n Step Three, we allow 4 our authentic expression 3 to flow through, without judging or resisting. In Step Four, we allow 4 all aspects of the present moment to flow through, without judging or resisting. That includes situations, people, feelings, time, etc. The present moment is the expression of life in its pure and honest essence. But reality as we know it, is not life itself, it is a perception of life. Our reality is the expression of our Soul altered by our Mind Matrix. If our Soul is the sun, then our Mind Matrix is the clouds. The more Light we allow, the more we become ourselves . The secret to life is to allow it, rather than control it and then to befriend it, rather than fear it. When we allow life to be as it is and allow ourselves to be as we are, in that moment, we become one with life . We merge into the unstoppable, one Universal life flow, that has no opposition. We dissolve the clouds of the Maya. Our Higher Intention and life’s Higher Intention become one. Thus, our entire environment serves our Higher Intention. I call this the unification of life and purpose . Believe it, it is real.
The practicing of allowing 4 has been mentioned in many sacred literatures and has been taught by many spiritual teachers. It has been called mindfulness 4 , Zen 4 , surrender 4 , letting go 4 , acceptance 4 , detachment 4 , trust 4 , and more. It has been revealed to many Intentional Beings as the secret to happiness, freedom and abundance. For Intentional Beings, the art of allowing is an essential ingredient which must be incorporated into our daily practice and which deepens our mastery of life.
I’d like to emphasize again that the Seven Simple Steps can be seen from the Soul’s perceptive as one uninterrupted flow of consciousness. They have been separated into seven, so that they can be seen and followed by our intellects/minds. Our Mind does not comprehend the concept of oneness because it lives in dual reality, the Maya Matrix. Using the Seven Simple Steps helps us believe that we are in a step-by-step progression. A step-by-step progression can, not only be understood and followed by our mind, but it also can give it assurance and comfort. The mind feels as if it is getting rewarded at the end somehow, but in fact, we are integrating into Being 2 with every single step . Being 2 is the presence of your Soul as it expresses itself in the Maya Matrix. It is the most powerful state you can achieve in physical form. In that State of Awareness , everything that touches it transcends to the expansiveness of your Soul and reflects the greatest qualities of life .
All the Seven Simple Steps integrate back to oneness. All steps, including Step Four, are doorways to Being 2 .
When you accept 4 the present moment, you feel fluid feelings. The more fluid you feel, the more allowing 4 you become. When you are in the allowing state, you receive consciousness gifts from your Soul. We will discuss consciousness gifts in Step Five: Receiving Guidance .
I explained the whale analogy in a previous chapter. The whale here is your thought pattern, whether resistant or flowing. To survive, the whale seeks the surface of the ocean to fill its lungs with air. If you are in a State of Allowing 4 , which is another doorway to Being 2 , those thought patterns don’t reach your attention. In this state, you do not invest in them and therefore, they do not manifest. That means that in the State of Allowing 4 , your Mind’s Matrix becomes transparent. Then your Soul’s Light flows uninterruptedly into your reality and manifestations occur in accordance with your Higher Intentions.
I explained before how Maya disconnects us from our Being 2 . Leela is always directing our attention to the outside of ourselves. We cannot overcome Leela. Once you actively engage with Leela through thought, you are outside of yourself, which is her realm. When you leave your Being 2 , you leave your center of power and enter the realm where she is in control. Trying to overcome Leela is like trying to catch yourself from a fall while you are falling. The art of Allowing is when you become one with the present moment. This is a State of Being 2 where Leela doesn’t exist. She is the master of thought and she disappears in the State of Awareness 2 . When we leave our Being, we forget that we are life. We came from life and we will always be life. We don’t question where our next breath will come from. It flows from life outside our bodies, to life inside our bodies. We don’t question where the cells of our bodies come from. They also flow from life to life. We have been accommodating and interrelating with life and life has been accommodating and interrelating with us. The essence of life is a relationship, it cannot be found in evidence or books. This is because the intellect cannot comprehend the concept of oneness with life . Life only reveals itself in a State of Being 2 , where you and life are one.
When we segregate our attention into loops of thoughts and perceptions about reality, we disconnect from Being and deviate from oneness. When we become one with Being 2 , we see life with the clear and expansive vision of our Soul. We remember the simplicity, fluidity and eternity of life. We remember that life is our true friend. When we are outside our Being 2 , we rely on logic and intellect. But Logic and intellect cannot bring about trust in life. We can only gather evidence to intellectually prove our safety, but true safety is a relationship with the Soul that cannot be comprehended intellectually. Only the art of Allowing can reveal and develop trust 4 . Trust evolves from the realization that our Being 2 and life are one. Trusting life is a very important concept. In fact, that is where success actually comes from. True success never happens without that trust 4 .
There are many suggestions about how to succeed in life. Some advise us to study and increase our knowledge. Some suggest self-discipline. Some suggest goal-setting or spending time with successful people. All these practices can be helpful but they are not “laws.” They cannot direct you to know and experience the greatest qualities of life . They may help you achieve goals, but they cannot fulfill you. Before we try to achieve success, we must define success. But most of our definitions are altered by our impediments and limited beliefs. Success, in most cases, has been defined for us by Leela, the orchestrator of the Maya illusion. She can and will make you look for success in places where it cannot be found. Success, as it has been perpetuated, is an illusion. Real success is the moment-to-moment experience of the greatest qualities of life . It happens as a result of intentionally reflecting our Soul’s reality through authentic expression 3 from a state of trust 4 (allowing 4 .) In other words, you realize your Higher Intentions through realizing your True Self.
For example, the act of diminishing competitors is not an authentic 3 expression 3 from a state of trust 4 and it will not yield true and sustainable success. The act of rushing is not an authentic 3 expression 3 from a state of trust 4 and it will not yield true and sustainable success. Pushing people to perform, forcing creative flow, settling for less than truth, making flashy and inflated marketing claims are all not authentic 3 expression 3 from a state of trust 4 and will not yield true and sustainable success. These acts imply fear and distrust, therefore, they must ultimately collapse into themselves, even if they initially appeared successful.
The Seven Simple Steps teaches us that our Higher Intentions are one with life. We don’t manifest our Higher Intentions through control, we manifest them through allowing . We cannot experience the greater qualities of life without surrendering 4 to life. We accept life by trusting all aspects of the present moment.
Success is the moment-by-moment experience of the greatest qualities of life. It happens as a result of intention |
“Surrender is the yielding, rather than the opposing to the
flow of life.”
- Eckhart Tolle
Surrender 4 frightens us because it feels like we are disconnecting from our desires and losing control. Actually, we are, only to reclaim our freedom and power. Through surrender 4 , we let go of the ideas about the Self to uncover the Truth about the Self. We detach from the illusion of a happy life to gain access to the greater qualities of life . We realize our Higher Intentions through realizing our Truth. The experience of surrender 4 can feel like letting go of armor, shelter or even a part of ourselves. Like the baby who must leave the comfort and protection of the mother’s womb to become itself, we must let go of what is holding us back from evolving to our next phase of evolution.
Learning surrender 4 is a process. The more we experience shifts resulting from surrender 4 , the more we gain freedom from limiting beliefs. The more we experience freedom from limiting beliefs, the more easily we can surrender . When we allow, we make a statement that we trust life and are willing to become one with it. That is the ultimate empowerment!
Surrender 4 is not an action, it is an un-action. Clenching your muscles is an action. When you relax your muscles, you are undoing that action. Surrender is the absence of the Mind’s push/pull tension. The Soul’s Light is already flowing, you resist it through your thoughts and beliefs. The act of allowing 4 is the act of unfolding what is already there, without interruption. You become one with Being . Your life integrates and becomes a representation of the unbounded, expansive and creative realm of your Soul. When you let go of what you believe is everything, you gain access to everything.
When you follow the suggestions of the first three Steps, allowing 4 will occur naturally. Then, all you do is choose it, dive in it and Be it. You may need to use words or affirmations to help increase the fluidity of feeling. We will discuss the subject of affirmations in Step Six: Inspired Action . We can still use affirmations to help us get and sustain a State of Allowing . Here are some of my favorites, please feel free to use your own words/phrases:
When feeling a resistant feeling:
When feeling a fluid feeling:
One of the most effective ways to practice the art of allowing is to speak an affirmation to yourself or by asking a question, then becoming silent with no thoughts. Here is an Example:
“I accept this sadness as a part of this moment and as a part of life.” After you say this to yourself, then silence your mind. Focus on the feeling itself and observe as it dissolves naturally. When you come out from silence, see if the sadness is still there. Repeat the same process on any residue of it. Remember that awareness itself is the “cure” to any resistant feeling. Although thoughts or affirmations can help you create a fluid momentum, realization occurs in the absence of thoughts. Transcendence happens when you are using thoughts, not when thoughts are using you.
You can do the same exercise using your breath. Breathing can be used as an expression 3 and as allowing 4 , which is Step Three and Step Four. The idea in both ways is to ask or affirm, then let go of thoughts and feel your feelings. I explain some of those techniques on my Podcast, Intentional Beings and the Seven Simple Steps . You can listen to episodes 65, 66 and 67.
All of the Seven Simple Steps get you closer to Being . But the art of allowing is the best and shortest way to get you there. If you feel resistant feelings, then test which step is best for you, expressing 3 or allowing 4 . You will know through your awareness 2 of Being 2 . Sometimes you won’t be able to jump to the allowing practice without expressing first, and sometimes you can. I use the following affirmation (or a variation of it) to practice both Step Three and Step Four. “I express myself truthfully and authentically in this moment. I allow life to be as it is, in this moment.” After I say this affirmation, I shift straight to the State of Being 2 .