Avery, Simon “Why We Don’t Go Back,” Black Static 64, July/August.
Barber, Jenny “Down Along the Backroads,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors.
Benedict, R. S. “Morbier,” F&SF July/August.
Bestwick, Simon “Deadwater,” The Devil and the Deep. Bestwick, Simon “The Bells of Rainey,” Great British Horror 3: For Those in Peril.
Braum, Daniel “The Monkey Coat,” Nightscript IV.
Bruce, Georgina “Her Blood the Apples, Her Bones the Tree,” The Silent Garden.
Campbell, Ramsey “The Devil in the Details,” The Dreaming Isle.
Clark, Phenderson Djèlí “The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth . . .” Fireside Feb.
Cluley, Ray “The Man At Table Nine,” A World of Horror.
Cluley, Ray “Trapper’s Valley,” Crimewave 13: Bad Light.
Evenson, Brian “Leaking Out,” New Fears 2.
Fahey, Tracy “That Thing I Did,” The Black Room Manuscripts Volume IV.
Files, Gemma “The Church in the Mountains,” Lost Films.
Ford, Jeffrey “Thanksgiving,” F&SF November/December.
Grace, Dan “Waves,” Tales from the Shadow Booth vol. 2.
Grant, Helen “Silver,” Supernatural Tales 37.
Grey, Orrin “The Hurrah (aka Corpse Scene),” The Dark 37.
Grudova, Camilla “Hoo Hoo,” Bourbon Penn 16.
Hall, Coy “Sire of the Hatchet,” The Fiend in the Furrows.
Joiner, Mat “Other Voices,” Night Light.
Kuraria, David “Kõpura Rising,” Cthulhu Land of the Long White Cloud.
MacLeod, Bracken “Pigs Don’t Squeal in Tigertown,” New Fears 2.
Mains, Johnny “The Joanne,” Tales from the Shadow Booth vol. 2.
Malerman, Josh “Tenets,” Hark! The Herald Angels Scream.
Malik, Usman T. “Dear Lovers on Each Blade, Hung,” Nightmare 74 November.
McDermott, Kirstyn “Triquetra,” Tor.com September 5.
McHugh, Jessica “Things She Left in the Woods,” Lost Films.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Miao Dao,” Dark Corners Collection.
Pitman, Marion “The Apple Tree,” The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors.
Pugmire, W.H. “An Implement of Ice,” Weirdbook #38.
Rickert, M. “True Crime,” Nightmare 72 September.
Stufflebeam, Bonnie Jo “The Men Who Come from Flowers,” F&SF Sept/Oct.
Tredwell, Lela “My Eye, Eye,” The Pinch.
Walters, Damien Angelica “The Last Wintergirl,” Monsters of Any Kind.
Warren, Kaaron “Sick Cats in Small Places,” A World of Horror.
Wehunt, Michael “The Pine Arch Collection,” The Dark, May #36.
Wilkinson, Charles “The November House,” Vastarien 2.
Wise, A. C. “In the End, it Always Turns Out the Same,” The Dark 37.