Something was horribly wrong, but for the life of me, I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was 34 years old and had just completed my last event on a national speaking tour throughout Australia. The second the audience left the room and the doors shut, I lay flat on the ground in utter exhaustion. I had been losing my train of thought all day, and at one point had even asked the audience what I was talking about in mid-sentence. This wasn’t the first time it had happened, either.
After the successful release of my third book in 2014, Flee 9 to 5: Get 6-7 Figures and Do What You Love, I returned home from a solo trip to the U.S. and Canada and started experiencing severe depression, exhaustion, and anxiety. Depression, an old archnemesis of mine, used to be manageable. This time, however, it didn’t matter how much personal development work, meditation, supplementation, exercise, or healthy eating I did or how much willpower I used. It clung to me like a bad smell. There was no amount of “positive thinking” that was going to get me out of this downward spiral. Everything had become overwhelming. Even music, which I used to love to listen to while working, became an irritant.
Suddenly, light, noise, and social interactions were too much for my brain to process. I couldn’t manage social situations anymore and moved across Australia to cut off ties with friends. I barely had enough energy to stay awake, let alone hold a conversation or speak onstage. Reading and writing, my passions, became too exhausting for me to contemplate. My short-term and long-term memory were both failing, and my speech was slurred.
Everyone was beginning to notice, no matter how hard I tried to hide it. I became plagued with self-doubt and fear that made every waking moment painful. Worse yet, I began having suicidal thoughts.
I beat myself up because the soundtrack in my head was stuck on repeat. It kept saying, I should know better! I should know how to fix this! Why can’t I stay focused? Why can’t I think my way out of this one? Why aren’t I motivated and driven like I used to be? Where did my confidence and energy go? Why do I feel like I’m not good enough anymore? And: What the f—k is wrong with me? I know I’m capable of more! I felt like I was falling out of an airplane without a parachute. I was just waiting to hit the ground, desperately hoping someone would catch me before I came crashing down.
Like many of you, I mistakenly thought I could self-medicate with self-help. For years, it had worked. This time, nothing worked, and I wanted to know why.
I shared my symptoms with doctors from Adelaide to Melbourne to Dubbo and was confronted with patronizing remarks like, “Most people never work out while they’re fatigued,” “You look fit and healthy; you should be fine,” and, “Are you depressed?” I was but not for the reasons they believed. I walked out of the last office in tears, having been told I needed to accept these symptoms as my fate.
This was my first revelation that the medical field had been failing me for more than 20 years. Doctors are trained to diagnose the symptoms, not the underlying cause. I needed to seek out doctors who didn’t follow this traditional approach and were willing to investigate deeper with the newest medical advances and scientific research. I needed to find visionary doctors who realized that the traditional model was doing more harm than good.
I wanted to dig out the underlying causes from the roots, not cover them up as the doctors would have me do. None of them had any answers. I felt more and more defeated daily, on the verge of a complete mental breakdown.
Have you ever had a goal you wanted to achieve, but it always slipped through your fingertips? Have you ever doubted yourself and your ability to the point where you gave up before you broke through? Have you ever given up on yourself, your dream, and your purpose because you felt you had nothing left to give? Have you known you were capable of more, but you didn’t know how to unlock that capacity? Have you read countless personal development books, listened to podcasts, or participated in coaching or therapy just to end up right back where you started? No amount of willpower can unlock this dilemma for you.
Our “hustle until you die” culture that applauds those who work themselves into an early grave would peg you as weak-minded. They would say, “You’re just making excuses! You’re being lazy and failing because you’re not working hard enough!” Worse yet, they would tell you, “It’s all in your head; you just need to push through!”
But what if it wasn’t just all in your head? What if your excuses were a symptom of a deeper problem, not a poor attitude? And what if there were countless scientific links between food, mood, nutritional deficiencies, gut health, inflammation, energy, medication, and psychology being ignored and leading to dangerous consequences? What if the “hustle now” culture, personal development, and therapeutic and medical models were too simplistic in isolation? These models for success fail to take in the bigger picture of what influences human emotion, behavior, and performance. And, worst yet, what if people ended up believing they were worthless as a result of this culture?
Every time we log onto social media, we’re overwhelmed with articles on the best time to wake up, blog posts on the productivity habits of the superwealthy, and images of people living their best lives (#Iwokeuplikethis), all designed to help us become smarter, faster, healthier, more productive, and more empowered. But what if we’ve had it backward all this time? What if there’s more to success than simply hustling for our goals, waking up early, working late nights, and pushing ourselves beyond the breaking point?
Four years ago, I was at my peak physically, mentally, and in business. I was delivering online marketing courses to thousands of entrepreneurs internationally and speaking at business and personal development events in front of thousands of people across Australia. My audiences included local and state governments, universities, and companies like Toyota on the topics of business, marketing, sales, personal development, and personal branding. I was consulting with one-on-one business clients and helping them grow their businesses nationally. And I was traveling between New Zealand and Australia to work with high-profile clients. A regular in the Australian business media, I wrote articles and conducted interviews on a monthly basis, and I loved it! I was interviewed as one of Australia’s leading personal branding and marketing experts for magazines including the Australian versions of GQ and Marie Claire, among countless others.
Every time I stepped onstage to present, I came alive. I used this energy to write my first three books, two of which became bestsellers and all three of which I wrote in 30 to 40 days each. My brain was firing on all cylinders, and I had focus like you wouldn’t believe. Nothing was too hard, and no problem was too big to solve. I used this energy and focus to build an online education business that boasted more than $1 million in sales with two part-time team members and required only four to five hours of my time per day.
Then everything changed. I wanted to give it all up, and I couldn’t work out why. I was trapped! I couldn’t escape, and I certainly couldn’t take on a full-time job as I was barely getting through the day. My resume would have read, “Proactive worker who naps a lot.”
In 2017, I packed my bags and flew to America.
You see, I knew I had the capacity in me for more, but for some reason someone had changed the lock on the door, and I couldn’t open it. My soul was willing, but my body was weak. Fearful of where my uncontrolled emotions would take me next, I drank several cups of green tea one hot summer’s day and pushed myself to come up with a solution. I wasn’t willing to give up on ten years of hard work. But I knew I wouldn’t find the answers in a self-help book or at the doctor’s office. I had tried and failed miserably. I wanted to know why!
In my exhausted state, I came across New York Times bestselling author Dave Asprey’s audiobook Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster—In Just Two Weeks, in which he shares his journey of coming back from debilitating fatigue by biohacking his body and brain back to health. He gave me hope.
Biohacking is the practice of changing the environment inside and outside you so that you gain full control of your biology to enhance your body, mind, and life. It has grown in popularity in recent years as individuals are discovering the numerous benefits of taking control of their health and leaving nothing to chance.
So I did the most illogical thing of all—I pitched a book idea to Entrepreneur magazine in which I would go on a 90-day mission to biohack my mind and body and develop a plan anyone could use based on what I discovered from biohackers, neuroscientists, doctors, psychologists, and more. This didn’t just mean getting better; it meant continuing to optimize and upgrade my performance. To do so, I had to ask the same questions we have asked repeatedly for years but look at them from completely different perspectives to come up with new answers we have never been able to arrive at before. I wanted complete and conclusive answers to questions for which I had received overly simplistic answers, questions such as:
Why don’t people really change?
How can I improve my memory and my confidence?
What really holds people back from becoming successful?
What is the root cause of procrastination? Is it psychology, biochemistry, or a mix of both?
Why do we get stressed, and what are the quickest ways to obliterate it?
Why do we make excuses? Are we just lazy, or is there an underlying cause all the self-help gurus have overlooked?
How can I upgrade my focus and increase my levels of motivation?
How can I unleash my purpose and live a meaningful life?
What is the best way to hack my own body for endless amounts of energy, clarity, and focus?
How can I reboot my brain, reimagine my life, and reawaken my soul to become unstoppable, so that no goal or dream feels out of reach?
In hindsight, 90-day goal looks insane, especially considering I could barely string a sentence together at the time I pitched the book. All of a sudden, I was going to not only attempt to solve a problem even the doctors couldn’t but also write a book on the new science of success using neuroscience, biohacking, technology, and psychology. But what did I have to lose?
I thought I was at the end of my writing career because my cognitive abilities and motivation were no longer accessible. Thankfully, the magazine and its publishing division jumped at the idea. To be honest, I didn’t know how this journey was going to unfold. But because my options were fast becoming limited, I threw every last ounce of my willpower and energy, including traveling from Australia to Canada and the United States, into seeking answers.
If willpower is the fuel in your reserve tank, mine had one drop remaining. I was going to use it as wisely as possible to completely refuel and reboot my body, brain, and soul.
The only way I could achieve this mission would be to close my “identity gap.” The identity gap is the distance between who you are and who you need to become to reach your goals. Our identity dictates our thoughts, behaviors, and actions and either sets us up for success or primes us for failure at both a conscious and subconscious level. It limits or expands our thinking and our ability to succeed, depending on which identity we hold at any given time. You can’t be a good accountant if you’re a painter at heart.
Our capacity for success is limited by who we believe ourselves to be, to the degree our biochemistry allows us to be it. We hold various identities throughout our lives: mother, father, brother, sister, entrepreneur, employee. But what about an identity that allows us to unlock our potential and live a life unleashed? We need to evolve into a person who can be more, do more—and have more, someone who can become a catalyst for change and never-ending improvement. This is the beautiful self-evolution of who you are becoming in the pursuit of your goals—an evolution that stretches us and encourages us to grow. When we fail, it is because we have failed to evolve into the person we need to be to solve the necessary problems to break through.
To find new answers, I traveled the world and met with the top biohackers, neuroscientists, doctors, and microbiome experts. I tried out the latest wearable technology designed to unlock human potential. Many of these devices, funded by the Pentagon and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), are being used by the military and Olympic athletes. I tested the latest smart drugs to boost my focus, mood, and cognition and met with the best of the best working in revolutionary medicine, who performed comprehensive lab tests to uncover any physiological problems affecting my mood and motivation.
You’ll discover how my medications, nutritional deficiencies, and foods influenced my behavior; what changes I embraced to correct that behavior; and how these factors could be impacting your life. You’ll also discover how using the latest neurotechnology devices trained my brain to focus, and how I tested my body with a four-week CrossFit challenge. You’ll see the changes I went through when I experienced intermittent fasting, experimented with various dietary protocols, tracked my sleep, took countless supplements, and tested technology that reduced my stress in less than 30 seconds. I even walked across hot coals to find some answers—literally, not metaphorically! Although, that might not have been as nerve-wracking as the colonic irrigation I had.
What I found was truly jaw-dropping. By using the real science of success, I was able to bring myself back to full health and help others in the process. In the following pages, I dive into the real science of success, not just the simplistic version we have subscribed to that is far too limiting. Along this journey, you will also meet others who through persistence have overcome serious challenges to become unstoppable in their fields by biohacking their way to the top.
I welcome you now to join me on what ended up being an incredible journey. Buckle up; you’re in for a ride like no other—one that will result in an incredible paradigm shift into the science of success you never saw coming.
—Ben Angel
The Accidental Biohacker,