I got named school captain.
Me and Selina.
And I’m captain of the football team
and the cricket team
and the other kids always ask me what I think
whenever something happens at school.
They reckon I’m a leader.
And Mum and Dad
trust me with the tractor
and the quad bike
and Dad knows I’ll come home
straight after school
during harvest and I’ll work until dark
and get up at first light and work some more.
Jacob follows me round the farm
and I can see he tries to do the things I do,
even if it’s something stupid
like jumping off a shed roof.
And I get good marks in school
even though I don’t try too hard
because I’m not going anywhere
other than this farm
and everyone in town knows that
but still they expect heaps from me.
And that’s why when I get into trouble
and Mr Hume gives me one of his lectures
and reminds me of my duty
as school captain
and he shakes his head
as if he would have voted differently
if he had a choice.
That’s when it takes all my effort
to stand there and not say a word,
in his office,
waiting for the lecture to end
so I can go back to class
all my true friends are.