About the Authors

Murray Shukyn, BA, is a graduate of the University of Toronto with professional qualifications as a teacher at the elementary and secondary levels, including special education. He has taught at the elementary, secondary, and university levels and developed training programs for adult learners in the coffee and foodservice industries. During his extensive career spanning more than 50 years, Murray has taught professional development programs for educators and is acknowledged as a Canadian leader in the field of alternative education. He was instrumental in the creation of such innovative programs for the Toronto Board of Education as SEED, Learnxs, Subway Academy, SOLE, and ACE. In 1995, Murray became associate director of the Training Renewal Foundation, which introduced the GED in the province of Ontario. As a consultant to government, media, and public relations companies, he has coauthored numerous textbooks and magazine and periodical articles with Achim Krull and coauthored several books to prepare adults to take the GED test with both Achim Krull and Dale Shuttleworth.

Achim K. Krull, BA, MAT, is a graduate of the University of Toronto with specialist qualifications in history and geography. He has taught at both the high-school and adult education levels. Achim worked for many years in the academic alternative schools of the Toronto District School Board as administrator/curriculum leader of Subway Academy One and cofounder of SOLE. He has written textbooks, teachers’ guides, and a large variety of other learning materials with Murray Shukyn, including scripts for educational videos, as well as newspaper and magazine articles. Achim designed and currently teaches an academic upgrading program for young adults preparing to enter apprenticeships.


From Murray: To Bev, Deb, and Ron, who have always provided ongoing support and encouragement for all the projects I find myself involved in.

Authors’ Acknowledgements

We wish to say a special word of thanks to Grace Freedson of Grace Freedson’s Publishing Network for all her efforts in negotiating for these books and guiding us through the often murky waters of negotiations.

Thanks to John Wiley & Sons acquisitions editor Lindsay Lefevere for choosing us to write this book and for pulling together a talented team of professionals to help us produce a top-quality product. Thanks to wordsmith Joe Kraynak at joekraynak.com for teaming up with us during the early stages of the project to produce a quality manuscript and deliver it in a timely manner.

We thank Chrissy Guthrie of Guthrie Writing & Editorial, LLC, for shepherding our manuscript through the editorial process and to production and providing the guidance we needed to make a good manuscript great. Thanks also to our copy editor, Megan Knoll, for weeding out any errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation and, more importantly, ensuring the clarity of our prose.

Special thanks to our technical editor, Sonia Chaumette, for detecting and eliminating any substantive errors and omissions that would otherwise undermine the accuracy and utility of this workbook.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Executive Editor: Lindsay Lefevere

Editorial Project Manager and Development Editor: Christina Guthrie

Copy Editor: Megan Knoll

Technical Editor: Sonia Chaumette

Art Coordinator: Alicia B. South

Production Editor: Vinitha Vikraman

Cover Image: © Getty Images/blackred