
I am infinitely grateful to countless individuals, without whom this book simply wouldn’t exist.

Mindy Fox, trusted friend of almost twenty years, partner in crime, detail detective, consummate cheerleader, and cooking mastermind, who made every day of work on this book, both in the kitchen and staring at the blank page, an adventure and a joy.

Teresia Precht, my chief everything officer, who tested each recipe, tirelessly managed every element (of this book and my life), and kept so many balls in the air with ease, even when I threatened to drop them.

Andy McNicol, my patient and sagacious literary agent at WME.

My editor, Karen Murgolo, who encouraged and guided me with calm, gracious enthusiasm, and her thoughtful, hard-working team at Grand Central Life & Style, including Matthew Ballast, Lisa Forde, Morgan Hedden, Tareth Mitch, Amanda Pritzker, Anne Twomey, Deri Reed, and their publisher, Ben Sevier.

Laura Palese, book designer extraordinaire and all-around awesome human.

Mindy and I together would like to thank Sadie Gelb for her positive and passionate help with so many crucial aspects of this project.

The visual dream team, who brought my recipes to life:

Photographer Johnny Miller

Food stylist Rebecca Jurkevich

Prop stylist Bette Blau

Photography and food and prop stylist assistants: Justin Conly, Judy Mancini, and Stephanie Becker

Glam Squad from Heaven: Jessie Riley and Charlotte Rose Coleman

The brilliant artisans and long-adored brands whose props I was honored to have grace these pages:

Jeff Googel and Josh Bider at WME, and Kenny Slotnick at AGI Lifestyle, my trusted agents and professional spirit guides.

Elise Freimuth and Mary Wagstaff at Wagstaff Worldwide, and Sara Fuller, Joey Monroe, and Marcel Pariseau at True Public Relations for their endless energy, loyalty, and savvy media navigation.

The nomadic tribes I’ve beenlucky enough to join through my many serendipitous adventures at Food & Wine, Bravo, and Magical Elves, including my cherished Top Chef crew.

A special thanks to Tom Colicchio, mentor, friend, and poet, for his thoughtful foreword, endless hours together at the dinner table, and his all-around kindness.

Thank you to the countless generous, whip-smart, insatiable friends who contributed to this book in ways both large and small, including but not limited to: Rena Ali, Mia Brown, Brandon Creed, Hallie Delaney, BJ Denis, Sue Devor, Melanie Dunea, Shana Faust, Matthew Gaudet, Seth Gold, Jessica Goldberg, Stacey Grill, Samantha Hanks, Cameron Kane, Peter Lindberg, Nilou Motamed, Sarah Rosenberg, Seton Rossini, Katherine Yang, Sonia Zala, and Amy Zavatto.

My beloved, wondrous, and supportive family: Renée and Ivor, Alan, Eric, Kim, Tyler, Elle, and Brooke Simmons, and Noreen, Herb, and Jodie Abrams.

And finally, my greatest loves, Jeremy and Dahlia Rae Abrams, who are, respectively, the reason I accomplish anything at all, and my single greatest accomplishment.

—Gail Simmons

A huge thanks to Gail Simmons: Making this book with you was an honor, as well as a lovely, fun, and extremely tasty adventure. My deepest gratitude also goes to David Black and Sarah Smith at David Black Agency; my husband, Steve Hoffman; Neil, Phyllis, and Jason Fox, and my extended Northeast, Midwest, and Southern families; and the many friends and colleagues who continue to cheer on the work that I do and love so much, and (very lucky me!) are far too numerous to list here.

—Mindy Fox