It’s a stinking hot day

and everyone is exhausted after lunch

and we’re all slouched at our desks

while Ms Arthur

fans herself with a magazine

and no one wants to do school work

so Ms Arthur says

we’ll have one super-quick

maths competition

and then we can all read

whatever we like

for the rest of the afternoon.

Ms Arthur says,

‘Tell me the total of

six plus

five plus

eight plus

two plus

four plus . . .’

and Cameron

raises his hand

and says, ‘Twenty-five!’

before Ms Arthur has asked him

and she says,

‘I haven’t finished yet, Cameron.’

A book is sitting on Cameron’s desk, waiting.

Ms Arthur says,

‘Right, nine plus

four plus

ten plus

three plus

seven plus . . .’

and Cameron

raises his hand

and says, ‘Fifty-eight!’

and everyone groans

because we all know he’s correct

but Ms Arthur hasn’t finished

so she ignores the answer

and keeps going,

‘. . . six plus

eleven plus

eight plus

two plus . . .’

Cameron says, ‘Eighty-five!’

‘. . . nine plus

twelve plus

three plus . . .’

Cameron says, ‘One hundred and nine!’

‘. . . two plus

ten plus

eleventy-seven plus . . .’

Ms Arthur smiles,

‘. . . two trillion plus

one plus . . .’

and Cameron says,

‘Two trillion, one hundred and twenty-two

and eleventy-seven, Ms!’

And, finally,

Ms Arthur says, ‘Correct’

and tells us all

to spend the rest of the afternoon
