
So you’ve made it this far. You’ve read an entire book about bridges with ghosts, bridges with monsters, and bridges with spooky lights crossing them. What have you learned?

Hopefully it has become clear just how delicate the division between fact and fiction is. What is one person’s legend is another person’s paranormal experience. In the world of the supernatural, anything is possible and everything is debatable. So, like many things in life, anything you take away from these varied tales is dependent entirely upon you.

The fact that you would even read a book about this subject indicates that you are at least willing to accept the possibility that many of the tales told in these pages could be true. And for me that is enough. As for you … well …

You probably need to check out the bridges for yourself. At least the ones that are listed in your area. Just heed my advice: Be careful, take along a friend, and keep an open mind. You never know what you’re going to find.
