ight descends from the sun onto the earth. As the light enters the atmosphere, it separates into the seven rays of color that we call a rainbow; from oneness into many, from the fine nature of space to the dense nature of the Earth’s atmosphere. There is wisdom in the separation into color. Through this separation, we can see a variety of colors to experience contrast. The Seven Simple Steps are like those rainbow colors. Energetically, they are one conscious flow that have been stepped down from their pure nature into physical nature so that they are easier to understand, relate to and implement.

Just as there is no separation between the colors of the rainbow and the descending white light, there is no separation between the Seven Simple Steps . They are like an inverse rainbow that takes you from the many to the one. People have used this innate tool naturally and instinctively since their first breath of air.

Within our Being lies the key that unfolds the true meanings of abundance, love, freedom and the qualities I call the greatest qualities of life . Some of those qualities we have words for and some we don’t. No one can possibly know the full range of those qualities without the realization of Being. Our Being is the only platform from where these qualities can be fulfilled.

The Seven Simple Steps do not differentiate between races, genders or ideologies. Whenever and wherever you come from, they are your loyal guide because they come from within you. Soon, as I start explaining the Seven Simple Steps , you will recognize them. We’ve seen them before, scattered among many definitions and in different contexts. They have appeared as laws, principles, stages, steps, methods of success and tools for many purposes-- but most of these sources have not explicitly put them in order and in contrast with each other. Personally, I have never known why-- maybe it is time!

Practicing each principle, or Step, by itself is beneficial, but the alchemy of the Seven Simple Steps magically unfolds when you identify them together, and in order, so that they become one conscious flow. Through this oneness, everything becomes clear, just like true color can only be seen under white light. When you combine all of the Steps, a bigger picture unfolds. The path is found for those seeking. When the greater map becomes clear, everything then seems simple. You’ll only have to do one thing, and one thing only, which is to take the next step forward.

By connecting the dots and seeing the bigger picture, I came to believe that the path to Self-Realization is no different from the path to fulfilling true desires. Just as enlightenment does not require isolation, the act of manifesting true desires is not immoral nor less important. However, an understanding of the Seven Simple Steps is needed. I believe it is time to clear the way for an explicit understanding.

Conscious Application

The Seven Simple Steps is a natural tool even though it may not feel natural at times. By that I mean that we must be reminded of their simplicity and fluidity that, over time, we have forgotten. They have become mixed with false beliefs and illusions. This book is designed to awaken your awareness of that part within you, that is loyal to you, and will guide you forward to fulfill your purpose. The conscious application of the Seven Simple Steps will clear the way so that your Innate Guide becomes known and trusted.

As you read this book, watch for the inner “yes,” even if its light is dim and small in a big, noisy world. Continue nurturing it, because it will take your hand and help you navigate. The skill of navigating between what is real and what is illusion is one of the greatest skills anyone can have. It requires a vision that can be developed and nurtured, but this vision is not from this world, it is innate. I will talk about vision in Step Five: Receiving Guidance. Practicing the Seven Simple Steps removes accumulated debris and illusion so that your Truth shines through.

I encourage practicing the Steps with yourself, an accountability partner, coach, teacher and/or in a group. Private practice time cannot be substituted for practice time with others. By creating regular inward-focusing time, we show up for ourselves in the most meaningful way. There is nothing more powerful than meeting with the self, first thing in the morning. I discuss this topic in more detail in my podcast episode called “Miracle Practice.” You can get more information at: /transcendence


The Seven Simple Steps tool is not a path by itself. It guides us to our chosen paths. It is the tool that helps us verify what is true in every moment. We can use the Seven Simple Steps to choose a teacher/guru, a direction in life, a book and/or a set of beliefs and rituals. We may change teachings, gurus, disciplines, spiritual or intellectual beliefs, but we can’t change what is innate .

In this book, I do my best to differentiate between the Seven Simple Steps and the methods I personally use. Once you establish a good understanding of the laws in the Seven Simple Steps , you can create your own ways, you can use some of my methods and processes mentioned in this book and in the free 10 workbooks downloads mentioned in the how to read this book section , or you can follow a different teaching. However, learning the Seven Simple Steps is essential. The laws and the guiding principles in the Seven Simple Steps are constant while methods and practices vary depending upon the individual.


You can use the Seven Simple Steps to do anything you truly desire. They can help you get clear on a specific subject, find and live your purpose, be mindful and be happy and joyful. Every true manifestation that has happened or will happen, goes through these Steps. Understanding the principles of the Seven Simple Steps and how they work together is the basis of all intentional manifestation and co-creation.


The Seven Simple Steps will always integrate you with you . They consistently point you inward, toward your Truth. The practice of the Seven Simple Steps consistently increases your confidence and faith in yourself and your path. They are the candle in the dark tunnel. You won’t necessarily see into the future, but you’ll see the next best step from where you are.


There is only one purpose of the Seven Simple Steps , which is to guide you one step forward toward your Higher Intentions. One step is all you need if you seek what is real. This way you’ll always be truthful to the present moment, which is the only moment there is. The Seven Simple Steps will guide you one step forward, but it will not make decisions for you. You must make the choices. They tell you where the truth is, but you must take that step forward .

Eternally Yours

Whether you choose to follow them or not, they will always be there for you in any moment you call for them. The Innate Guide doesn’t get offended if you choose not to follow it. But the more you practice, the more you will experience, and therefore the more you will trust them.

True Qualities

Because they always point toward Truth, they will not stop until you get what is True for you. Simply receiving the soulmate, the sum of money or the sought-after position is not all of what you seek. You are also seeking the qualities of life that these objects represent for you. That is why the Seven Simple Steps will not stop until you fulfill the qualities of what you truly seek. Seeking the true qualities is what I call the way of the Intentional Being. The manifestations of those true qualities are the real successes.