My Grandpop

leans against the counter

in the barber shop

while Mr Chambers

carefully snips the hair

from around my ear.

Grandpop says,

‘In my day, Alex,

my dad would take to me

with sheep shears

and, Bob’s your uncle,

I’d be shorn true

and booted outdoors to work.’

Mr Chambers laughs

and carefully snips at my fringe.

Grandpop says,

‘In my day

us kids didn’t have iPads

and iPhones and iPoodles,

or whatever they’re called.

We had a bat, a ball and a bike.

Too many gadgets, too much . . .’

Grandpop’s mobile phone beeps

with a text message.

He moves away from the counter

and pulls it out of his overalls

and starts to text back.

Mr Chambers sprays a mist of water

on my hair

and snips on top.

Grandpop finishes texting

and slips the phone into his pocket.

‘Now, what was I saying?’ he asks.

Mr Chambers winks at me and says,

‘Football, you were talking about footy.’