‘Yeah, he’s my brother

and I’m supposed to look after him

but it was lunchtime, Mr Hume,

and the canteen has a special –

two dollars for a hot dog and drink.

You should try it, sir.

Mrs Casey says it’s a low-fat dog,

if you’re worried.

Not that you need to be worried, sir.

Not at all.

Back to my brother,

well, he’s been talking all week

about wanting to fly, sir.

I thought he meant in a plane.

You know, like normal people.

You’ve got to admit it was pretty impressive

climbing on the roof of the groundsman’s shed.

Maybe planting wattles that close

wasn’t such a good idea

even if they bloom yellow all summer.

I don’t think he meant to jump, sir.

He was probably just checking the wind speed.

No, sir. I did not give him

the feathers, the sticks or the glue.

He’ll be in big trouble with Mum

when she discovers the spare doona is empty.

Yes, it’s true, last year

I told all the boys in Kindy

they had to wear a dress in honour

of Darcy Dress, the famous inventor.

I got a week’s detention,

and Mum had me sewing,

can you believe it,

sewing dresses, as punishment!

I’ve learnt my lesson, sir.

So, honestly, truly and no kidding,

I didn’t tell Jacob to jump off the roof.

How is Mr Korsky, sir?

It must have been a shock,

having an eight-year-old land on your back.

But I hear it broke Jacob’s fall, sir.

Mr Korsky is a hero!

Maybe we should celebrate,

have a special lunch?

Ask Mrs Casey to order in pizzas?

Sorry, sir, I know that’s off the point,

so, trust me,

I will talk to Jacob about

outlandish flying experiments

and jumping off the roof,

I promise.’