Judy Hall would like to thank Robert Simmons of Heaven and Earth for permission to use the trademarked names designated within the text.

John Van Rees, Sr. and John Van Rees, Jr. of Exquisite Crystals are to be congratulated for the wonderful crystal photography and have my gratitude for the introduction to Trigonics and many more marvelous crystals. I also bless David Eastoe of, without whose cleansing, recharging, and ally essences I could not continue my crystal work.

The translation of Theophrastus’s work used throughout this book is by Earle R. Caley and John C. Richards, published by Columbia University, 1956. Their impeccable scholarship is to be applauded as it clarified nomenclature conundrums and highlighted false claims made by later “authorities.”

The Pliny translation is by D. E. Eichholz, Loeb Classical Library, and The Lapidary of King Alfonso X The Learned, by Ingrid Bahler and Katherine Gyekenyesi Gatto. The Lithica is taken from the 1864 (first) edition of Charles William King’s The Natural History, Ancient and Modern, of Precious Stones and Gems, and of Precious Metals (it was omitted from later editions).

Over the past forty years plus, I have read several hundred books and articles, ancient and modern, about stones, their properties, history, and legends and cannot possibly acknowledge—or even remember—them all, but I thank everyone, especially my workshop participants, for their contribution to my knowledge.

Heartfelt thanks also to Skye Alexander for her sensitive editing and thought-provoking questions that made shaping this book a pleasure.