1“And a person who will make an offering of a grain offering to YHWH, his offering shall be of fine flour, and he shall pour oil on it and put frankincense on it.
2And he shall bring it to the sons of Aaron, the priests. And he shall take the fill of his fist from there: from its fine flour and from its oil in addition to all of its frankincense. And the priest shall burn a representative portion of it to smoke at the altar, an offering by fire of a pleasant smell to YHWH.
3And the remainder from the grain offering is Aaron’s and his sons’, the holy of holies from YHWH’s offerings by fire.
4“And if he will make an offering of an oven-baked grain offering: fine flour, unleavened cakes mixed with oil and unleavened wafers with oil poured on them.
5“And if your offering is a grain offering on a griddle, it shall be fine flour, mixed with oil, unleavened.
6Break it into pieces and pour oil on it. It is a grain offering.
7“And if your offering is a grain offering from a pan, it shall be made of fine flour in oil.
8“And you shall bring the grain offering that one will make from these things to YHWH, and one shall bring it forward to the priest, and he shall bring it over to the altar.
9And the priest shall lift from the grain offering a representative portion of it and burn it to smoke at the altar, an offering by fire of a pleasant smell to YHWH.
10And the remainder from the grain offering is Aaron’s and his sons’, the holy of holies from YHWH’s offerings by fire.
11Every grain offering that you will bring forward to YHWH shall not be made with leavening, because all leaven and all honey: you shall not burn any of it to smoke as an offering by fire to YHWH.
2:11. Every grain offering … shall not be made with leavening. That is, no grain offering shall be made with leaven. See the comment on Exod 29:2.
12You shall bring them forward to YHWH as an offering of a first thing, but they shall not go up to the altar as a pleasant smell.
13And you shall sprinkle every offering of a grain offering with salt. And you shall not let the salt of your God’s covenant cease from on your grain offering; you shall bring salt on all your offerings.
2:13. sprinkle every offering of a grain offering with salt. The requirement to use salt with these offerings is now memorialized by the custom of putting salt on bread when one says the blessing over bread (hammî’) at the beginning of a meal.
14“And if you will bring a grain offering of firstfruits to YHWH, you shall bring the grain offering of your firstfruits ripe, parched with fire, groats of fresh grain.
15And you shall put oil on it and set frankincense on it. It is a grain offering.
16And the priest shall burn a representative portion of it to smoke, from its groats and from its oil, in addition to all of its frankincense, an offering by fire to YHWH.