Many thanks to:

Kristoffer Lind, for making all this possible!

Katja Tydén, because we created Liv together.

All of you at Lind & Co and Kult PR, for the honour of working with you.

Callin Dellmar Öhrvall, for your beautiful storytelling.

Philip Sane, the world is ours!

My amazing research team — all of you who took the time and shared your wisdom with me, read the manuscript, threw around ideas, and answered all my questions.

Denise Rudberg, Caroline Dinkelspiel, Caroline Roth, Amanda Schulman, and Hannah Widell — there is a special place in heaven for women who help each other.

My best friend Susanna Falken, I don’t know how I would have managed this year without you.

Dag, my biggest thanks goes to you.

You are my everything; I love you.

Hermine, Lily, and Douglas, you are the absolute best thing I have. Thanks that I get to be your mum. You make me so happy!

Mum, because you brought me into this world and taught me what was right and wrong, and still help me to sort it all out when I do the wrong thing anyway.

Dad, because you helped me understand that everything is possible — but you have to work hard for it!

My siblings, Markus and Victoria, because you are always there for me, because you stand beside me and let me be who I am.

Grandma Britta and Grandpa Sven, you are so missed!

Eva Bolinder, R.I.P.

Grandpa Gustaf Bley, R.I.P.

The families Bley, Bolinder, and Bengtson — my castle and my safety. What would I have done without you? Thank you for all the help and support you have given us.

Anyone who has read, listened to, bought, or borrowed, reviewed, rewritten, retrieved, sold, distributed, or otherwise pushed Lycke. Thank you so much for giving me such a great start!

Last, but not least, to all you wonderful people who have supported me, hated me, believed in me, and been happy for me! You will always have a big place in my heart.