In order to preserve the distinctive voices of the two texts, we have retained Arabic versions of names in the al-Qarakhi translation but used the Russian versions of all names in the Tolstoi translation. The glossary gives a list of important name variants. Arabic adjectival versions of place names, such as “al-Qarakhi” for someone from Qarakh, are also indicated in the glossary. In general, the versions of names used in this work are taken from Moshe Gammer, Muslim Resistance to the Tsar: Shamil and the Conquest of Chechnia and Daghestan (London: Frank Cass, 1994), although diacritical marks have been omitted. Note the following exceptions to this rule: “Baku” is used instead of “Baqu” and “Hadji Murat” is preferred over “Hajimurad” since the former has become the conventional Western spelling for Tolstoi’s work and for its main character.