We have already thanked chef Tatu Lehtovaara and graphic artist Aki Scharin, who both have played an important role in making this book into what it has become. Tatu has been a driving force in the startup and implementation of the food workshops in Helsinki; he has contributed to the planning of every workshop. With Aki we have been working for almost ten years. Even without any science background, he has a unique ability to visualize fundamental natural and scientific phenomena, and his references and connections move in the most unlikely and unthinkable directions. The many discussions over illustrations have been exceptionally stimulating, probably for all three of us. His skills and imagination both amaze and delight.
Many others are also to be thanked for their contributions. A special thanks to all you who have participated in, and hosted, the food workshops in Finland and Norway. For your interest and active participation, for contributing with your knowledge and experience and for giving us such interesting questions to explore. This should be clearly visible for those reading the book.
We have received help and input from many while writing the various chapters. We would like to thank chef Arto Rastas (65°C egg recipe), Maria Planting (meringue discussions), Ismo Korhonen (discussions on steaming mussels as well as cooking for and conducting the porridge tasting), Christophe Lavelle (discussions on heat), Guro H. Rognså (white wine discussions), Gunnar Aurdal (music descriptions), Liv Marit Mathilde Aurdal (discussions on archeology and prehistoric cooking), Pasta Factory Helsinki Oy (specially made pasta for a workshop), Nanna Rintala (translation of Finnish excerpts from the flavor chapter into English), Pekka Lehtonen (knowledge on wine), Øyvind Andersen (dishwashing discussions) and the three informants Liv Brekke, Margit Fet and Jostein Fet (traditions related to porridge).
The workshops described in the book have been conducted in various places in and around Helsinki, and in the Sunnmøre region in Western Norway: Stadi Vocational School (Helsinki, Finland), Klippfiskakademiet (Ålesund, Norway), Borgund Upper Secondary School (Ålesund), Heureka Finnish Science Center (Vantaa, Finland), Alko Oy Training Center (Helsinki), Teurastamo Kellohalli (Helsinki), E. Ahlström Showroom (Helsinki) and Unilever Suomi’s test kitchen (Helsinki). Thank you very much, all of you—it has been a wonderful journey and we hope the cooperation may continue.
Our respective families have experienced both suffering and enjoyment as a result of our work with this book. Thank you for always being there!
Anu Hopia and Erik Fooladi