When we think of Rihanna, we think about a confident woman, commanding the stage and never afraid, but this isn’t the real Rihanna. She discussed the fact that she thinks she’s misunderstood with Kanye West, when he asked her questions for Interview magazine. She told him: ‘They only see the tough, defensive, aggressive side, but every woman is vulnerable – they have vulnerability. So of course I’m going to have that side. It’s not a major part of who I am, but it’s definitely there. I just don’t like people to see me cry.’
When interviewed on the Ed Lover Radio Show, Rihanna decided to hit back at bloggers who write horrible things about her and other celebrities. She was quite naïve when she first started to read blogs, but now she is more cynical. She said: ‘I still read the blogs sometimes – it depends on what it is I am trying to find out. I’m a lot more numb to it now, only because I understand what it is: it’s a community for people who don’t have anything else to do and hate themselves.
‘They hate their life, they hate their job, they hate their appearance, they are uncomfortable with who they are, so what makes them feel good is talking smack about other people who they think they will never ever see in their life, and they happen to be celebrities.’
Obviously Rihanna isn’t talking about all bloggers, just the ones who think it’s clever to write nasty things about people they don’t even know. She thinks they wouldn’t be quite so brave if they had to meet the celebrities they write about face-to-face, instead of hiding behind their computer screens.
As well as being bullied by bloggers, RiRi has had to face bullying behaviour from the press and paparazzi, who seem to enjoy making things up about her to make her look bad or twisting the truth. RiRi was criticised after having her photo taken with some kids while wearing a ‘F*** You’ necklace, but she couldn’t help it: she had just come out of a restaurant when she was asked by the young girls if she would mind having a photograph taken with them. She never turns down her fans, and so she said ‘yes’, not realising the backlash she would face. If she had said ‘no’, then the girls would have been upset, and the press would probably have released a story saying how heartless Rihanna was and that she snubs her fans. Sometimes she just can’t win. The writing on the necklace is so small that the girls more than likely wouldn’t have noticed it anyway.
As far as RiRi is concerned, the worst things that the media and bloggers have ever written about her was when they talked about a scar she has on her lip, and blamed it on an STD. They suggested that Chris Brown attacked her because he thought it was a cold sore, caused by herpes. Rihanna told Q Magazine: ‘It’s not true, it’s a f****** scar. On my lip. That’s there every day of my life.’
Rihanna will never let the bullies win, and always maintains her composure. She has worked too hard to let anyone ruin her dream. She is a fighter!