The Hands of the Kindom

Esek Nightfoot, a cleric

Chono, a cleric

Aver Paiye, the First Cleric

Seti Moonback, the First Cloak

Vas Sivas Medisogo, a cloaksaan

Ilius Redquill, a secretary

Rekiav, a novitiate

Khen Caskhen Paan, a cleric, murdered

Yorus Inye, a cloaksaan

The Nightfoot Family

Alisiana Nightfoot, the Nightfoot matriarch

Caskori Nightfoot, Alisiana’s uncle

The Ironway Family

Jun Ironway, a caster

Liis Konye, a former cloaksaan, and Jun’s lover

Ricari Ironway, a revolutionary, and Jun’s Great Gra

Hosek Ironway, Jun’s grandmi

Bene Ironway, Jun’s cousin


Lucos Alanye, a genocider

Masar Hawks, a pirate

Saxis Foxer, a pirate captain

Phinea Runback, an archivist

Nikkelo sen Rieve, a collector

and Six