Jess headed to the surgery. She’d far rather have gone with the men, but all the other doctors had been called up to fight the fire and someone had to stay behind and man the surgery just in case anyone came in. Was this really where she wanted to be long term? The answer to that depended on someone else now. She wanted to be with Josh, so it really depended on where he went. She’d follow him to the moon and back. Or the States.

The day wore on, the thick pall of smoke growing by the hour. The stench of burning had reached the town.

The door opened and slammed shut. Angharad ran in to the surgery, out of breath, the baby in her arms.

Jess crossed over to her. “Is he all right?”

“He’s fine. Bryony went on the Sunday School outing into the National Park with about thirty other children. They were due back at three, but they haven’t arrived. I know your Da went with them, I wondered if he’d called or anything. It’s just with the fire, some of the parents are worrying.”

Jess crossed to the map. “Which bit of the park?”

“They were starting at Tree Tops Adventure Ground and going on somewhere else from there. But I can’t find the letter and…”

“Slow down. Tree Tops is north of here and should be safe. They wouldn’t have gone if there was the slightest risk to the children. I’ll ring Da and see where they’ve got to.” She pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed quickly. “Da, it’s me. Where are you?”

“About five miles north of the Blaenau Ffestiniog railway…”

“There is a massive fire to the east of you…”

“I know, bach. We can see the smoke from here. The kids are getting antsy, so we put them on the coach to come home.”


“Olwyn, I was about to ring you. I need you to get a message to Sam, but I guess he’s out fighting the fire.”

“All the men are, Da. This is a massive fire. Why, what’s happened?”

“One of the children has gone missing.”

What?” Jess managed somehow to keep her face impassive. “How did that happen?”

“A whole bunch of them went to the toilet, and Ceryn didn’t come back. I’m guessing she was spooked by the smoke and burning. She won’t normally say boo to a goose, never mind do something like this. I’m going to stay behind and look for her.”

“No, Da. Get the others out of there. I’ll call it in and drive over there.”

“I’ve already alerted the mountain rescue. And I don’t want you to come. I’m here.”

“And you are responsible for all those other kids. I can be there in fifteen to twenty minutes if I go along the main road, that’s faster than you can get back here in the coach. If she’s hurt she’s going to need a doctor. I can bring the cave rescue pack in case.”

Da sighed. “Stubborn.”

“I wonder who I get it from.”

“I’ll text you the GPS location. We’ll head back. You take care. I love you.”

“Love you too.” Jess hung up and looked at Angharad. There was no sense in hiding it. “One of the kids wandered off somewhere. Da’s called mountain rescue, but he’s heading back here with the others. I’m going to go and help search for her.” She noticed the panic on Angharad’s face and touched her arm. “It isn’t Bryony and I’m sure she’s fine, but I need you to do something for me.”

Her phone beeped and she scribbled down the coordinates. “I need you to get the base to radio Sam and get him to divert some of the crew to help me. Give him this location.”

“Who is it?”

“Da will deal with notifying parents when he gets back, but I’ll hopefully have found her by then. I don’t have time to debate this. Get this to Sam and then get yourself and the little one to safety.”

Jess grabbed the ready-filled pack from under the desk. She ran to the car and jumped in. As she drove, she prayed that Ceryn was simply hiding somewhere obvious. Driving as quickly as she could, she made the car park in just under fifteen minutes.

Smoke drifted over the trees above her as Jess locked the car, put on her back pack, and consulted the map.

“Jess, wait up!”

She turned to see Josh run across to her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, as he swung her into his arms and kissed her. “Not that I’m not pleased to see you.”

“Sam sent me to help,” Josh said. “The fire’s moving swiftly so he can’t spare anyone else. What news do you have, if any?”

“Not much, I’ve only just arrived myself. Da said she and a group of others went to the toilets, but she didn’t come back.”

“I’m guessing she saw the smoke and got scared.”

She nodded. “That’s what Da thinks. OK. Let’s move out and stay close together. Mountain rescue are hopefully coming across from the other side, assuming the fire doesn’t get in between us.”

They began to hike into the foothills. Smoke drifted overhead, the smell of burning becoming stronger.

“I don’t like this.” Josh raised his radio. “Sam, what’s going on? We’re not supposed to be that close to the fire front.”

“The fire looks like it’s changed course. Have you found her yet?”

“No. We’ll let you know as soon as we do. Can you arrange a chopper to fly over the area? Give us some idea where to look?”

“Right now they’re all dumping water on the fire, but I’ll see if they can keep an eye out. I’ll send up a second unit.”

“We’ll manage. You worry about the fire. Out.” He looked at Jess. “Now I know you’re the expert in the mountains, but I know fire.”

She looked at him. “I’ll follow you. And do exactly what you say.”

He kissed her cheek. “OK, let’s keep moving.”

They walked for another fifteen minutes, calling Ceryn’s name. Jess caught sight of something by a rock. She stopped and picked it up. “Josh…” She held out the blood-splattered sneaker. “It’s hers.” She looked around. “Ceryn?”

Josh checked the surrounding bushes. “Here, there’s a trail of blood that leads off the main path.”

“Ceryn?” Jess shoved the sneaker into her pack and headed through the bushes, Josh beside her. The smoke was thicker now, affecting her vision.

A tree crashed to the ground somewhere to her left. She jumped. Then another crashed. “What’s happening?”

“Sounds like it’s jumping the fire breaks.” Josh pulled his radio out. “Where are we?”

Jess looked at the map. “Here.”

Josh turned away, relaying the information to Sam.

Jess coughed, the smoke getting thicker. Something moved over to her right. “Ceryn, is that you?”

“Jess, stay put,” Josh called. “The fire is jumping the fire breaks. Until I find out—”

A tree to her immediate right burst into flames and began to topple.

“Jesssss…” Josh’s voice echoed and strong hands pushed her to the ground out of the tree’s path.

She grunted as she hit the forest floor and curled into a ball, hands over her head. The tree fell with a resounding crash, sending sparks and flames shooting around her.