seq.; enters Atlanta; on removing inhabitantset seq.; message to Governor Brown ; on alienating Georgia from Confederacy; dispatches et seq.; proposes the march to the sea; pursues Hood; on defense of Allatoona; urges the march to the sea ; first idea of it; invited to dine at Covington; enters Milledgeville; adventures et seq.; announces his arrival at the sea-coast; visits Foster ; enters Savannah; plans of; orders regarding Savannah et seq.; plan for northward movement; declines to co-operate in capture of Fort Fisher; order on cotton ; accused of hostility to negroes et seq.; at Beaufortet seq.; order for enlistment of negroes; only acts of vandalism; disapproves of attack on Fort Moultrie ; letters; beginning of Carolina campaign; reaches Blackville; at the Edisto; enters Columbia ; interview with a negro ; letters,et seq.; at Bentonsville; at Goldsboro’ ; letterset seq.; visits Grant and meets Lincoln; confident of closing the war with one more battle; at Raleigh; moves on Ashboro’; grants truce; meets Johnston ; terms granted ; letterset seq.; on Stanton’s attack; at Port Royal and Charlestonet seq.; indignation at War Department bulletin ; and Halleck; rejects Stanton’s hand; his farewell order; assigned to Division of the Mississippi; helps on Pacific Railroads; lieutenant-general; goes to Mexico; invitation from Bazaine; subsequent interview at Paris; suggestion concerning Stanton; letters et seq.; protests against appointment as Secretary of War ad interim; goes to St. Louis; dispatches; letterset seq.; called to Washington; made general of the army; letter on powers of general of the army; controversy with Belknap; visits Europe; removes head quarters to St. Louis; to Washington; intention to retire; final inspection tour; retirementet seq.; letter to President Arthur
“Sherman’s March to the Sea,” poem by Adjutant Byers
Sherman, Mrs. W. T
Sherman, Willie ; his death; letter of General Sherman on
Shiloh, battle of: referred to; account ofet seq.; General Sherman’s report of; reports concerning, at the North ; the victory; summary of; losses; effect of, on General Sherman’s reputation; battle of, exhaustion after
Ship’s Gap, Georgia
Shipwrecks: of the Lewis; of a schooner; of the Golden Age
Shiras, Captain
Shreveport, Louisiana; movement against
Shubrick, Commodore
Sick, the: charge of cruelty to; treatment of the wounded and
Sierra Nevada, project for a railroad through the
Sieges, too slow
Sigel, General Franz
Signal Service, seldom to be depended upon in war
Silversparre, Captain
Simons, Mrs. James, burned out at Columbiaet seq.
Sister’s Ferry, crossing at
Sisters of Charity, at Columbia, burned out
Skirmishers, best method of advance of
Slanders, rebel, refuted by acts
Slavery: question of, in California ; fears of, a crusade against; Sherman’s views of, called for ; excitement in Louisiana over; why not mentioned in Sherman’s terms to Johnston
Slaves: value of learning in; policy of the North concerning
Slidell, Senator
Sloat, Commodore
Slocum, General H. W.: assigned to the Vicksburg District; succeeds Hooker; enters Atlanta; sends out foragers; at Milledgeville; fights the battle of Bentonsvilleet seq.; made commander of the Army of Georgia;
Smiley, James
Smiley, Thomas
Smith, General A. J. ; defeats Forrest
Smith, General C. F.
Smith, Prof. F. W. ; his death
Smith, General George W., in command of Georgia militia;
Smith, Mrs. G. W.
Smith, General Giles A.; his report; wounded; crosses the Edisto;
Smith, General John E.
Smith, General Martin Luther
Smith, General Morgan L. ; wounded
Smith, General Persifer F.
Smith, Dr. S. A.; correspondence with; his service in the Confederate army and death
Smith, General T. Kilby
Smith, W. F. (Baldy)
Smith, General W. Sooy
Smyrna, Georgia, combat at
Smyzer, Lieutenant
Snake Creek
Snake Creek Gap, movement on Resaca by
Snelling, Lieutenant
Snyder, J. R.
Soap Creek
Soldiers: pillage by; insults to ; readiness of, at intrenchment, effect of the weather on; of Fifteenth Corps on the second Atlanta sortie; conduct of, in march to the sea ; gay confidence of; skill in foraging; Southern, Lincoln’s wish in regard to; on the march; know when they are well commanded
Sonoma, California: dispute about the control of; Sherman sent to; headquarters at
Sorghum, Camp
South, the: should have been treated as solid for rebellion; classes of people in the; their energy, yielding; disaffection in; secession of. (See Secession.)
South Carolina: punishment in store for; feeling against
Spade and axe, value of
Spencer, Colonel G. E.
Sprague, General J. W.
Spring Hill, Tennessee
Staff, personnel of Sherman’set seq.;composition of a
Stambaugh, Samuel
Stanley, Lieutenant Fabius
Stanley, General D. S. ; wounded
Stanton, Lieutenant-Governor of Ohio, his controversy with General Sherman
Stanton, Secretary E. M.: objects to employment of certain officers ; at Savannah; obliterates marks on cotton; accuses General Davis; confers with negroeset seq.; order by; dispatch from; disapproves of terms to Johnston; attacks Shermanet seq.; bulletin to General Dix; dispatch from ; resumes possession of his office; resigns
State Governors
Steamers, first, in California; first line of mail; scarcity of
Steadman, Colonel
Steedman, General J. B.
Steed, Colonel O. W
Steele, General Frederick ; to move on Shreveport; in command of the Department of the Arkansas ; mentioned
Steele’s Bayou, Mississippi, expedition to
Steinberger, Baron
Stephens, Alexander H.
Stevens, Lieutenant T. H.
Stevenson, Colonel J. D.
Stewart, Mrs. A. P.
Stewart, General
Stewart, Senator
Stiles, General J. N.
Stockton, Commodore
Stockton, California
Stoddard, Major Amos, estate of
Stoddard, Elizabeth (Sherman)
Stoddard, Henry
Stone, General C. P.
Stone, Colonel G. A.
Stoneman, General George
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Strickland, Colonel S. A.
Strong, Brigadier-General
Stuart, A. H. H., Secretary of the Interior
Stuart, General David ; his character and death
Sturgis, General S. D.
Sudley Springs
Sumner, Colonel
Sullivan, Colonel
Sullivan’s Island
Sully, Lieutenant Alfred
Sumter, Fort: building of bombardment of Anderson’s dispatch announcing surrender of
Sunflower, the
Supplies, in march to the sea
Surgeons, duties of
Sutter, Captain; locates Sacramento; member of convention
Sutter’s Fort: in 1848, discovery of gold
Sutterville, site of
Swain, Mr.
Swan, Colonel
Swords, Colonel Thomas
Syke’s Regulars
Symonds, Captain

Taft, Lieutenant-Colonel, death of
Taft, Judge Alphonso, made Secretary of War
Taliaferro, Cadet
Tallahatchee River, the
Tappan, S. F.
Taylor, Colonel Ezra ; wounded
Taylor, N. G.
Taylor, General Richard
Taylor, General Zachary his illness and death; apprehensions regarding his successor ; Washington fatal to
Telegraph, the, value of, in war
Tennessee: people of, appeal to President Lincoln; Hood’s campaign inet seq.
Tennessee, Army of the; orders for; reorganized; scattered ; thanks to strength of, at various times, allowed to fight almost alone at Atlanta losses of et seq.; organization of, April farewell order to
Tennessee, Department of the et seq.
Tennessee River, the, plan for movement on; operations on et seq.
“Tenure of office” controversyet seq.
Terry, General A. H.
Terry, Chief-Justice; arrested by the Vigilantes
Texas, annexation of
Thirteenth Regulars ; letter to
Thistle, Captain, inventor of a gun
Thomas, Frank
Thomas, General G. H. ; carries Missionary Ridge his attack at Chattanooga in command of Department of the Cumberland General Sherman’s estimate of ; his part in the Atlanta campaign; et seq.; his exposed position at Cassville his personal traits; praised ; his opinion on the situation ; to meet Hood dispatch of; pressure on; wins the battle of Nashville ;called slowet seq.; major-general
Thomas, Adjutant-General Lorenzo ; letter of General Sherman to; appointed Secretary of War ad interim
Thomas, Colonel M. T.
Thornton, Judge
Throckmorton, Lieutenant
Tidball, Colonel J. C.
Tiptonville, rebels captured at
Torpedoes, set on the road near Savannah
Tourtelotte, Colonel J. E.: in command at Allatoona; wounded
Tower, General Z. B.
Townsend, General E. D.
Traders, forbidden to go to Atlanta
Treasury agents, Sherman’s opinion of
Troops: where sent ; report of those in Kentucky–90; Confederate, in Kentucky; number of Union, required Tule-bolsa
Tumlin, Colonel Lewis
Tunnel Hill; fighting at
Tupelo, Mississippi
Tupper, Colonel
Turner, Major
Tuscumbia, Alabama
Tuttle, Brigadier-General J. M.
Twiggs, General D.
Tyler, General Daniel

Ulcofauhachee River
Union men, of the South
“Uncle Billy,”

Vallas, Professor Anthony
Vallejo, General; Benicia named for his wife
Vallejo, Juan Antonio, ranch of
Van Brunt, Captain
Vance, Governor, flees from Raleigh
Van Cleve, Colonel
Vandever, General W.
Van Dorn, General, at Pea Ridge threatens Corinth; his advantages; at Corinth devices for securing supplies for his army; captures Grant’s stores
Van Ness, Mr., Mayor of San Francisco
Van Vliet, Major S.
Vaughn, General
Veatch, General J. C,
Vicksburg, Mississippi: Farragut at ; plans for the capture of et seq.; surroundings of ; plan of attack; the attack; reason of its failure ; reenforcements in responsibility for the failure importance of the capture of preparations foret seq.; General Sherman’s opinion his letter on; Grant’s orders for the movement on ; passed by the fleet ; assaults on stronger than Sevastopol surrounded; surrendered ; losses at; value of capture; plan exclusively Grant’s
Vidal, Bayou
Vigilance Committee, in San Francisco
Vining’s Station, Georgia
Volkmar, Captain W. J.

Wade, Senator B. F.
Wadsworth, Major
Waggaman, Major
Wagon-trains, in march to the sea
Walcutt, General C. C. ; wounded
Walker, Robert J.
Walkinshaw, Mr.
Wallace, General Lew
Wallace, General W. H. L.
Walnut Hills, Vicksburg
War: inevitable destruction of property in; the highest pleasure of
War of 1812, the
War, the civil: preparations foret seq.; general opinion that it would be shortet seq.; impatience of the people; necessity for the Government to assume the offensive in; to fight it out the only way; report of committee on, referred to for details; responsibility foret seq.; necessary evils ofet seq.; lessons of et seq.; long foreseen; prompt preparation for, at the South; slowness to realize its certain coming at the North
War Department, the, clerkship in, offered to W. T. Sherman
War, the Mexican. (See Mexican War.)
Ward, post-trader, removal of
Ward, Frank
Ward, General W. T
Warner, Lieutenant of Engineers ; killed by Indians
Warner, Brigadier-General Willard
Washburn, Colonel H. D.
Washington. C.: first visit to; as a residence; danger of remaining in; growth of
Washington, Captain; his death
Waterhouse’s battery
Watkins, Commodore
Wauhatchee, Tennessee
Wayne, Brigadier-General Henry C, at the Oconee
Waynesboro’, cavalry fight at
Weaver, Clark R, answer to Hood’s summons
Weber, Captain, owner of the site of Stockton
Webster, Daniel: prophecy of, concerning California; Secretary of State; his last speech in the Senate
Webster, General J. D.
Weldon, North Carolina
Welker, Major F
Weston, Missouri
West Point Academy: preparation for ; appointment to; journey to ; professors; graduation at
Wheat, Colonel
Wheeler, Gen. J. ; reported slaughter t seq.
White House, Tennessee
Whitfield, Brigadier-General
Whiting, Lieutenant
Whittington, W. W
Wickliffe, R. C,
Wilderness, battles in the
Wilkinson, Mr., correspondent of the “New York Tribune,”
Wilkinson, Mrs
Williams, General A. S.
Williams, J. M.
Williams, General Thomas
Williamson, Captain
Williamson, Colonel J. A
Willich, Colonel
Willow Bayou
Wilmington, North Carolina, proposed expedition to
Wilmot Proviso, the
Wilson, General J. H.
Wimmer, Mr.
Winnegar, Captain
Winson, Major J. A
Wisconsin, excellent recruiting system of
Wisconsin, Regiments of: 2d, (See, also, Forces, organization of.) Wise, Lieutenant Henry
Wise, Henry A
Wolford, Colonel
Wolf River, the
Wood, Fort, Chattanooga
Wood, Lieutenant P. P.
Wood, Brigadier-General T. J. ; statement by
Woodlawn, Georgia
Woods, Captain
Woods, General C. R
Woods, Isaiah
Woods, General W. B.
Wool, General John E.
Workman, Cadet
Worthington, Colonel Thomas
Wounded and dead, care of the
Wright, Judge, of Rome
Wright, Colonel C. J.
Wright, Lieutenant-Colonel J. S., commanding brigade
Wright, Colonel W. W

Yalabusha River, the
Yates, Richard, Governor, of Illinois
Yazoo River, the
Yeatman, James E., sends supplies to Andersonville
Yerba Buena, old name of San Francisco
Young, Captain
Young’s Point

Zollicoffer, General