Chapter 1

Taking a Quick Glance at the GED RLA Test

In This Chapter

arrow Warming up to the GED test format

arrow Checking out what’s on the GED RLA test

arrow Registering for the test and choosing a test date

arrow Completing the GED test when English is your second language

arrow Understanding what your score means and how it’s determined

The GED test offers high-school dropouts, people who leave school early, and people who were educated outside the United States an opportunity to earn the equivalent of a United States (U.S.) high-school diploma without the need for full-time attendance in either day or night school. The GED test is a recognized standard that makes securing a job or college placement easier.

The GED test complies with current Grade 12 standards in the U.S. and meets the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. The GED test also covers the Common Core Standards, used in most states in the United States. These standards are based on the actual expectations stated by employers and postsecondary institutions.

The GED test measures whether you understand what high-school seniors across the country have studied before they graduate. Employers need better-educated employees. In addition, some colleges may be uncertain of the quality of foreign credentials. The GED provides those assurances. When you pass the GED test, you earn a high-school equivalency diploma. That can open many doors for you — perhaps doors that you don’t even know exist at this point.

You’re permitted to take the GED in sections, so you can take the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Math, Science, and Social Studies tests in separate testing sessions. This flexibility enables you to focus your studies and practice on one section of the test at a time, and this book supports your efforts to do just that.

Ready to get started? This chapter gives you the basics of the GED RLA test: how the test is administered, what the RLA test section looks like, how to schedule the test (including whether you’re eligible), and how your score is calculated (so you know what you need to focus on to pass).

Knowing What to Expect: The GED Test Format

A computer administers the GED test. That means that all the questions appear on a computer screen, and you enter all your answers into a computer. You read, evaluate, analyze, and write everything on the computer. Even when drafting an essay, you don’t use paper. Instead, the test centers provide you with an erasable tablet. If you know how to use a computer and are comfortable with a keyboard and a mouse, you’re ahead of the game. If not, practice your keyboarding. Also, practice reading from a computer screen, because reading from a screen is very different from reading printed materials. At the very least, you need to get more comfortable with computers, even if that means taking a short course at a local learning center. In the case of the GED test, the more familiar you are with computers, the more comfortable you’ll feel taking the computerized test.

tip Under certain circumstances, as a special accommodation, the sections are available in booklet format. Check with the GED Testing Service to see what exceptions are acceptable.

The computer-based GED test allows for speedy detailed feedback on your performance. When you pass (yes, we said when and not if, because we believe in you), the GED Testing Service provides both a diploma and a detailed transcript of your scores, similar to what high-school graduates receive. They’re now available online at within a day of completing the test. You can then send your transcript and diploma to an employer or college. Doing so allows employers and colleges access to a detailed outline of your scores, achievement, and demonstrated skills and abilities. This outline is also a useful tool for you to review your progress. It highlights those areas where you did well and areas where you need further work. If you want to (or have to) retake the test, these results will provide a detailed guide to what you should work on to improve your scores. Requests for additional copies of transcripts are handled online and also are available within a day.

Reviewing the GED RLA Test

The Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) test is one long test that covers all the literacy components of the GED test. The 150-minute test is divided into three sections. First, you have 35 minutes on all content in question-and-answer format, then 45 minutes for the Extended Response (essay), followed by a 10-minute break, and then another 60 minutes for more general test items.

Remember Time for the Extended Response can’t be used to work on the other questions in the test, nor can you use leftover time from the other sections to work on the Extended Response.

Here’s what you can expect on the RLA test:

The question-answer part of this test consists mainly of various types of multiple-choice questions (also called items) and the occasional fill-in-the-blank question. Most items will be in the traditional multiple-choice format with four answer choices, but you’ll also see drag-and-drop and drop-down menu items. For details on the different question types, see Chapters 2 and 3.

These items are based on source texts, which are materials presented to you for your response. Some of this source material is nonfiction from science and social studies content as well as from the workplace. About 25 percent is based on literature. Here’s a breakdown of the materials:

You find a variety of problems in the RLA test, including the following:

Because the computerized GED test is new and still evolving as we write this book, be sure to check out the latest and greatest about the GED test at

tip If you can’t wait to get started practicing for the RLA test, you may skip to Chapter 3 to take a diagnostic version of the test or check out the chapters in Part 5 that cover the skills and knowledge required in greater detail.

It’s a Date: Scheduling the Test

To take the GED test, you schedule it based on the available testing dates. Each state or local testing center sets its own schedule for the GED test, which means that your state decides how and when you can take each section of the test. It also determines how often you can retake a failed section and how much such a retake will cost. Because a computer administers the test, many testing centers schedule an individual appointment. Your test starts when you start and ends when your allotted time is completed. The test centers are small computer labs, often containing no more than 15 seats, and actual testing facilities are located in many communities in your state.

You book your appointment through the GED Testing Service ( Your local GED test administrator can give you all the information you need about scheduling the test. In addition, local school districts and community colleges can provide information about local test centers in your area.

Warning Sending a specific question or request to the website may come with a charge for the service. To save money, you’re better off asking a person at your local testing center. That way, you don’t have to pay for the privilege of asking a question, and your answer will be based on rules and conditions specific to your area.

The following sections answer some questions you may have before you schedule your test date, including whether you’re even eligible to take the test, when you can take the test, and how to sign up to take the test.

Determining whether you’re eligible

Before you schedule your test, make sure you meet the requirements to take the GED test. You’re eligible to apply to take the GED test only if

  • You’re not currently enrolled in a high school. If you’re currently enrolled in a high school, you’re expected to complete your diploma there. The purpose of the GED test is to give people who aren’t in high school a chance to get an equivalent high-school diploma.
  • You’re not a high-school graduate. If you’re a high-school graduate, you should have a diploma, which means you don’t need to take the GED test. However, you can use the GED to upgrade or update your skills and to prove that you’re ready for further education and training.
  • You meet state requirements regarding age, residency, and the length of time since leaving high school. Check with your local GED test administrator to determine your state’s requirements concerning these criteria. Residency requirements are an issue, because you may have to take the test in a different jurisdiction, depending on how long you’ve lived at your present address.

Recognizing when you can take the test

If you’re eligible, you can take the GED test whenever you’re prepared. You can apply to take the GED test as soon as you want. Just contact your local testing center or for a test schedule. Pick a day that works for you.

Remember You can take all four sections of the GED test together. That takes about seven hours. However, the test is designed so that you can take each section separately, whenever you’re ready. In most areas, you can take the test sections one at a time, in the evening or on weekends, depending on the individual testing center. If you pass one test section, that section of the GED test is considered done, no matter how you do on the other sections. If you fail one section, you can retake that section of the test. The scheduling and administration of the test vary from state to state, so check with the GED Testing Service site or your local high-school guidance office.

Because the test starts when you’re ready and finishes when you’ve used up the allocated time, you should be able take it alone and not depend on other people. For you, that means you may be able to find locations that offer the testing in evenings or on weekends as well as during regular business hours. Even better, because you don’t have to take the test with a group, you may be able to set an individual starting time that suits you.

If circumstances dictate that you must take the paper version of the test, you’ll probably have to forgo the flexibility afforded by the computer. Check well in advance to see what the rules are for you.

Remember You can also apply to take the test if you’re not prepared, but if you do that, you don’t stand a very good chance of passing. If you do need to retake any section of the test, use your time before your next test date to get ready. You can retake the test three times in a year without waiting, but after the third failed attempt you must wait 60 days. In most jurisdictions, taking the test costs money (check with your local testing center to find out specifics for your area). The GED Testing Service does offer a discounted retake up to twice a year, but these promotions change. Some states include free retakes in the price of the test. Check with the GED Testing Service or your state when ready about what special discounts may be available. To save time and money, prepare well before you schedule the test. Refer to the later section “Knowing what to do if you score poorly on one or more tests” for details.

Signing up

When you’re actually ready to sign up for the test, follow these steps:

  1. Contact your local GED test administrator to make sure you’re eligible.

    Refer to the earlier section “Determining whether you’re eligible” for some help.

  2. Ask the office for an application (if needed) or an appointment.
  3. Complete the application (if needed).
  4. Return the application to the proper office, with payment, if necessary.

    The fees vary state by state, so contact your local administrator or testing site to find out what you have to pay to take the tests. In some states, low-income individuals may be eligible for financial assistance.

Note: You can also do all of this online, including submitting the payment, with your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Go to to start the process.

Warning Never send cash by mail to pay for the GED test. Most local administrators have payment rules and don’t accept cash.

Working with unusual circumstances

If you feel that you may have a special circumstance that prevents you from taking the GED test on a given day, contact the GED test administrator in your area. If, for example, the test is going to be held on your Sabbath, the testing center may make special arrangements for you.

Remember When applying for special circumstances, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Document everything in your appeal for special consideration.
  • Contact the GED test administrator in your area as early as you can.
  • Be patient. Special arrangements can’t be made overnight. The administrator often has to wait for a group with similar issues to gather so he can make arrangements for the entire group.
  • Ask questions. Accommodations can be made if you ask. For example, special allowances include extended time for various disabilities, large print and Braille for visual impairments, and age (for individuals older than 60 who feel they may have a learning disability).

Taking the GED Test When English Isn’t Your First Language

English doesn’t have to be your first language for you to take the GED test. The GED test is offered in English, Spanish, and French. If you want to take the test in Spanish or French, contact your local GED test administrator to apply. Individuals who speak other languages as their first language, however, must take the test in English. If that is you, you should take a test of your English skills before taking the GED test.

tip If English, Spanish, or French isn’t your first language, you must decide whether you can read and write English as well as or better than 40 percent of high-school graduates, because you may be required to pass an English as a Second Language (ESL) placement test. If you write and read English well, prepare for and take the test (either in English or in Spanish or French). If you don’t read or write English well, take additional classes to improve your language skills until you think you’re ready. An English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) is also available for people who completed their education in other countries. For more information about the language component of the GED test, check out

In many ways, the GED test is like the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) comprehension test. If you’ve completed the TOEFL test with good grades, you’re likely ready to take the GED test. If you haven’t taken the TOEFL test, enroll in a GED test-preparation course to see whether you have difficulty understanding the subjects and skills assessed on the test. GED test courses provide you with some insight into your comprehension ability with a teacher to discuss your skills and struggles.

Taking Aim at Your Target Score

To pass, you need to score a minimum of 150 on each section of the test, and you must pass each section of the test to earn your GED diploma. If you achieve a passing score, congratulate yourself: You’ve scored better than at least 40 percent of today’s high-school graduates, and you’re now a graduate of the largest virtual school in the country. And if your marks are in the honors range (any score over 170), you’re ready for college or career training.

tip Be aware that some colleges require scores higher than the minimum passing score. If you plan to apply to postsecondary schools or some other form of continuing education, check with their admissions office for the minimum admission score requirements.

The following sections address a few more points you may want to know about how the GED test is scored and what you can do if you score poorly on one or more of the test sections.

Identifying how scores are determined

Correct answers may be worth one, two, or more points, depending on the item and the level of difficulty. The Extended Response, the essay, is scored separately. However, the Extended Response is only part of the RLA and Social Studies sections. On each test section, you must accumulate a minimum of 150 points.

tip Because you don’t lose points for incorrect answers, make sure you answer all the items on each test. After all, a correct guess can get you a point. Leaving an answer blank, on the other hand, guarantees you a zero. The information and practice in this book provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to answer most questions on the RLA section with confidence and to narrow your choices when you’re not quite sure which answer choice is correct.

Knowing what to do if you score poorly on one or more tests

If you discover that your score is less than 150 on any test section, start planning to retake the test(s) — and make sure you leave plenty of time for additional study and preparation.

tip As soon as possible after obtaining your results, contact your local GED test administrator to find out the rules for retaking the failed section of the test. Some states may ask that you wait a certain amount of time and/or limit the number of attempts each year. Some may ask that you attend a preparation course and show that you’ve completed it before you can retake the GED. Some may charge you an additional fee. However, you need to retake only those sections of the test that you failed. Any sections you pass are completed and count toward your diploma. Furthermore, the detailed evaluation of your results will help you discover areas of weakness that need more work before repeating any section of the test.

One advantage of taking the GED test on a computer is that you can receive, within a day, detailed feedback on how you did, which includes some specific recommendations of what you need to do to improve your scores.

No matter what score you receive on your first round of the section, don’t be afraid to retake any section that you didn’t pass. After you’ve taken it once, you know what you need to work on, and you know exactly what to expect on test day.