Paper by Adolpho Lutz published in 1924 (v.3, p.2135-82, 24 figs.) and republished in 1929v.10, fasc. 37, p.551-90, 25 figs.) as chapter XIII of Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen (Manual of pathogenic microorganisms) under the title “Sammeln, Präparieren, Untersuchen und Bestimmen der hygienisch wichtigen Insekten.” This pioneer reference work – one of the most highly regarded of the early twentieth century – was created by two important German microbiologists,Wilhelm Kolle (1868-1935) and August Paul von Wassermann (1866-1925). Published by two prestigious houses devoted to medical books, Gustav Fischer (Iena) and Urban & Schwarzenberg (Berlin and Vienna), the first edition consisted of six volumes (1903-09), the second of eight (1912-13), and the third of ten volumes, subdivided into 18 parts (1929-31). The editors of the latter were Wilhelm Kolle, Rudolph Kraus, and Paul Uhlenhuth (1870-1957). [E.N.]