Chapter Five :
Congratulations on understanding the importance of the art of Allowing . When you allow life to be as it is and allow you to be as you are, in the moment, you become one with life. You open the two-way path between you and your Soul. In that State of Allowing 4 , you receive guidance. I call this guidance, Gifts of Consciousness* 4 . These are the Soul’s gifts that unlock the way to your Higher Intentions. The Gifts of Consciousness come in many ways, but they always include insights. You may meet the right people or be in the right place at right time. You may also receive your desired manifestations. All of these gifts are meant to inspire you toward your Higher Intentions.
People have experimented with many methods to experience the Soul’s realm. Some have used drugs, food/sleep/water deprivation, isolation, awakening certain centers in the body and other specific rituals. Some experience visions of their past, possible futures, alternate realities, insights, etc. The Seven Simple Steps specifically teaches us to enhance our relationship with the Soul through Awareness of Being 2 . Practicing the art of Allowing safely and naturally achieves that connection. It is a consistent and gradual method. We don’t have to experience extreme highs and lows as we do with other methods. Extreme highs and lows can distract us and get us lost in the Maya. As we enhance and deepen our ability to allow 4 the Light of our Soul, our reality must reflect that Light.
There are infinite windows between us and our Soul. Each window has its own magical gifts of consciousness. When we allow 4 , we open the specific windows that are relevant to where we are in relationship to our Higher Intentions. Thus, transformation happens in our reality due to the increased Light that is flowing through from our Soul. I called this “unification of life and purpose.”
Keep practicing the art of allowing until you feel your oneness with the moment. In this State, you receive gifts of consciousness. The gifts that you receive in this State are true gifts. They are tailored specifically for you. They have your name on them. Make sure to use them because they are your trusted and loyal guides that liberate you. Trust them because they came to you from a State of Allowing 4 , a state that has no opposing forces. The State of Allowing 4 is like a clear mountain lake that reflects the essence of your Soul. This essence carries wisdom and the ability to manifest in harmony with all life. Those gifts of consciousness are the keys to unlock all boundaries, dissolve limitations and fulfill your Higher Intentions. There is nothing more powerful than the gifts that we receive in a State of Allowing 4 . They are indeed the true gifts.
Every true gift is, in fact, a gift of consciousness. The word “consciousness” points out that those gifts have resulted from the transcendence of limitations. The increased Light that flows through from your Soul due to that transcendence is a gift of consciousness. It represents new parts of your Soul emerging into your reality. It is like a cloud of your Mind Matrix that has been dissolved and become transparent to the Soul’s Light. The creative manifesting ability of your Soul will find the nearest and best way to help you move forward toward your Higher Intentions. It will offer you the keys to unlock possibilities. There are differences between gifts of consciousness, which is Step Five, and realization, which is Step Seven. Theoretically speaking, you can lose your gifts, but you cannot lose a realization. When your Soul sends you a gift of consciousness, it points you in the direction of realizing what is truly yours (you). If you don’t trust life, you may receive gifts of consciousness and lose them, deny them, dismiss them or consider them as “just thoughts.” Step Five helps you identify those gifts and Step Six helps you to nurture them.
The timing of the gifts is unknown. It is by grace. The laws that govern the timing of receiving are outside the scope of the Seven Simple Steps . However, the Seven Simple Steps assures you that you will receive gifts if you sustain a State of Allowing 4 . The State of Allowing 4 tells the Universe “yes” and the Universe always responds with magic.
“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.”
- Lloyd Alexander
Asking questions and receiving answers creates an intimate relationship with life. It goes beyond the intellectual ability to know what is best for us. We don’t always receive the answers the way we expect to receive them. Sometimes we ask a question and receive, what seems to be, a different answer. But we always receive the answers that are in alignment with our Higher Intentions. We must trust the vision and knowledge of the Soul. In most cases, trust happens gradually through the application of the Seven Simple Steps .
Ask questions at every step. Ask and be open to the answers even if they seem frightening. Surrender to Life and you will be guided. It is Universal Law. Answers always come from within your Being . Start by asking within yourself or the God of your understanding. Ask teachers, students, your parents and your children. Ask the “fool” and the wise. Ask people with knowledge on the subject matter, even if you don’t have anything in common with them. Their answer might trigger your answer. Asking questions is not weakness, it is wisdom. I sometimes even ask my four-year old son and observe his answers. I may hear the answers in between his limited words. Sometimes the wisest answers are the most simple and easy ones, closest at hand. When we remain open and receiving, anything in our environment can stimulate our insights.
We are constantly given opportunity to choose to receive guidance from our Soul. We can do this by intending to observe, listen 5 and be aware of our environment. That includes music, people talking, random writings, TV, bumper stickers, children playing, the sound of ocean waves, objects, numbers, a specific circumstance or a sequence of circumstances, symbols, etc. You can choose to read a peaceful or spiritual book, listen to stirring music, take a warm bath or a walk in a quiet place. Anything that stimulates fluidity of consciousness is how your Soul interacts with you. It waits for you to make an opening and when you make that opening, it sends you gifts.
There is a direct relationship between practicing Step Five and trusting life. This step teaches us that we are not alone. It teaches us to believe in this developing intimate relationship. It teaches us that if we ask and allow , we receive . That is law! People have known about this law from all walks of life and from all faiths. This law doesn’t discriminate between races, spiritual faith or the lack thereof. It works regardless. Some people think that this law is a result of practicing their own beliefs/methods or because they are more gifted than others. This is another false belief imposed by the Maya Matrix to isolate us and make us separate from one another. Entrepreneurs, visionaries, inventors and leaders use and teach this law. They find their own ways of receiving insights such as taking morning walks, counting slow and deep breaths, bicycling, listening to soothing music, etc. Some use drugs which sometimes leads to receiving insights. However, in most cases, using drugs activates dependencies which run through the Maya Illusion. Dependency and freedom are opposites, while the Seven Simple Steps is innate.
When you receive a gift of consciousness, it is your responsibility to recognize it. In order to do so, let’s talk about some possible forms that gifts can take. Below, are some from my experience. Please be open to your Soul, it may send you other forms that are not listed below.
Insights 5 are seeds that contain the power to manifest worlds. If you follow and trust the gift of insights 5 that come from a State of Allowing 4 , you can create more than you think you can. These types of manifestations will capture hearts and ultimately transform the world. They dissolve illusions and create openings for yourself and others to follow. They are seeds of pure light and harmony, supporting the unity of all life.
From the State of Allowing 4 , notice the ideas that come with a sense of expansion, joy and freedom. Look for those ‘a-ha’ moments that inspire hope, enthusiasm and a sense of direction. Sometimes insights feel like mini-realizations, though, I prefer to reserve the word “realization” for Step Seven. All gifts of consciousness come with, or are followed by, insights.
Visions are available all of the time for everyone. I define the gift of vision as a type of insight that comes from a State of Allowing 4 . They are impressions that you see in your mind’s eye beyond previous Maya limitations. In your mind’s eye, you see a visual equivalent of a desired possibility. I use the word “equivalent” because your Soul communicates with you through imagery, symbols, sensations and different types of awarenesses. Trust the feeling of the vision more than the specifications of the vision itself. It is a language of pure energy that you and your Soul inherently know. When you receive a vision in a State of Allowing , it means that your Soul is showing you a possibility, that has been released from potential, and is available to you. If you continue nurturing these visions, you will manifest in their direction.
The State of Allowing 4 is the ultimate state where you allow your Soul to use its creative abilities and knowledge to manifest in your life. The substance of those Gifts 5 can be in energy form, such as Insights 5 and visions 5 , but it can also materialize into a manifestation or a series of manifestations. These manifestations have the potential to align with your Higher Intentions. They motivate you to deepen your path of Co-Creation and Self-Realization.
Indeed, you may meet your soulmate, receive money, a promotion or have a life-changing event. But whatever you receive, the objective is not merely a manifestation. Intentional Beings must continue deepening the path of Co-Creation and Self-Realization. Enjoy the manifestations, but do not settle for manifestations alone, nor give them your power. What feels like a gift today can become a prison tomorrow. Be loyal to your Being 2 , not to the manifestations.
One of the most profound gifts is the Satori experience. Satori 5 , a concept in Zen Buddhism, is a sudden attainment of enlightenment or Self-Realization. It happens when a window to the Soul spontaneously opens and reveals some aspect of the Soul’s kingdom. This can happen due to a variety of reasons. Sometimes it feels like a forceful breach into the Soul’s kingdom. Sometimes it feels like a spontaneous clarity, directly accessing the Soul. Surrender 4 is the key.
Although Satori doesn’t usually last, it can have a dramatic effect on the person’s outlook on life. Some people become apathetic or even suicidal after their Satori experience. This happened to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist, who experienced a sudden stroke, which led to a state of pure bliss or Satori. On her Ted Talk she said: "I felt enormous and expansive like a genie who just was liberated from her bottle and my spirit soared free, like a great whale gliding into a sea of silent euphoria.”
During her stroke, she witnessed all her brain functions slip away, one by one, including speech, movement and logic. Then she became disconnected from her physical body. After she returned to her body, she couldn’t believe that she could fit into it again.
Before the stroke, she was driven passionately to find answers to her brother’s schizophrenia. She dedicated her career to research severe mental illnesses. After her Satori experience, she realized her original passion had expanded to include her breakthrough. She wrote a book called My Stroke of Insight , and she presented many world-wide talks. Here is a link to her Ted Talk:
One of the current spiritual teachers, Adyashanti, an American born author, speaks to those who have had a Satori experience. He asks them a series of questions, intended to help them know that the Satori has never left them and is still there within them. He advises them to not try to recreate the experience because it is impossible. He says, “you must take responsibility now, to get yourself there. Experience can come back to visit, but it will never be truly yours unless you get yourself there intentionally.”
If the Satori experience is viewed as a gift of consciousness, the person can choose to utilize it to serve themselves and others. Just like all other gifts of consciousness, Satori is not the end of the road. It is just a tool that can shed light on your next steps toward your Higher Intentions.
I have shared some of my personal Satori experiences on my Podcast. You can find a library of free audio downloads at: /transcendence
Intuition is instinctual. It has been created on the level of the Environmental Layer of the Maya Matrix. Intuition is the ability to sense the most harmonious action available at any given moment, that assists us in moving one step forward toward Higher Intentions. It is available to everyone with no exceptions. Only the intellect/mind stands in the way of it. The more we allow , the more the cloud of the Mind Matrix becomes transparent to intuition and the more we innately trust that intuition.
To further understand this step, we need to be able to distinguish between the different types of thoughts.
“The statement ‘I think’ implies volition. It implies that you have willfully chosen to think what you think (or that you think in the first place). For most people, this is not yet the case. ‘I think’ is just as false a statement as ‘I digest’ or ‘I circulate my blood.’ Digestion happens, circulation happens, thinking happens.”
- Eckhart Tolle from his book The New Earth
Compulsive thinking, or you may call it habitual thinking, is a horizontal movement, which means it does not go up to your Soul or down to your intent . The thoughts ruminate on the Maya Matrix level. It happens to us without our intention and sometimes without our conscious knowledge. Most of our thoughts are habitual in nature. They are past thought patterns that we have empowered through our attention to them. Empowered thoughts have a life of their own and will continue demanding our attention. They loop, recreate reality and attempt to fix/solve current situations. But they cannot fix anything because they are old programs: they are not you. There is no true consciousness or presence in them. They use our awareness instead of being used by our awareness .
Our beliefs about reality, as we know it, are the source of habitual thinking. That means that they are, for the most part, imposed by Maya. We bring approximately 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day to our attention, and our attention creates our reality. Therefore, we keep re creating the Maya Matrix again and again. To change our reality, we must transcend habitual thinking.
The Seven Simple Steps teaches two ways to achieve transcendence. The first way is to create a new counter-effect thought pattern, one thought at a time. The second method is to bypass thoughts through awareness 2 of Being 2 .
There is one method that seems to be the most popular one. It suggests that we work with the negative thought pattern directly. Remember when I said that you cannot overcome Leela? When you work directly with a “negative” thought pattern, you pay attention to the “negative” thought pattern. This means that you have left your center of power and fallen into Leela’s realm where she is the center of power and the master of illusion. You may find yourself even creating excuses and attracting situations to reinforce the habitual thought pattern again ! You cannot reason with a habit of thinking. Habits do not speak the same language as reason. If reason is located in one department, habits are located in another. In fact, new research indicates that the part of your brain that executes habits, is different from the one you reason with. Therefore, Joe can be overdrawn in his bank account and still choose to buy a new TV.
These principles apply to all addictive behaviors. Beliefs are at the core of addictive behaviors. They reside in Maya. The Seven Simple Steps addresses that core level by dissolving the Maya and therefore, creating new behaviors that are in alignment with your Higher Intentions. The relationship with Being is the missing ingredient that guides recovery from all addictions.
When you notice through Awareness of Being 2 , that you are indulging in compulsive thought, be aware of the fact that you have left your center. Pay attention to your feelings 2 . Ask yourself “How do I feel now that I am thinking compulsively?”, or “How do I feel now that I am outside of my center?” The questions themselves will return you to Being . Note the subtle shifts in your state of Being when you switch from compulsive thought back to Being 2 . Noticing and tracing those small shifts is the remedy to compulsive thinking. When you are not fighting with the thought, which is a fight that you cannot win, you are enhancing your awareness and relationship with Being 2 . This weakens those thoughts and causes them to lose power. If you continue this practice, ultimately those thought patterns become dormant.
By doing this exercise, you will become aware of the difference between feelings during compulsive thinking and feelings during the State of Awareness of Being 2 . One feels discordant (resistant) and the other feels whole (fluid). This awareness 2 is essential in order to distinguish between insight and habitual thought. Your feelings 2 are your loyal guide, let them lead you back to Being 2 .
Creative or Intentional 1 thinking is a vertical and upward movement from your intent to your Soul. Through intention , you use the light that is available to you, to guide you toward the Soul. In this process, you may open whatever Soul windows you want. This is the exact definition of what is known as channeling. This is where insight meets intentional action, where Step Five meets Step Six.
I will further discuss Creative Thinking in Step Six.
Insights are a vertical and downward movement of pure energy that have been sent from your Soul to your Conscious Awareness 2 . They are impressions, images, symbols, concepts, ideas and other subtle forms of Soul communication. The way your Soul communicates with you is different from the way we communicate with one another. The Soul can send you a message in an instant, that potentially could take an entire book to explain. It is a more direct and broad way of communication that does not need the medium of words. Words, on the other hand, can be misleading and misinterpreted. Insights are innate and happen to everyone. All you must do is take a quiet walk, slow down your thoughts or listen deeply. When you do any of these activities, you may be able to bring yourself into the allowing State which is essential for receiving insights.
Through awareness of Being 2 , note how insights feel. Insights have a feeling of expansion and enthusiasm. Soul communications always feel good. It is our responsibility to note the fluid feeling. They feel like a sudden opening, revealing a clear sky following a cloudy day.
If you want to learn more about the different types of thoughts, please visit:
We feel better and more fluid when we receive a gift of consciousness. We innately recognize those gifts. Let me emphasize, we need to practice that innate felt sense through the application of the Seven Simple Steps . Remember, the more we make Step Two: Awareness of Being , the main intention, the more we innately recognize the gifts. Allow your Being to teach you. You are hardwired to know, acknowledge and even celebrate the receiving of gifts. Of course, it is easier to recognize those gifts that are directly related to your declared intentions, such as receiving the car or the promotion you wanted. However, we don’t always receive in the same way that we expect. Our Soul knows what is best for us, more than what we know intellectually. It is our responsibility to recognize and act upon those gifts, no matter how big or small.
Your insights, and the gifts of consciousness in general, are yours alone. They have the capacity to unlock your blocks, to release your impediments and to get you closer to your higher intentions. Know that they are intimately yours and specifically designed for you. Attempting to project your insights onto others, are a trap by Maya, thereby spoiling the magic of the gift for you. Maintaining the awareness of Being 2 is the remedy. People will get their own insights when they are ready. Just be loyal to your Innate Guide through awareness .
Insights can expire! The fact that you received and acknowledged an insight in the past, does not mean that it remains current. As we discussed before about the different types of thoughts, you can tell the difference between thoughts and insights. Use insights the moment that you recognize them as insights, through awareness . Fluidity is your validation. Insights are not a particular phrase, law or ritual. Insights are a relationship between life and your Being in the present moment. This idea is unsettling for the ego, because it gets its security through rituals, actionable steps, gurus, material objects or anything that is not related to the dynamic and ever-changing, present moment. The ego needs something to rely on that is constant and outside of the Being . However, there is nothing more constant than being . Everything else is temporary but the ego cannot know that. If you find yourself looking for solutions or insights from your Soul, but your old insights are not fluid in the moment, then retrace through the Seven Simple Steps . See if there are any issues with your intention 1 , authentic expression 3 and allowing 4 in order to restore yourself to your center of Being 2 .
In the State of Being , observe your surroundings and be aware of any fluid feeling that is opening . See if they contain messages for you in relationship to your intention 1 . See if you are guided to read a book, listen to people in an intentional group, go out walking or anything else that works for you. Believing that you must receive an insight now is also a trap. Remember that allowing is the opposite of control. When you are allowing , you are not asking, you are just Being 2 . Then see if it is time to receive. It may be time for receiving and it may not be time. If it is not time, then stay open in the allowing State.
The Unique Gifts of Consciousness
Your Soul may give you a gift that is unknown to others. There are literally infinite ways for the Soul to communicate. Be open for miracles. I can’t speak for everyone, but I had a very special gift from my Soul, which my wife and I named Moga. If you want to hear more about my personal experience, please visit: