I CAN’T IMAGINE WHY I HAD TO LEAVE THE ROOM, BUT IN AN INSTANT, Eve bolts from behind the curtain. She doesn’t stop when I call after her. The young nurse, still holding the baby bottle, looks on with confusion. Then Detective Myers calls me in.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “but my job is to find the person who abducted your baby.”
I’m filled with dread. Something is definitely very wrong.
Rosewyn whimpers as Detective Myers lifts the baby’s top and I see the words that someone has written on her little stomach.
* * *
I’m sitting in a consultation room with Detective Myers, my head in my hands. I’ve done this. This is all my fault.
“Where’s Eve?” I ask through my fingers. “Is she all right?”
Detective Myers is sitting across from me at the small table. “I sent someone to look for her.”
“And Rosewyn?”
“They’re giving her a bottle. Then they’ll get her cleaned up. We’ll take her clothes into evidence. We’ve taken photos of the message, so they’ll wash it off now.”
I heave a big sob. Then clear my throat.
“I need to ask you some questions, Nathan.”
“I know.” I know that a few minutes ago I was on top of the world. Rosewyn was back and she was going to be okay. Then, in an instant, I’d virtually lost her again and my wife along with her.
Detective Myers opens her notebook. “What can you tell me about the message?”
“I didn’t think she had anything to do with this. Why would she?”
“Back up, Nathan. Who are we talking about?”
“Nicole Clark. The woman I was seeing.”
“So, you were stepping out on your wife?”
I nod. It’s the best I can do.
“Give me the details. All you know about her.”
I realize then that I don’t know all that much. “She lives with her grandmother, and she works in Woburn.”
“When did you start seeing her?”
“A few weeks ago. But I broke it off.”
“Just after New Year’s.”
“How did she take it?”
A lump forms again in my throat and I swallow. “She was fine. I had no reason to think she was mad or upset! I swear! I didn’t think she had anything to do with what happened.”
Detective Myers’s gaze meets mine. “She may not have, Nathan. But somebody knew you were cheating. Anyone else who might’ve known?”
“Are you going to talk to Nicole?”
“Yes, of course. But is there anyone else who knew?”
I drop my head in my hands, my mind a blank. “I have no idea.”