Many people need to be thanked for their support in the journey of Boxiana: Volume 1 from idea to final printed product. On a personal level, I would like to thank my late father, who instilled me with a love of sport in the first place, and whose enthusiasm for my enthusiasms and interests never wavered. The rest of my family, principally my mother, stepfather and sister, have also provided constant and unstinting support for many years – I thank you all.
I am also indebted to my good friend James Cartwright, with whom I have shared so much boxing talk and chatter over the last 20-odd years. It was James who also introduced me to Gerald Suster’s Champions of the Ring, a book that originally accelerated my enthusiasm for boxing to undreamed of heights. My friend Rowland Stone has also been a constant supporter of Boxiana as well as an invaluable advisor and sounding board. On a similar note, my old Masters of the Baize comrade Paul Gadsby has also offered much important and pertinent advice and the encouragement, advice and support of my friends Richard Evans and Daniel Stone has also been particularly valuable.
On a more professional level, I would like to thank all of the contributors to this issue for their enthusiasm and creativity: Corey Quincy, Matthew Ogborn, Ben Williams, Mario Mungia, Chris Hobbs, Rowland Stone (again!) and James Hernandez – I salute you all. An extra special extra note of gratitude must be extended to the wonderful Trevor Von Eeden, whose advice, courtesy and encouragement went above and beyond the call of duty. I must also extend my thanks to all the staff at my publishers Troubador who have been extremely helpful and professional throughout the entire publication process.
I would also like to thank all those within the boxing industry who gave up their time to speak to me or other contributors to this issue or who facilitated these interviews: Russ Anber, Joe Antonacci, Chris and Tracy Byrd, Mark Breland, Jay Deas, Cuz Hill, Christine Sparrowhawk, Jonathan Thaxton and Deontay Wilder – this volume is for you all.
Finally, I must thank my wife. Kemi – I am forever humbled by your incredible love and support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Luke G. Williams, Autumn 2014