Enter the World of Nootropics
Improve Focus, Concentration, and Drive
Flash back to 2017, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia. I had just come back from seeing my naturopath, Hetal, who holds an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine, among many other qualifications, but I needed more help. That day, I had already fallen asleep twice and was ready for nap number three. This was during the period when I was at my lowest point and on the verge of a total breakdown. I had yet to pinpoint all my nutritional deficiencies and needed help just to get through the day. I was desperate and willing to try anything.
Hetal sent me home with three supplements: L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, and L-Carnitine. At the time, I had no idea they were considered nootropics. I just needed something that would boost me out of Defender mode and help me become a Catalyst, if only for a couple of hours a day, so I could keep running my business and my remote team. I had to film eight videos for Entrepreneur.com that week, and at that moment, I couldn’t think of anything that sounded worse than stepping out in front of a camera with a smile on my face.
I didn’t notice any changes the first few days I took the nootropics, but then suddenly I started feeling better. It wasn’t a complete solution, but it definitely set me on the right path. I distinctly remember the fog beginning to clear and my overall attitude improving. It helped me get through shooting the videos and tackling my next challenge: relocating to the United States in a few weeks’ time to reboot my life.
In our January 2018 survey of 999 entrepreneurs around the world, 90 percent of individuals who said they didn’t have the stamina to achieve their goals were experiencing brain fog—36 percent higher than those who said they had the stamina to achieve their goals.
These same individuals were being blamed and blaming themselves for not having the wherewithal to push through and reach their goals. They felt worthless and lacked the confidence required to become successful. This was being compounded by the ever-growing chorus of self-help gurus shouting, “Just hustle!”
Nootropics: Feel More Alert, Concentrate with Ease, and Supercharge Your Energy
After countless interactions with doctors, I too was blaming myself for insufficient mental stamina, not realizing I was experiencing real, physical symptoms with causes that could easily be addressed with the right help.
After my introduction to nootropics, thanks to Hetal, I began experimenting further with various combinations of supplements. I didn’t fully understand what I was doing. All I knew was that the supplements were helping. My memory was improving, I felt healthier, and I could concentrate better than before.
There are two distinct types of nootropics: pharmaceuticals, such as Modafanil, and nutritional substances derived from plants; both kinds are used to enhance cognitive function. I would have been skeptical had I not benefited from them in my exhausted state without fully understanding what they were designed to do. I chose to stick to nutritional nootropics, with one exception, nicotine (which you read about in the previous chapter). I wanted to avoid any unwanted side effects, such as feeling wired, unable to sleep, and anxious due to overstimulation.
Diving deeper into my research, I came across a guy by the name of Mansal Denton, founder of Nootropedia (www.nootropedia.com), a site dedicated to providing comprehensive information on countless nootropics. Mansal delved into the world of nootropics shortly after he ended up in a Texas state penitentiary for six months. Over an 18-month period, he stole thousands of dollars’ worth of historical documents from a Holocaust museum and sold them to fund a trip abroad to see a woman he was in love with. The prison, filled with violent inmates covered in full-body tattoos, was foreign to him as a nerdy, upper-middle-class kid. His time there led him to reflect on his life and what it meant to become a successful entrepreneur. After being released from prison, he decided to do anything he could to become a better person, including diet, spiritual practices, and, of course, nootropics. I reached out to Mansal on my 13-week mission and asked, “What is the most profound lesson you’ve learned by testing various nootropics?”
He said, “The body always desires homeostatic equilibrium [balance], and if you take the same nootropics daily, your body will adapt, and you’ll experience less of a benefit [in most cases].”
That was precisely what I had experienced. Three months after I started taking the L-Tyrosine and L-Carnitine, my fatigue began creeping back. My body had become used to them, and I was requiring a higher dose to feel better. That’s when I realized that, unlike supplements that can be taken daily, nootropics must be cycled if you want to continue to benefit from them. Mansal continued, “Honestly, consider where else in your life you can make changes before jumping to pills and supplements. People need to have their foundations right, including a full night of sleep, healthy diet, and exercise, plus plenty of social interaction and relationships, before they jump in.”
I had done it backward due to insufficient insight from medical professionals, who had failed to identify my nutritional deficiencies. I decided I would only continue my experiments with supplements once I had corrected my deficiencies. Once my energy began stabilizing, I set specific criteria for trialing them, including intended outcomes, like heightening focus, improving memory, gaining clarity, improving sleep, and enhancing mood. They also had to have zero to minimal side effects. This led me eventually to the following nootropics, which I currently cycle through on a weekly basis. They were incredibly useful in the process of getting this book written in a three-month window, which required an intense effort, given all the medical research I had to read and the countless interviews I conducted with doctors, biohackers, neuroscientists, and others.
Six Nootropics for Optimizing Your Mental Performance
To help make your life easier, I have not only tested the following nootropics firsthand, but I have also broken them down in an easy-to-understand way, without the hyperbole. As with everything when it comes to your health, speak to a health professional to determine what is right for you before beginning a new regimen.
Caffeine: High-Performance Brain Fuel
Caffeine is highly effective as a high-performance brain fuel that will almost immediately make you more alert. It is one of the world’s most commonly used psychoactive drugs, affecting the central nervous system’s control of things like brain function, mood, and behavior. Found in coffee and green, black, and white teas, just to name a few, caffeine’s benefits have been long known. One exception is if you are sensitive to caffeine or coffee. Individuals can react differently to this powerful nootropic, and it’s critical that you understand your personal tolerance level. That third or fourth cup of joe may be fine for one person, but for someone else, it could lead to caffeine-induced anxiety and inability to focus. Moderate caffeine intake is associated with a longer lifespan. It also works to increase serotonin, a key mood influencer, and it’s powerful enough to measurably affect depression.1
Side effects: Depending on your tolerance, caffeine may cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate/respiration, stomach irritation, or nausea.2 And, like all nootropics, you can become desensitized to its benefits. Taking a break or reducing your intake can help reset your tolerance level.
1. Yerba Mate: A favorite of famous biohacker Tim Ferriss, as discussed with Dave Asprey on episode 127 of his podcast Bulletproof Radio, Yerba Mate is a tea brewed from the leaves of the South American holly tree (llex paraguariensis). It is best to sip it throughout the day, as it contains less caffeine than coffee, but more than green tea. This is my go-to when writing for long periods of time. Taper off before 3 P.M. to ensure a restful night’s sleep. WARNING: Do not consume while taking blood pressure medication. Yerba Mate also contains theobromine, an ingredient found in chocolate that contributes to feelings of euphoria.3 Yerba mate is full of polyphenols and flavonoids, antioxidants that can strengthen our immune system, and has anti-inflammatory properties as well.4
2. Black Tea: Black tea is a powerful nootropic in its own right; not only does it contain caffeine, it also contains L-Theanine. Studies have shown that L-Theanine amplifies the positive effects of caffeine while mitigating the negative ones. We’ll learn more about the properties of L-Theanine shortly.5 It was previously believed that green tea had more L-Theanine than black tea. This has since been disproven.
3. Coffee: A favorite of billions worldwide, coffee has cognitive-enhancing abilities that can help dial in focus. Many people think of caffeine and coffee as the same thing; however, coffee can be stripped of its caffeine, and caffeine is present in many other foods. In 2011, researchers reported coffee drinking is “associated with a lower risk of depression among women and a lower risk of lethal prostate cancer among men.”6 However, choose your coffee carefully. Dave Asprey argues that that some coffee may contain fungal toxins known as mycotoxins, which are documented to cause substantial suffering by disease and death in humans and animals.7 In fact, a sensitivity to coffee (unless specifically tested) may actually be a sensitivity to mold, which may explain why some respond differently to it. One 1995 study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology found 52 percent of samples were contaminated with mycotoxins.8 Check to see if there is any certification of cleanliness when you choose your beans.
Ketone Ester: A New Fuel Source for the Brain
As we have already seen, ketones are a powerful fuel source for the brain that can dramatically improve cognition and focus. As it stands, HVMN’s Ketone is a superfuel that can be used to improve training, recovery, and performance. It doesn’t come cheap, however. This is for when you need a serious edge, such as a competition, public speaking, or a tough deadline. For $99 (as of March 2018), you will get three pocket-sized bottles of HVMN Ketone, each containing a 25-gram serving. As Geoffrey explained, “We’re working as hard as we can to get it down to a little more expensive than the cost of sugar. To give you context, it used to cost $25,000 a drink. Then, when it was being produced out of the Oxford chemistry basement, it was around $100 to $150 a drink. So getting down to $30 a drink is cool and exciting for us, and hopefully we’ll get it down even cheaper and more quickly.”
HVMN Ketone is classified as food by the FDA and holds GRAS status (generally recognized as safe). It has been validated through numerous safety and kinetic studies on both animal and human subjects.
Side effects: Gastrointestinal side effects have been reported as being very rare.9
Sources: A ketogenic state can only be entered into by consuming exogenous ketones, such as HVMN’s, or following a ketogenic dietary protocol.
L-Tyrosine: Decreases Stress, Promotes Healthy Mood, Boosts Cognition
L-Tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid that is important for many cognitive functions. L-Tyrosine benefits are largely linked with preserving mental capacity while experiencing physical hardship. It’s also known to increase dopamine, one of the key brain chemicals associated with happiness.
One study found that L-Tyrosine assisted memory in high stress environments. To find out how, researchers placed test subjects into cold settings and assessed their mental capabilities.10
It has also been shown to assist children with ADHD when paired with other nootropic compounds to help them maintain better attention.11
Side effects: Likely safe.12
1. L-Tyrosine is found in chicken, turkey, fish, peanuts, almonds, avocados, bananas, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.
2. It is also commonly found in various nootropic stacks, which we will explore shortly.
3. Can be purchased in tablet form from your local vitamin store.
L-Theanine: Reduces Anxiety, Promotes Relaxation Without Sedation, and Enhances Attention
This well-researched nootropic is unknowingly ingested by millions of people on a daily basis via black and green tea. As an amino acid, it has been used to improve brain health, anxiety, and attention for thousands of years. One of the top benefits, whether supplementing with tablets or consuming it via tea, is anxiety reduction. One study found L-Theanine can improve anxiety symptoms in schizophrenia patients.13 Research has also discovered that while it is not as powerful as prescription drugs like Xanax, L-Theanine can promote relaxation and calmness under resting conditions.14
One study found L-Theanine improved relaxation via alpha brain waves within 30 minutes of consuming the supplement. Another study, this one on children with ADHD, showed sleep quality was far higher when taking this supplement.15 L-Theanine makes its way into many nootropic stacks for day/night use because despite its relaxation-promoting properties, it also improves attention and focus without sedation. When combined with caffeine, it has been shown to improve performance on cognitively demanding tasks.16 Many first-time users are disappointed when using this supplement because unlike other nootropics, it does not stimulate the nervous system, resulting in a quiet, calm focus. Often you don’t notice the benefits until many hours later, as you realize precisely how focused you have been.
Side effects: Likely safe.17
1. Consume it via black or green tea.
2. Supplement with tablets in combination with coffee or other sources of caffeine. Many find that when they use L-Theamine with coffee, the anxiety they might have felt previously disappears. This is one of the most profound naturally occurring nootropics we have access to.
L-Carnitine (ALCAR): Supports Mitochondrial Anti-Aging, Increases Focus and Attention, and Reduces Mental/Physical Fatigue
A supplement that comes highly recommended via my naturopath, Hetal, and one that I have used intermittently, is L-Carnitine, otherwise known as ALCAR. ALCAR is naturally produced in the body, but additional supplementation can help mitochondrial anti-aging as well as increase focus and attention while reducing mental and physical fatigue. In one 2004 study, 59 percent of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome who used ALCAR supplementation showed significant improvement in fatigue and concentration.18 ALCAR is well-researched, well-tolerated, and a good option for nootropic newbies. And, just like combining coffee with L-Theanine, ALCAR combined with coffee has been shown to improve physical endurance better than either of the two alone.19 ALCAR is a great addition to your nootropic regimen.
Side effects: Likely safe.20
1. Accessible in tablet form.
2. Can be found in smaller doses in red meat, milk, pork, seafood, and chicken, to name a few.
Nicotine: Create a Mental State of Flow and Creativity
The smart drug nicotine isn’t without controversy. While nicotine is addictive, many scientists also question whether it can be safe in small, daily doses.21 As we learned earlier, nicotine helps you pay attention to mentally tiring tasks longer, improves word recall, sharpens shortterm memory, and heightens your ability to pay attention. However, the downsides must still be considered. One study showed nicotine by itself promotes cancer in rats and mice.22 However, dosage must also be taken into consideration when looking at this research. The average cigarette has anywhere from 15 to 30 mg of nicotine in it; a nicotine spray that goes under the tongue contains only 1 mg. Reaching out to Dr. Jaya Vikraman in Melbourne, Australia, I told her I had been using 1 mg of nicotine three to five days per week to improve my cognition after four years of severe fatigue, exhaustion, and memory loss. I asked, “Does that sound weird?”
She replied, “Not at all. It works. It’s been proven to improve concentration and memory. I used it for medical exams to help with focus and recall.”
Side effects: As with the other nootropics, you may become desensitized to it after time and need more to experience the same effect, requiring a break from use. Hence, nicotine is only to be used now and then when you need your focus dialed in, e.g., presentations, exams, or study. Or, in my case, as a treatment plan to improve severe cognitive decline. Now I only use it prior to filming videos, memorizing scripts, presenting, or for lengthy periods of writing.
Sources: According to Dave Asprey, the best form is via the nicotine spray readily available at drugstores or online.
How to Get Into the “Zone” with Nootropic Stacks for Greater Mental Clarity, Focus, and Creativity
If you’re averse to experimenting with various nootropics and would like to make your life easier, you may want to consider nootropic stacks. A stack refers to combining two or more supplements that can work together to positively affect concentration, learning, focus, and motivation. While you can create a stack yourself by experimenting with various supplements, there are many companies bringing out their own combinations.
This takes out the guesswork, trial, and error of personal experimentation. It is critical to determine which one is right for you. Often, the only way to figure this out is to try them out and then stop taking them, which allows you to assess their benefits and impact. And although these off-the-shelf combinations make it easy, you still need to experiment with the dosage to ensure you don’t overstimulate yourself. Research the nootropics/vitamins in the stack you’re unfamiliar with to see if there has been any negative news coverage highlighting gaps in the research.
For my 90-day mission, I spent countless hours researching various stacks and decided to hone my efforts to just a few, mostly ones not pharmaceutically derived, with the exception of combining nicotine with caffeine, as I talked about earlier.
They had to meet certain criteria. First and foremost, user feedback had to be positive; I wasn’t going to try any supplements with negative reviews. Second, the ingredients had to be well-researched and widely known to have measurable benefits. And finally, they couldn’t have any adverse side effects like negatively disrupting sleep or triggering anxiety due to overstimulation. I avoided supplements that had an overly generous dose of caffeine, unless they combined L-Theanine to negate those effects. Furthermore, I had to notice a quantifiable difference, either via an enhanced ability to focus for lengthy periods of time or by an alertness and an ability to easily enter “the zone.” Being in the zone is one of the most effective states you can be in; unfortunately, it’s often elusive due to social media addiction and distractions from co-workers or family members. When you enter the zone you not only achieve Catalyst status, but you also lose all sense of time and become completely immersed in your work, ignoring any distractions around you. Procrastination disappears and creativity kicks in. This mental state is highly valuable: It leads to enhanced productivity and a narrowing of focus to just the task at hand, which can help you achieve more in less time. I wanted to use the stacks to direct my focus and reduce the risk of using my limited mental resources on unfruitful tasks, like scrolling through social media. I decided to put them to the biggest test of all: completing an 80,000-word draft of this book, a task that included speaking to countless experts, reading dozens of books, looking over hundreds of research papers, and traveling between Saint Petersburg, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Victoria, and Vancouver. You know—only a small challenge!
As with antidepressants, which may make people feel great for a while but fail to address possible underlying causes (e.g., nutritional deficiency, inflammation, toxicity, overgrowth of bad gut bacteria, hormones, or food sensitivities, to name just a few), nootropics can also mask symptoms. This does not, however, mean the underlying causes of whatever ails you have been addressed. The day I drank the ketone ester, I felt incredible. I wasn’t physically or mentally showing any signs of vitamin D deficiency, and yet I was still severely depleted.
Nootropics and medication can make you feel great for a while, but your symptoms may later emerge in a different manner. If you’re experiencing any symptoms, it’s vital that you seek assistance from a functional doctor to find out the underlying cause. And, as in my case, it may be more than one factor that needs to be addressed before you can become unstoppable—and an upgraded individual who can reach your goals.
Are nootropics the only way to get into the zone? Not at all! But in addition to helping me get there, many are packed with other beneficial vitamins and minerals that help with well-being and cognition.
Nootropic Stacks for Easy Consumption and Additional Firepower and Focus
This list, as with the vitamin and nootropic supplements earlier in the chapter, is by no means exhaustive. These are the stacks that I experienced measurable benefits from and continue to use to this day. There were other supplements I tested that had little impact. I have omitted them because my personal experience may not be reflective of the response you may experience when using them. Just as in personalizing your diet to improve your energy, increase your brain function, and power your battery, you must also determine the nootropics and nootropic stacks that work best for you.
Now let’s dive into the world of nootropic stacks.
Qualia by Neurohacker Collective: Enhance Focus, Energy, Mood, and Creativity
I was skeptical about taking Qualia because, at first glance, it was as if they had thrown everything in there but the kitchen sink. It contains 40 nutrients, all aimed at enhancing focus, energy, mood, and creativity. But looking over its countless reviews, I could see it had developed a cult-like following of fans espousing its greatness.
I reached out to Neurohacker and secured an interview with Daniel Schmachtenberger, a senior member of the Qualia team, evolutionary philosopher, systems designer, and strategist. Daniel, a scruffy-looking fellow with untamed dark hair, graying beard, and intellect that could match those of the world’s top scientists, dove into the philosophy behind the product. I’m glad I had taken Qualia before the interview, so I could keep up with him. Daniel expressed concern at reductionist approaches to nootropics. He explained there are too many findings and mechanisms, but no meta-analysis of the complex interactions that make up the whole. Meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies. Neurohacker Collective had to bring together all the scientific research in their approach to developing Qualia to prevent any serious side effects, due to the impact each of the 40 ingredients has on one another. The ingredients had to work synergistically together to achieve the intended outcome. When I asked Daniel how to assist someone who was struggling to find the cognition and motivation to solve issues that were impacting their mental performance, he said:
One of the reasons that we got into the field of nootropics was when people were working on complex illnesses, there’s [so much they have to do], but even having the motivation and cognitive clarity to do [it], it’s actually harder because they have this negative feedback loop. If they can enhance their capacity to perform, then they can actually do the things necessary for deeper underlying well-being. That’s on the negative side. On the positive side are people who are already doing everything they need to for their well-being, so we can enhance what the top of their baseline could be.
I loved his blunt way of interacting, which was refreshing in a field of companies desperately trying to please the media. The first day Qualia arrived, I took the recommended dose, and I was pleasantly surprised. They say it can take five days before you see the full results, but I noticed it kicking in within a couple of hours. In fact, I wrote the first two chapters of the book while using it. One benefit, although I can’t prove it, was being able to recall thoughts and words more quickly, which is especially useful when writing, as well as an intense focus that kept me dialed into one task at a time. I have experienced issues with word recall for the past four years, which was the main reason I gave up my speaking career.
You take Qualia in two daily doses. Step one is taken first thing in the morning, 30 minutes before eating. Step two is taken with breakfast or lunch. I found I had calmer energy if I only took step two. Step one has as much caffeine in it as one cup of coffee. While step one also contained L-Theanine, I found it still overstimulated me, especially since I had removed most caffeine from my diet some time ago. Others may not notice it at all. Step two, however, I used daily, Monday through Friday, for several weeks to great effect. However, we all respond to nootropics and supplements differently. Reducing the dosage if necessary will help you find your sweet spot.
The ingredients read like a health food store shopping list: vitamins B5, B6, B12, D3, C, zinc, magnesium, and ginkgo biloba (increases concentration, helps fight anxiety and depression, eases symptoms of PMS)23 are a few of the more recognizable ones. You’ll also find Acetyl L-Carnitine, L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, green tea leaf extract, quercetin (reduces inflammation, fights allergies, supports heart health, protects skin), and many more.24 Two ingredients that jump out are Cognizin® citicoline and lion’s mane. Citicoline is a naturally occurring brain chemical used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, head trauma, memory loss, Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, and problems related to circulation in the brain.25 And lion’s mane is an edible mushroom widely used in Chinese medicine; it is gaining popularity in the United States thanks to companies such as Four Sigmatic. They supply more than 65 countries and 1 million consumers with functional mushrooms that can be consumed via lattes, coffees, and teas. Lion’s mane’s benefits include anti-diabetic, anti-fatigue, anti-hypertensive, and anti-aging properties; it’s neuroprotective and improves anxiety, cognitive function, and depression.26
Before you decide to try Qualia, I recommend checking out all the information on its website (www.neurohacker.com).
Qualia Mind by Neurohacker
In our interview, Daniel from Neurohacker Collective mentioned their new nootropic stack that, at the time of this writing, had yet to be released. They sent me an unlabeled bottle with handwritten instructions. Unlike their original Qualia stack, with its two steps, which some may find complicated to take, Qualia Mind was much simpler, with just one step. They even trimmed the number of ingredients down from 42 to 28, bringing down the cost. This blend of 28 compounds includes neuro-vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and adaptogen extracts that help to increase focus, boost energy, and decrease procrastination. The first few days of taking it, I didn’t notice a change. It wasn’t until the end of the week when I went over my progress report on the book that I realized I had broken a record for how much writing and research I had completed. I preferred Qualia Mind to the original Qualia because it didn’t give me a stimulated feeling; I just naturally felt sharper without realizing it. As I was in the midst of doing intense research and reading over countless research papers that week, I have no doubt it assisted me in deciphering information and determining what was relevant. I also found it was easier on my stomach. I had observed that Qualia initially caused mild stomach upset, which I didn’t experience with Qualia Mind at all.
Rise by HVMN
After I drank the ketone ester with Geoffrey Woo at HVMN’s headquarters in San Francisco, he laid out the rest of their nootropic range on the table for me to try, including Kado-3, Rise, and Sprint. I experienced noticeable benefits from Rise in particular. Sprint I only use occasionally when I need an extra kick. Unlike Qualia, Rise has only three ingredients, and the benefits come from long-term use, according to its website (https://hvmn.com/rise). It includes:
1. Bacopa Monnieri: Used for thousands of years in Indian herbal medicine, Bacopa has demonstrated that consistent long-term use can enhance memory,27 as well as decrease anxiety.28
2. Alpha-GPC: Essential for learning and memory, alpha-GPC is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It has been shown to improve cognitive decline in individuals suffering from neurodegenerative disease29 and is capable of improving cognition in healthy subjects.30
3. Rhodiola Rosea: Rhodiola, a popular supplement among the biohacking community for its nootropic qualities has been shown to reduce severity of cognitive decline brought about by fatigue and stress,31 as well as provide relief from anxiety.32
As you will have noticed by now, nearly all the ingredients in these nootropics and nootropic stacks focus on cognitive performance. Some effects can be felt immediately; however, don’t dismiss the ones that take a while to build up in the system for long-term support. For this reason, Rise has made it into my daily routine.
Keto//OS® MAX by Prüvit™
I came upon Prüvit unexpectedly. Contemporary Australian illusionist and winner of five “Magician of the Year” awards Sam Powers, who has performed in 19 countries across the globe, reached out to me after learning of the experiments I was conducting. Sam, who has even been praised by Spice Girls superstar Geri Halliwell when performing on Australia’s Got Talent, is a fan of not only the ketogenic diet but also Prüvit supplements, which aim to increase ketones. Performing 400 physically and mentally demanding shows per year that are both physically and mentally demanding, Sam requires additional help where he can get it. He came across ketones and ketosis when he only had two months to prepare for one of the world’s deadliest escape stunts. At the time, he was 33 pounds (15 kilograms) overweight, depressed, and taking solace in alcohol. Sam said, “Every bit of research I did to transform myself into a superhuman performance machine pointed straight to ketones and ketosis.”
I asked Sam if he followed a strict keto diet or if he supplements with Prüvit or a mix of both. He said, “I initially tried; however, it was extremely difficult to cut out sugar and carbs. That’s when I discovered pure exogenous ketones that instantly elevated my ketone levels and transition into ketosis without the strict dietary regime. Now I use exogenous ketones daily to balance everything out.”
I asked what the most dangerous stunt he has ever done was, and was he in ketosis while doing it? He replied, “The Jaws of Death is undoubtedly the most dangerous stunt I’ve ever attempted, where I’m suspended 150 feet in the air in a straitjacket under a flaming set of steel jaws, ready to be devoured once a thin rope burns through and the jaws come crashing shut. The most difficult aspect is the mental game, because there’s no safety net or crash mattress. Being at a physical peak was important; however, having heightened mental alertness was critical, which meant being in a ketogenic state. Everything goes into ‘high def’ within 30 minutes of drinking ketones; it was easy to identify that superhuman state of perfect mental clarity.” Sam automatically knew how much his physical energy impacted his cognition and alertness. But how did Sam prepare mentally for this dangerous stunt? You’ll find that out in Chapter 8.
Sam continued, “Ketones put me in control of food instead of food controlling me. I no longer needed to find solace with alcohol, and the radical improvement in my physical condition was motivating and confidence building.” As we have learned, when we control our cravings, we regain our self-control function in our brain that can impact everything we do in our daily life, especially when it’s switched off due to cravings.
Sam arranged for me to sit down with Joe Rogister, an advocate of Prüvit from Australia. Joe had traveled to Prüvit’s annual conference in Florida and gave me a few samples of Keto//OS MAX to try. Two of the key ingredients that stood out to me were beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and L-Taurine:
1. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: BHB is an exogenous ketone found in various supplements targeted at individuals who are on the ketogenic diet or want to get into ketosis, like Sam, without always having to follow the strict dietary regimen. Recognized as safe by the FDA, BHB is a metabolite produced during metabolism and fat digestion. BHB, a ketone body, is derived from fat while the energy from glucose is derived from sugars and carbohydrates.
This is where fat stores are broken down into energy and the body/brain begins burning that instead of the energy from sugars/carbohydrates. Exogenous ketones can be taken even if you aren’t following a strict keto diet; however, if you are consuming sugars/carbs on top of exogenous ketones, the body may begin to store the sugars/carbs as fat, as they are not being burned. A ketogenic or low-carb diet is preferred, especially if your objective is weight loss. If it isn’t, you will get the mental alertness regardless.
So, what is the difference between taking MCT oil/Brain Octane Oil, as we discussed earlier in the chapter, and exogenous ketones? When you take exogenous ketones like BHB as a salt or a ketone ester, the body can use them for energy right away. MCT oil/Brain Octane Oil must be broken down before it can be used for energy. It also doesn’t spike the ketone levels as high as BHB. MCT oil bypasses fat metabolism and goes straight to your liver, where it is converted to BHB. There are benefits to both, especially since MCT oil comes with other elements that can help with overall health, as previously discussed. Studies have shown MCT oils can offer neuroprotective benefits for a variety of neurological diseases, including dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke, and traumatic brain injury.33
2. L-Taurine: L-Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid with an endless list of reported benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and cardiovascular. It also has anti-anxiety properties and has been suggested for the clinical treatment of anxiety as well as assisting with alcohol withdrawal.34
As I wasn’t in a state of ketosis when I started testing Keto//OS MAX, although I was on the low-carb diet I typically follow, it took three days before I felt the full effects. Come Saturday morning (the fact that I can remember what day I noticed the difference is telling), I felt completely alert and ready to run a mile. My mental and physical energy had increased significantly.
Honorable Mentions
These are the top four stacks that have made it into my regular routine, although I do still cycle them in and out. There are two more supplements worthy of honorable mention that I use routinely to this day:
Bulletproof KetoPrime: designed to power the cells in your brain and body for maximum performance. It contains vitamins C, B12, and oxaloacetate. That last can help remove glutamate excess, which can cause brain fog and an inability to focus.35 I use this when extra energy is required.
HVMN’s Kado-3: Kado’s ingredients include vitamins D3, K1, K3, and omega-3. It also contains astaxanthin oil (known for its antioxidant properties). These ingredients are known to help in stress reduction and improve mood.36 This one can be used daily.
Nootropics have become a daily part of my life to ensure I am on point when I need to be. Addressing nutritional deficiencies and normalizing my health was the first crucial step; upgrading my mind was the second.
My Experience
After four years of memory loss and inability to focus due to constant fatigue, I had to jump-start my brain. In trialing the various nootropics, I was able to increase my energy further, reignite my cognitive function, feel calmer, sleep better, reduce stress, and finally feel like myself again after years of feeling worthless.
My behavior in social situations also changed. I felt more confident because I could find words and recall stories that added to the interaction, instead of withdrawing because I didn’t have the mental energy available to socialize. I was also able to start meditating again. I had been too fatigued to even consider it.
Filling gaps in my nutrition recharged my battery; adding nootropics to the mix turned me into a Catalyst. I was able to make creative links that I had been unable to connect for many years, boosting my creativity and helping me solve problems faster. I don’t say this lightly: I credit nootropics as a major factor in not only writing this book but also reclaiming my mind. The difference I have experienced is life-changing.
To prevent myself from the placebo effect, as much as one possibly can when self-experimenting, I emotionally detached myself from any expected outcome. I simply observed my experience as if I was watching someone else. Some nootropics simply had no effect on me, even though other individuals rated them highly. With others, I didn’t notice the difference until a few days in. In fact, I thought many of them had failed initially and was ready to consider them a waste of money. But I chose to continue the tests for the recommended duration and document the results. Sometimes I was pleasantly surprised when the effects kicked in several days down the road.
When upgrading our minds to improve focus, increase drive, reduce procrastination, boost memory, and yes, even boost confidence, we can unlock our potential in ways that may have been shut off from us for quite some time. For some, it’s a reboot; for others, it’s a process of continual improvement to ignite new connections that help solve real world problems. Fueling yourself for success is the basis of closing your identity gap and any gaps between the energy you have and the energy you need to reach your goals.
Now it’s time to turn from biochemical energy to psychological energy, by training our brains with the latest in wearable devices designed to reduce stress, increase focus, improve physical performance, and obliterate fears and phobias, so you can become unstoppable.
Let’s dive in …