
A few developments over the centuries, like the printing press, telegraph, radio, and television, have made titanic-sized changes in the way people share information. Each new development was a revolutionary improvement over the one before it. But perhaps the biggest technological leap of all has taken place with the creation of the computer. Computers have allowed information to be processed, used, and shared in ways it never had been before.

Like most technology, improvements in computers came slowly through the years. Then, in the 1970s, a new generation of computer whiz kids entered the scene. From that point on, one brilliant programmer after another has come up with innovative ways to use computers.

The six men featured in this book have changed computing forever. Each of them built on the technology that was available to him. Each of them created something new and exciting. Each of them has changed the way we live today. Bill Gates was instrumental in bringing computers into the homes and offices of the general public. The beautifully designed products of Steve Jobs have successfully put computers in our phones. Jeff Bezos has not only changed how we buy books, but in some cases how we read them, too. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have made it possible to find the answer to almost any question in seconds, with just a few keystrokes. Mark Zuckerberg has changed the way we socialize and stay connected with our friends.

Computers are part of everyday life for many people. On any given day, we may use our computers to find directions to a location, order a book or even a pizza, research a project and write a paper for school, play a video game, send messages to our friends (whether they live next door or on the other side of the globe), or share photographs and videos with the world.

Today, because of the groundbreaking work of these men, information of every kind is available at all times. Never before have so many facts and so much knowledge been at our fingertips. These six men are modern technology titans.