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Last night was awful, and great at the same time. Being alone with Dalton again was just like old times. Being a mess with Dalton – well, it wasn’t. In fact, the only time I ever cried in front of him before was when we lost our beloved old dog years ago. When pets become part of your life it hurts so bad when they leave...like losing a member of your own family.
True to his word, Dalton drove me home and never touched me, well, except for a quick squeeze of my shoulder as I got out of the truck.
Sleeping was difficult, but luckily I don’t have to get out of bed for any reason this morning, but I do need to go to the gym today as I’ve missed the last two days and only feel good when I exercise. It would be easy to slouch around and do nothing for the whole weekend but the discipline of modelling is still with me. It’s taught me to appreciate my body and look after it, and now exercise in any form is like therapy for me.
My visit to the gym is made better by the fact that as I start running on the treadmill, I’m conscious of a large body stepping on to the one alongside me. I briefly turn to acknowledge the person, to find Micah grinning at me as he matches my pace. Pulling my earbuds from one ear I say “Hi.”
“Hey” He replies with a smirk. “How are you?”
I look forward again, vaguely aware of a music video blaring from the television on the far wall. “I’m good. Busy...but good.”
“I went past the shop the other day and was gonna call in but you looked really busy with customers, so I didn’t. That bodes well for the shop though, means it’s popular if you’re busy all the time.”
“Not all the time unfortunately, but so far it’s doing alright, especially with Race season on at the moment.”
“Which reminds me, I wanted to invite you to the cup day next Saturday. Thought we could spend an afternoon losing some money on the nags.” He laughs, hardly breathing heavy with the exertion of running.
“That sounds lovely. It’s been years since I’ve been to the Esperance Cup, and I know just what I’m gonna wear.”
“Okay, it’s a date then. I’ll have to drag out my best suit and get it dry-cleaned.” He says with a grin.
“You own a suit? I wouldn’t have picked you for a suit wearer Micah. Probably because I mostly see you in your work clothes I suppose.”
“Ouch! There goes my image...I do own a few suits...strictly for weddings and funerals...and for pretty ladies. I hear most females love a man in a suit.” His smirk shows me the fun side of his personality and I laugh at him.
“Yeah I have to say, most suits make a man look good...really good.” I have trouble speaking while running hard, so I turn back to face the TV screen once more and put in my earbuds. After a few minutes Micah moves off to another machine to continue his workout and my eyes follow him across the room, taking in the tanned, toned limbs and visible muscles beneath his tank top. A girl can appreciate a fine specimen of male, and I must say...I do appreciate it. I notice that nearly every female in the gym appreciates it with me, but he turns and gives me a smile, as though he knows what I’m thinking.
That’s the second time I agreed to a date with him after I vowed that it’s too soon and I shouldn’t be doing it. I don’t know what it is about this man that makes me want to spend more time with him, instead of keeping my distance like I promised myself I would.
I take my time in the gym, doing extra work because of the missed days. By the time I leave my legs are shaking with exhaustion and my body trembling.
I walk slowly home and appreciate the sun’s warmth on my skin. Since I’ve been back my skin has turned a bronze colour naturally...no spray tan required.
I turn my face up to take in the sun’s rays and appreciate the quiet and peacefulness of the moment. No traffic sounds, no people nearby, so there’s just the breeze in the trees and a few birds twittering. I stand still and take in a deep breath, relishing the sea breeze that’s always present on the coast.