She can ride a bike faster than anyone,
I follow in her wake.
She cradles a lady beetle in her hand,
I wish I could hold it.
(Her hand not the beetle!)
She laughed for
two minutes and twenty-five seconds at lunch
but I didn’t tell the joke.
On Mondays she wears a black beret,
I tell her it’s my favourite colour.
On Tuesday she wears a red ribbon,
I tell her it’s my second favourite colour.
On Wednesday her hair falls free.
She answered four questions correctly in class,
I answered three questions wrong.
She got voted onto the school council,
I got mumps and missed the election.
She is the only girl in the school football team,
I’m the only boy in the softball team.
She has a dog named Napoleon,
a cat named Louis,
four goldfish,
two chooks that lay eggs,
and a mouse called Roger.
I have a pet rock.
I had a pet rock
until Mum threw it away.
Mum didn’t know it was a pet,
she said she was sorry,
went out to the garden
and brought me in another rock
but it was just a rock,
not a pet,
so I let it go home.