I was born in Fromberg, Montana.
After graduation from high school I joined the U.S. Navy and gave them 10 years.
The last two served in Chu Lai, Vietnam- 1968 & 69. Left the Navy, went to work and to collage and then found a career with Farmer’s Insurance as a claims representative.
At age 48 I joined the U.S. Army Reserves and gave them 2 years.
Then I joined the U.S. Air Force Reserves and gave them 10 years.
I retired from the Military in 2000 and then from Farmer’s Ins. In 2001.
I reside in the Pacific Northwest.
I had to live my life as it came. Adventure and misadventure, one step forward and one step back.
A laugh here and a sob there, but I wish I had lived it from the start as a writer.
Jesse Edward Corralez