Every morning this week it’s been the same.
Ms Arthur calls out the roll.
Starting with Pete Ancich,
followed by Tiffany Brown,
then me, Selina Chandler.
Everyone says, ‘Here, Ms’
or, ‘Present, Ms.’
But we’re all waiting
for Ms Arthur to call out Cameron’s name.
without fail,
Cameron jumps out of his chair,
salutes Ms Arthur
and says, in his loudest voice,
‘Present and ready for action, Ms!’
The first time he did it,
Ms Arthur frowned and muttered,
‘Thank you.’
We could see she was a little bothered.
But after a week of Cameron
saluting and shouting,
she realised he wasn’t going to stop
and he wasn’t hurting anybody,
except maybe our eardrums!
So now, once in a while,
instead of just calling out, ‘Cameron Knowles’,
Ms Arthur stands to attention and says,
‘Sergeant Knowles!’
Cameron smiles and almost leaps from his chair.
Everyone giggles,
except Cameron.
He’s too busy yelling!